Grandma Mattie

Thursday, December 31, 2009

How Do You Wrap Up A Year's Blog Events? Or 2009 Top Ten List of Events

Family Reunion Photo July 26, 2009 at Tara's house in Spanish Fork, UT

As I ponder the previous year's events, it gave me a time to reflect on the high points of my year, 2009. I browsed through the entries and came up with about ten or more of the ones that stood out for me and meant the most to me for having experienced.

If these entries are not here on Grandma-Mattie it is because they are on another one that covered the entire year. This one has only 144 entries to date, whereas the Stripling Warrior's Mom site has more like a years worth on similar entries.

Here is just an overview of those items of particular interest:

The baptisms of Adam, Aislyn and Kimball on January 31, 2009

The entry I wrote about Heroes in my life was of February 6, 2009. Captain Moroni is one of my heroes. All my sons are my Captain Moroni's. Bytheway, my daughters are ALL mothers of the young Stripling Warriors,who are my posterity.

Feasting on the Scriptures--February 6, 2009

I met Julie B Beck, the General Relief Society President while serving her in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. I wrote about it on February 21, 2009

Visiting Seattle to Matt & Beth's to take care of Cole and Ethan while they went to Spain for a mission reunion for Beth's mission in Madrid. The Boeing Flight Museum May 18, 2009

The impact of the unexpected loss of my youngest brother, David. 26 June, 2009

Family Reunion with everyone one here for it, see August 2, 2009, besides attending the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open house.

Also, celebrating Matt's 30th Birthday with him as part of our family festivities. Tamales and all. I wrote a poem for him and he was touched by all the things that we remembered about him.

For me attending BYU Education Week this year, August entries August 20, 2009""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5422029735189626962"

October Conference was particular outstanding for me. Michael arrived just in time to attend Sunday afternoon session. He came for a photo shoot for a wedding. See
Oct 4, 2009 blog entry.

Meeting for lunch with old friend, Alan L'Homme and his wife, Kate at the Lion House, visiting The Beehive House in SLC and Family History Center in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. November 30, 2009 They both found some good information about their family's genealogy.

Grandson, Kris' receiving his mission call, ordination to Melchizidek priesthood and going to the temple the day after Christmas at the Draper Temple. See December 26, 2009 entry

Grandson, Jacob Fryer with his dad, Russell, baptism--December 5,2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A day in the Temple with Loved Ones~Heaven on Earth

Here we stand in the freezing cold, still feeling the warmth of the love of God and the Savior for us in the temple. A great day, one to be remembered always.

Draper Utah Temple

Today was a wonderful day to have spent time in one of the temples. The occasion was for family and close friends to wish well, one of my grandsons as he had the privilege of attending for the first time.

He is getting ready for his mission, newly called to serve in the Madagascar Mission, on the other side of the world. It was heart warming to see four generations represented there together in one place, the holy temple.

My grandson, Kris, his father, Hank--his Grandpa Lynn, and great-grandfather, Bestafar, his maternal grandparent and great-grandfather. He chose to go to the Draper Utah, Temple. It is such a milestone in Kris' life and one that most all parents look forward to their own children embracing the blessings of the temple bestowed upon them, and to receive their temple endowment.

It is a very sacred, meaningful experience, in a nutshell. The connection of linking heaven and earth is the best way to explain.

It was a unifying experience to be together in one place and celebrate the coming of age for Kristopher. He looks so young and yet he is ready to go serve the Lord for two years. It amazes me as I have watched his father, and uncles go forth to serve.

It seems that they go out as young boys, and they come back MEN! The experiences they gain in those two years is mind boggling. How blessed we are for making those sacrifices that make it possible for missionaries to serve wherever they are called to do so. May God bless our missionaries, I pray.

Friday, December 25, 2009

An Infinite Atonement ~I Know My Redeemer Lives

All the negative aspects o human existence brought about by the Fall, Jesus Christ absorbed into himself. He experienced vicariously in Gethsemane all the private griefs and heartaches, all the physical pains and handicaps, all the emotional burdens and depression of the human family. He knows the loneliness of those who don’t fit in, or who aren’t handsome or pretty. He knows what its like to choose up teams and be the last one chosen. He knows the anguish of parents whose children go wrong. He knows these things personally and intimately because he lived them in the Gethsemane experience. Having personally lived a perfect life, he then chose to experience, the meridian of time, the center of eternity, he lived a billion, billion lifetimes of sin, pain, disease, and sorrow.
God has no magic wand with which to simply wave bad things into non-existence. The sins that he remits, he remits by making them his own and suffering them. The pain and heartache that he relieves, he relieves by suffering them himself. These things can be transferred, but they cannot be simply wished or waved away. They must be suffered. Thus we own him not only for our spiritual cleansing from sin, but for our physical, mental and emotional healings as well, for he hath borne these infirmities for us also. All that the Fall put wrong, the Savior in his atonement puts right. It is all part of his infinite sacrifice---of his infinite gift.

