Last week I had a nice visit with my Bishop at Tithing Settlement. Each year we as members of the Church have the option to meet with our leader at the end of the year to declare our contributions. It is a good feeling to have that opportunity to do that.
It is also a time to have a one-on-one visit with my bishop. We had a nice chat. He asked how I was doing and so it is also a kind of "reporting in" for an informal visit.
One of the things that he talked about as we finished our chat, was that how wonderful it is to be a worker in the temple. He observed that in his interactions with our ward at all levels, that when people notice they are going off track in doing what they should be doing, they forget the basics.
He elaborated that it is the simple things that keeps us going and following the Savior and embracing his atonement. The basics, such as saying our daily prayers, morning and evening, reading the scriptures, attending our weekly meetings and renewing our covenants as we partake of the sacrament each week, and tithing.
I look forward each week to partake of the Lord's holy emblems and remember His great love for me, and all that he did for me. It is a time for me to reflect of my week and how I was able to best serve others, my family and God.
The highlight of my week is to go into the temple and serve. I look forward to that activity. I mentioned that there are some days that I get little sleep, and it is early, sometimes very cold, and leaving at 4:30 am. I also have thoughts come to mind that tell me, "why do you do that, you should just stay home and take a break so you can get your rest." Then, I know those thoughts are not coming from the Spirit. The Spirit would give me peace and knowledge that the sacrifices I make of time, sleep or going out into the cold dark morning, I am blessed many times over.
I feel the joy in seeing my co-workers, besides the sweetness of the Spirit that prevails there when doing these sacred ordinances in behalf of those who have gone before. It over-compensates me for the loss of a little sleep, or weathering the new fallen snow or the cold that is there regardless of whether I go to the temple or to the store. The only difference is the time of the day. So, why complain?
My cup is filled to overflowing each and every time I go and I can leave the temple knowing I made a difference in many lives just by being there. I realize what I would miss if I stopped going each week. Those who are there serving are such good, caring sisters in the gospel and are my friends that I have gotten to know by serving along side of them.
I felt I needed to take note of my bishop's advice to "remember the basics," and know the value in honoring my covenants and keeping on track at the same time.
I love my Savior, and am so thankful for His great love for all of us to make the ultimate sacrifice in our behalf, that we may have Eternal Life. To this I so testify, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
"The prime … purpose behind the establishment of the law of the tithe is the development of the soul of the tithe-payer, rather than the providing of revenue. The latter is an all-important purpose, for so far as money is needed for the carrying on of the work of the Church the Lord requires money that is sanctified by the faith of the giver; but blessings beyond estimate … are assured unto him who strictly conforms to the law of the tithe because the Lord hath so commanded." (James E. Talmage)
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