How does a grandmother begin to define the joy in embracing the goodness that is showered upon her and her posterity?
A scripture comes to mind.
John 1: 4
4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Today, one of my grandsons, who has been recently called to serve a mission, had the Melchezidek priesthood conferred upon him today. Kris is preparing to go serve the people of Madagascar. He has reached the age where he is worthy and ready to receive the sacred power of the higher priesthood, an be ordained an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The room where he was ordained was filled with family and close friends. People who have been in his life who were there to help him learn, grown and progress to this point in his life today. There were no less than a dozen brethren, all who hold this same authority to act in God's name.
My heart was touched as his father, Hank, my son and his bishop lay hands upon his head to pronounce this holy sacred power upon him. The Spirit immediately entered the room as the words were spoken, and conferred upon Kristopher. Tears came as I listened to the beautiful blessing given from a father to his son.
How pleased our Heavenly Father must be when we do what is right and to follow him and in the path of our Savior. Besides the joy felt for a new Elder preparing to go out into the world and preach and teach His Gospel.
I know that this sacred power is the same as that our Savior Jesus Christ holds and my grandson was given the authority to exercise as a son of God, and be an ambassador for Him as he serves his mission.
I am also pleased that the line of authority that was handed down from Jesus Christ can be traced like a pedigree, if you will from those that came to confer this same power to Joseph Smith, even Peter, James and John. Kristopher will now have a record to carry with him in his scriptures on a card that shows that very line from Jesus Christ down through to himself.

My thoughts are with this grandson, who now has stepped up to the responsibility and prepared himself to worthily serve his mission. My prayers also will continue to be said in his behalf. I know all heaven is pleased with his ancestors who have gone before and rejoice as I do. To this I solemnly testify in the sacred name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Afterthought: I stand in awe of the goodness that pervades within that soul who honors and lives up to his priesthood calling. It is evident to me and cannot be hidden. I believe that it shines in their countenances and His image is radiated in their faces.
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