Well, I was amazed how the other day, when Parker, now three years old was interacting with me as he came downstairs to invite me and insist I come up stairs for breakfast.
I was watching a cooking show when he came into my room that was in the midst of demonstrating how to cook a healthy meal for Thanksgiving.

I kept wanting to take mental notes of what was said and glean the value of this program. Well, Parker kept coaxing me to come up stairs. He used all kinds of suggestions, "Grandma," he would say,"it is time to eat. We are having Oatmeal" I said, "Yes, I know, I can smell it cooking." "No," he said. "You can't." He would not take my answer and insisted I couldn't smell the oatmeal.

I kept watching the cooks on TV continue to give more healthy tips for stuffing the turkey with apples and chopped onion, using Canola oil to baste it in the oven. Then the show told about using Canola oil to make a rue for a white sauce over steamed broccoli. I was really quite "into" this show.
Meanwhile, Parker insisted I come upstairs. He used all kinds of coaxing for ten minutes, no less. "Grandma, it is time for breakfast" he would tell me. I got the idea that I needed really to go upstairs with him. He was not going to leave
me behind. I knew I must obey him and he was not going up without ME. NO WAY!
Just like a Dad would do. : )

I relented and went up stairs and had my oatmeal, even though it is not my favorite, but healthy breakfast. I used to have it everyday as a kid growing up in Chicago on cold winter mornings. That and corn meal, like cream of wheat. I gag just thinking about the corn meal "mush." One day I went to school and lost my breakfast (mush) all over the boy's desk behind me.
Joel is learning to speak his first words . One of those words, is "Grandma!" I noticed when we came back from Time Out For Women those few days, he came across the living room floor walking toward me and called me by my name, Grandma. I heard him say it two or three times when I realized that is what he was saying.
He did it again on Sunday and it thrilled this grandmother to hear those sweet words come from his little mouth and the response I got as he said it and looked to me.
He also said, "horse," at the dinner table the next evening. Candice reads to him a lot and he loves to be read to. One of his books has the colors of animals and there is a blue horse that gets read daily. He recognized the horse and said it quite clearly actually.
He is normally so quiet and observes a lot. It is good to see him now at fifteen months to begin to express himself beyond pointing his fingers and grunting or making little sounds to get our attention. He has master his walking now for about a month. His walking has improved and isn't as stiff-legged as at first. He climbs up and down the stairs like a pro and at full speed sometime.
It is such a joy to watch him grow up like Parker did, from newborn to toddler. Time flys by so fast. Before we know it, they will both be in school!! It happens.
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