"And this he said unto them, having been commanded of God; and they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants.

30 And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever."
Anna 2:1-8
"And it came to pass that one fair mother and son went about the land of Mormon to visit the waters of Mormon. And it was there they found the waters of Mormon so clear as crystal, with the day's sun that had risen. The lake had no bottom for it was a volcanic site and called Lake Atitlan.*
2 The air was pure as the water, they thirsted not for the Spirit did guide and protect as they embarked on a small sea craft to travel across the waters to the far off shore in early 1997 A.D.

3 They observed the inhabitants were most needy and came to their sides to beg for coins. Their children were sent to bid them greetings as they walked about their small village place. One child carried a live hen in her arms; when asked to be photographed, the child did command some coins for their request.

4 Much poverty did prevail in their midst. They knew not the way to find the richness of the word of God to bring them the blessings to be fed and nurtured by the WORD of God forever more.
5 All that was needed was to listen with their ears, and feel with their hearts the love their God had for them; along with the knowledge that they were not forgotten nor forsaken by Him.
6 And so, the son and his mother had precious time and moments among his fellow brethren remembering the times in this far off land when he had walked without purse or script to serve their Lord God in a pleasing manner. The fruits of their labors were to bring them the richness no man knows unless he heeded the good WORD of God.
7 And so it was great JOY for those who did embrace their [missionaries] glad message and embraced the invitation to come into the fold,like lambs to their shepherd's flock.
8 And many good souls did come into those same waters of Mormon, like unto Alma's day. The success of their teaching and preaching the gospel was indeed a labor of love. Amen. Amen. Amen.
* Lake Atitlan found in the shores of Panajachel, Guatemala aka Waters of Mormon
I have always wanted to go back and revisit this beautiful, historic place. Being in that area where Lake Atitlan is, felt very holy and sacred. It is where we have been told that this is a very sacred place for this is where the Savior,Jesus Christ visited the people after his sacrifice and atonement. I am grateful for the scriptures that tell of his visit and the events that occurred in the New World.
No legend, but facts that support the prophecy of his birth, life, death and return all throughout and in the Book of Mormon.
Love, Grandma Mattie
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