Grandma Mattie

Monday, November 2, 2009

Gratitude Journal Thoughts

Note: Rather than tell about this story, I am quoting it verbatim to give it justice. I was very touched by the sincerity and humility in which it was told. I hope it will move you like it did me, and bring you hope in your times of need to see a brighter tomorrow and hope in Christ. Anna

"One of the purposes of our entering into this life is to experience mortality. It seems that with the passing of time, most of us arrive at a place where e can look back and conclude that our most valuable learning experiences came through times of adversity.

Many years ago I found myself stuck in one of those experiences that seemed to go on and on. Nothing seemed to work out for me and I was fast losing confidence in the future. I would like to share with you one of the principles I discovered during that time, that helped turn my life in a different direction. Let me refer to a couple of scriptures that helped to shed light on my life at a very dark time.

"And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness, shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall ber added unto hi, even an hundred fold, yea more."
D & C 78:19

"And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is His wrath kindled, save those who confess not His hand in all things, and obey not His commandments."
D & C 59:21

"Just knowing a principle is not enough. It is necessary to believe and practice
the principle in order to experience positive results. It's not easy to be thankful for all things when you look around and can't see anything good happening. However, I sincerely believe that cultivating this principle and living it is the key to God's law of increase. "And things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea more."

Some of my most effective prayers have been the simple but sincere, "thank you, thank you, thank you," uttered at various times and situations when it seemed appropriate. It's also worth noting that with a heart full of gratitude it's very difficult to simultaneously experience greed, pride, or anger, etc. On the other hand a grateful heart is very compatible with humility, love, kindness and other such godly attributes.

Simple acts and words of appreciation always affect your own heart but also the hearts of all those with whom we interact. It helps to create an environment of peace and harmony, joy and love. One could indeed "be made glorious."

An attitude of gratitude primes the pump of the waters of life which, when partaken of daily, can eliminate all the darkest storms of life and leave us standing in the light of life, asking, "what's next?"

I pray that we will all live with the awareness of God's goodness and of His willingness at all times and in all places to pour out the blessings of heaven when He hears the words of a sincere heart uttering, "thank you, thank you, thank you."

W. K., Lindon III Ward

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