Grandma Mattie

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stand a Little Taller~

I was watching one of my grandsons pass the sacrament as a Deacon this morning. I have reflected upon it ever since. I went to see the Primary program in Tracie's ward. The following were my observations.

The thought came to my mind that "A man, young or old never stands taller than when he is doing his priesthood duties or responsibilities. Be it a station as a Deacon, Home teacher, priesthood holder husband, father, son or grandfather, bishop, or prophet of God. He has a mantle about him that emanates and gives him the authority to act in God's name, and uses it in righteousness. It is a blessing to him and his family. To this I know that he raises the bar in doing his duty to God and his fellow man."

I stand in awe of the goodness that pervades within that soul who honors and lives up to his priesthood calling. It is evident to me and cannot be hidden. I believe that it shines in their countenances and His image is radiated in their faces.

This is what is so unique when a man honors his priesthood. It's reflected in his face.

Adam gave a fine talk about the Plan of Happiness/Salvation and the War in Heaven. He wrote it himself and I was touched by his insights even though only eight years old, the age of accountability. I am grateful for the teachings of his parents and Primary teachers who help him know basically who he is, a child of God, and where God's plan allows us our agency to fulfill our God given talents.

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