Today, one of my grandson's, Kris received his mission call to Madagascar. It is an island off the eastern coast of Africa. French, and Madagasky is spoken there. I "Googled" to get this photo. It doesn't look any different than say, Sedona or Moab, with a beautiful lake. The "mountains" are limestone. The site stated that this island broke away, literally from Africa 165 million years ago. Amazing information.
I imagine that in the next two years while he serves his mission we will learn more about this far away country through his letters and testimony.

I was there at the house to witness him open his mission call. It was very exciting as we all made our own assumptions about just where he might go. Well, no one had it, but someone had South Africa, which was about the closest of all the guesses.
His Dad, Hank was in Georgia and had to see and hear the goings on via video chat. Isn't technology incredible at times like this? We were all touched as he read his mission assignment and the letter from President Thomas S Monson. It was beautifully written and I felt the Spirit of this call and support from our family.
He is to report to the Missionary Training Center, January 20, 2010. He is now inducted into the Lord's Army of Helaman, who has been taught in his youth the truth and will take His truth out into the world, in Madagascar.

God Bless you my dear grandson. God be with you.

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