Just as a word of caution, from experience which is the best teacher.
Recently I had a couple of things I was interested in to buy online. Then there were some extra charges on my account which were on a debit card.
I found some companies taking liberty to charge my account for things I never agreed(so I thought) to buy.
Well, when there are paragraphs to read and approve their offer, there are hidden charges that after a week show up and ding the account. I am fairly consistent to check online the status of my bank statement.
Then and there is where I found these extras charges...even though I didn't actually call or wouldn't have ordered any of their offers.
So, I realized when I saw unauthorized charges it was from when I got a .99 purchase which I ended up not needing anyway, for a phone number and address I already had. I was agreeing unknowingly that two charges were made for a discount services. That was a stupid idea, because I don't buy things through discount companies and it would take a long time and a lot of purchases to have the item pay for itself in the long term. It was not something I would say, "Hey, I really like that service and buy it on the spot..."
It was sneaked in like a piggy back purchase. It was not ethical, but companies get away with it and will cancel it once it is discovered, but here is the clincher.
The charges made are not refunded because I "ordered" it, they said and when I didn't cancel it after a week on their little hidden agreement when I made a purchase for .99.
So, beware. I don't think many of you who read this are that naive, but I was simply too much in hurry and didn't READ the fine print, as they say.
Also, my bank told me about this after the fact that that is what probably happened when I disputed the charges on my card and usage. Companies do it ALL the time they said. Then, the bank at the same time is less willing to credit any bank overdrafts since they are not at fault for my ignorance, basically.
It almost makes me want to not use a bank account, much less the debit card. It is another one of those conspiracies that Michael claims does NOT exist...yeah, right.
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