Today was spent attending to the Hallows' children. Grandma Mattie took the trek down to Salem and was able to make sure they were all happy, fed and have a great time with their younger cousins, Aislyn, Ella, Parker and Joel.
Lindsay is so funny. She lives to get to see and visit with her cousins. Last week, Parker was sick and couldn't attend the baptism for Jacob, another cousin. Lindsay wanted to be sure they all got to come over after school and play with the girls and Parker. Yesterday I saw her and she wanted me to bring them to where they were going to be in Lehi for the evening. The boys were not available so she was a little disappointed.
Tuesday night, it was our ward Relief Society Christmas dinner. I had signed up to make a Cheesy Potato Casserole. Jackson was going to go with me to the store to get some of the ingredients, but he wanted to stay and play with PARKER! So he stayed.
There was a speaker, a BYU professor that spoke to the Relief Society sisters. The theme was very comforting in that the Lord promises to take care of his own who keep his commandments. We are promised blessing of peace and comfort through turbulent times.
We are told God is a jealous God and wants his children to be safe from the evils of the world. We are not to be fearful, but faithful and allow the Lord to bless us in our trials, whatever they may be.
We are a covenant keeping people he said, and God in mindful of all of his children. His Saints are protected.
God is a God of miracles and can change polluted water to the purest of water to drink. God protects his own who keep his covenants and commandments, even in wars and famine. I found the message very comforting and know as we ALL walk through these perilous times, we will be safe... God is in charge.
Brother Richared Draper spoke and quoted many scriptures from the Doctrine & Covenants and the Book of Mormon.
He also quotes Doctrine and Covenants 138:30
30 But behold, from among the righteous, he organized his forces and appointed messengers, cclothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to fall the spirits of men; and thus was the gospel preached to the dead.
31 And the chosen messengers went forth to declare the acceptable day of the Lord and proclaim liberty to the captives who were bound, even unto all who would repent of their sins and receive the gospel.
This scriptures show how God even watches out for those who have died and gone before in their states.
How grateful I am for the blessings poured out upon us for the good we do each day for our families and one an other.
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