To My Dear Jacob,
Today is your baptism day. What a special day in your life.
You are now officially a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Congratulations. I am proud of you.
You are such a fine BOY! You are such a loving, caring person, and so kind, and gracious to your mother. That means you love her and honor her. She has taught you well.

Always remember the love she has for you, your Daddy and the love your Heavenly Parents have for you.
They each love you very much and care so much about you and the choices you make each day. As a member of the true Church you are given the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It is a gift from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and especially the Holy Ghost.
He will be an important part of your life. He can be your constant companion and guide you through the waters of life. Sometimes those waters will be very calm, at others very strong and can almost push you over from the weight of the things that burden you. Remember always to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost and he will hold your hand and take you through it all. He will help you even if you make mistakes you can make them right with Jesus, that is called Repentance.
When you go on a mission the Holy Ghost will tell you many things that you need to know to help find Heavenly Father’s lost sheep to bring them into the fold. I know you will make a great missionary, Jacob. Wow, “Elder Jacob Fryer.” That sounds great to me. You can serve a two year mission and be Jesus’ helper.
Jacob, your life is like a mission too. Many choices will come your way. Be sure to pray every morning, and every night before you go to bed. The Angels will watch over you and bless you to be safe too, while you rest. Seek to know the Holy Ghost’s promptings to be guided to always Choose the Right, even when temptations come in your way.
Your sisters are there to also be your helpers. You will honor them by being a caring person to bless their lives too. Your family loves you so much, Jacob. You come from great leaders, teachers and worthy priesthood ancestors, grandparents, aunts and uncles.
Always look up your uncles that bear and honor the Holy Melchezidek priesthood. They are men on God. I know this with all my heart. God bless you my dear, Jacob. I love you so much. You will someday bear that same priesthood as they have.
I am pleased you are being baptized today. It is a big step in your life. Heavenly Father will always be there to hear your prayers and listen to you pour out your heart when you most need it. Remember that.
Jesus is our Savior, I know this with all my heart, I know we are lead by living prophets of the latter-days. President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today. I honor his counsel and know he blesses us as members of the true Church to guide and tell us what Jesus wants us to know and do.
I know we will all be a forever family and live in their presence when we finish our work here upon the earth.
Also at the appropriate time you must seek out your patriarchal blessing. It is a direct message from Heavenly Father like he gave you before you left heaven. He wants us all to be happy and follow him, but he gives us our choice, also known as agency to follow his ways. Be sure to listen to your parents’ teachings and you will have joy, many blessing and great happiness in this life and the life to come when we live with God and Jesus.
I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet to restore this, the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I always knew it was true from the first time I heard it in Temple Square over forty years ago. He did indeed see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and followed him all the days of his life.

I know that because God loves us so much he gave us the blessing to be sealed in the Temple to an eternal companion too, and be forever families. I love that I am sealed to my parents, too.
To this I know, and I bear you my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ.
I Love You, Forever,
Grandma Mattie
Aka Anna McIntire
December 5, 2009
I wish we could have been there! Thanks for getting the book.