This week end, "Time Out For Women" Conference was held in the Salt Palace, a venue for the first time in Salt Lake City. It had been on tour over besides other cities for more than a few years prior. It was sponsored by Deseret Book. It was deemed an incredible success, a boost and an inspiration with speakers who presented messages which 3,300 women attended. There was something for all women in all stages of their lives, from the young adult age woman, to women with families, and the grandmother stages in life as well.

Where can women find such a boost to their morale and hope in Christ and strengthen their testimony aside from Church sponsored events? This filled the bill and it was an overwhelming success for everyone who participated.

Three of my daughters, and two of my daughter-in-laws and their mothers went up with us and we spent overnight at a hotel across the street from the center.
The main theme was knowing truth and the certainty of it that gives us the hope and comfort for our life's purpose. If we could just see even just a ten minute video/DVD of our pre-earth lives we would be so empowered beyond comprehension.
I am a better person for having attended and have a resolve to forge ahead. I have the confidence that I can and will realize my full potential. I am empowered with GOD's love and assurance of each step of my journey here on earth and into the eternities. Amazing.

Kris Belcher--------->
I took copious notes and am thankful for the great women who shared themselves to present at this conference and who left a mark on my book of life. We all laughed and cried hearing their individual stories. We all, they said have a story and can teach one another if we were able to share. My gratitude is great and do look forward to attending it again next year.

Two outstanding young mothers spoke and performed their GOD given talents in song and musical talents through the piano and violin, Hillary Weeks and Jenny Oaks Baker.

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