This evening I was asked to go over to Hank and Lori's for a couple of hours to help K3 attend to the younger siblings. A couple of them were not feeling well, and with the added responsibility and stress, I was needed to help balance out the demand that is sometimes there.
The dinner meal was ready to serve. I noticed that some of the children had different assignments for the meal to help make things run smoothly for their dinner time. After rounding up and quieting down the troops we were ready to eat. K5 gave a very nice prayer that K3 called on to give.
The two little ones who were not feeling well lay on the sofa and overstuffed chair while we ate. K9, on the couch asked for a Miracle Whip Cheese sandwich. He ate that and asked for grape juice. K10 was not eating and looking like her cute chubby red cheeks were burning her up. She only wanted water, which was good.
We managed to eat our dinner and the kids had a game they wanted to play. It was a game made up of an obstacle course in the living room. Laundry baskets, large blocks were laid out for them to step or jump into or out of. It looked like fun, and it being their own creation made it even better. It is amazing how the children don't miss watching TV. Their creativity to entertain themselves with that simple game reminded my children of when we had a NO TV policy. They, nor I ever missed it.
The thing that really impressed me in all of this was how well they all responded and did what they were asked to do, when asked to do it, whether it was from me or each other. They all knew the routine or schedule of events that takes place on any given evening. K8 asked me if he could stay up just a little bit longer with the others. I thought after checking with K3,it would be admissible.
Then, when it was time for bed, I made sure I asked them to put the obstacle course game away. No problem. K7 offered to help, as did K6; it made me very happy to see them respond to me so quickly. The were very helpful, and obedient. I observed that K5 made sure K10 was comfortable in her bed, and went up to make sure she was read to and prayers were said, without having to be told.
I hope her Mommy and Daddy let them all know how pleased I was with all of them. K3 went to pick up his younger sibling, K4 from her piano lesson and took her to sing at the Relief Society program.
I was grateful that they each have been taught by example in their home and set a very fine one as busy as they are. It did my heart good. It lets me know they have learned their lessons well, taught by Lori and Hank. Whenever I am there in that capacity, I see them having the ability to carry on and be a support one to another as well behaved as they were even when their parents were not there. Good Job, Hank, Lori, Lynn and Linda for blessing the lives of your children, and grandchildren. Thank you.
It was time for me to leave and all was well. My next activity for the evening was to go to see Lindsay, Courtney and Allison perform at their violin Christmas Recital in Salem. It was so sweet to hear the lovely carols played by my granddaughters. Everyone of the other children did so well. Some of my favorite carols were sung alone, like Silent Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Canon in D, Away in the Manger. How I loved the sweet sounds of Christmas. My spiritual cup was refilled.
The audience got to sing along with many songs performed. There was a sweet spirit present and I always enjoy seeing my grandchildren perform their talents. I am so pleased that so many of each family there have such talent. It is much appreciated by this grandparent that their mother's encourage them as well and their father's do too and see that they have that privilege to play a musical instrument in their youth. It takes a lot of time and energy as well as means to accomplish such a worthy goal to be musically educated, for which I am grateful for their efforts.
I reflect on this day, and know how much our Father in heaven loves us, and gives us our choices to make and bless our lives. I saw and heard them in each of these instances posted.
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