Stephen E. Robinson, Religious Education Prayer Meeting February 12,1992

I know Christ gave his life for us and suffered for the sins of the world. A. Mc

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Hallows'

It has been an unofficial tradition the last two years to go to daughter, Tana and Nathan's for a nice potluck meal with her family. Fryer's, McIntire's, their dad and I came. It was a simple meal, with buffalo wings, pot stickers and seasoned ground turkey meatballs. They had a lovely slushy drink with Sprite and frozen slushy fruity punch flavored in a punch bowl.

Nathan made the most yummy salsa, just like I love with cilantro, fresh garlic with onions and fresh tomatoes and of course tortilla chips. Everyone seemed to enjoy being there and get together. The kids love being around their cousins, and it was an enjoyable evening. Even though after we ate and it was time to play games, I stayed on the couch half asleep; I had been up since 3:30 am. and had not stopped all day.

I had the privilege to be in the temple first thing this morning. It made my day most enjoyable and without any pressure. It seems like I get so much more into my day when I do service like that. It is a testimony to me how much I get done even though I am SO busy!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We Believe in Christ, We Think of Christ . . .

President Gordon B Hinckley said:

"As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints are often accused of not worshipping Jesus Christ, or have an altered view of him.

As a Church we have critics. . . they say we do not believe in the traditional stance to the claims. "Our faith, our knowledge is not based on ancient traditions. . .our faith our knowledge comes of the witness of a prophet in this dispensation who saw before him the great God of the Universe and His Beloved Son, the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ."

President Hinckley bore a firm testimony of the Savior and of the prophet, Joseph Smith

Our faith, our knowledge comes from the witness of a prophet in this dispensation who saw. . .God. . .and . . .Jesus Christ. He testified openly, unequivocally and unabashedly of that great vision," he said.

President Hinckley recalled scriptural references, 2 Nephi 25:26, and encouraged members to follow the example given, talk, rejoice, preach and prophesy of Christ.

Repeating again, his personal, a well as church wide belief, President Hinckley repeated his "firm and enduring" testimony saying, "I know that God, our Eternal Father, lives.. He is the great God of the Universe He is the Father of our spirits with whom we may speak in prayer.

President Hinckley clearly stated belief in the Godhead. "I know that (the members of the Godhead) are individual beings, separate and distinct one from another, and yet alike in form and substance and purpose."

He closed by bearing testimony yet again of the prophet Joseph Smith.

On a more personal note President Hinckley then added, "God be with you 'til we meet again."

April Conference, closing address 2002, Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A New Adventure with Grandma, Santa Claus

This story was sent to me by a good friend. I hope you ALL enjoy its message.

I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma.

I was just a kid. I
remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb:

"There is no Santa Claus," she jeered. "

Even dummies know that!"

My Grandma was not the gushy kind, never had been.

I fled to her that day because I knew she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told the truth, and I knew that the truth always went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with one of her world-famous cinnamon buns. I knew they were
world-famous, because Grandma said so. It had to be true.

Grandma was home, and the buns were still warm.

Between bites, I told her everything. She was ready for me.

"No Santa Claus!" she snorted. "Ridiculous!
Don't believe it. That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad. Now, put on your coat, and let's go."

"Go? Go where, Grandma?" I asked. I hadn't even finished my second world-famous, cinnamon bun. "Where" turned out to be Kerby's General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars. That was a bundle in those days. "Take this money," she said,

"and buy something for someone who needs it."

I'll wait for you in the car." Then she turned and walked out of Kerby's.

I was only eight years old. I'd often gone shopping with my mother, but never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people scrambling to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, confused, clutching that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.

I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school, the people who went to my church. I was just about thought out, when I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker. He was a kid with bad breath and messy hair, and he sat right behind me in Mrs. Pollock's grade-two class.
Bobby Decker didn't have a coat. I knew that because he never went out for recess during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, but all we kids knew that Bobby Decker didn't have a cough, and
he didn't have a coat. I fingered the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement.
I would buy Bobby Decker a coat!

I settled on a red corduroy one that had a hood to it. It looked real warm, and he would like that. "Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the counter asked kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. "Yes," I
replied shyly. "It's .... for Bobby." The nice lady smiled at me. I didn't get any change, but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.

That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons (a little tag fell out of the coat, and Grandma tucked it in her Bible) and wrote on the package, "To Bobby, From Santa Claus" -- Grandma said that Santa always insisted on secrecy. Then she drove me over to Bobby Decker's house,
explaining as we went that I was now and forever officially one of Santa's helpers.

Grandma parked down the street from Bobby's house, and she and I crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front w al k Then Grandma gave me a nudge. "All right, Santa Claus," she whispered, "get going."

I took a deep breath, dashed for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety of the bushes and Grandma. Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobby.

Fifty years haven't dimmed the thrill of those moments spent shivering, beside my Grandma, in Bobby Decker's bushes.. That night, I realized that those awful rumors about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said they were: ridiculous. Santa was alive and well, and we were on his team.

I still have the Bible, with the tag tucked inside: $19.95.


He who has no Christmas in his heart

will never find Christmas

under a tree.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Remembering To Do the Basics

Last week I had a nice visit with my Bishop at Tithing Settlement. Each year we as members of the Church have the option to meet with our leader at the end of the year to declare our contributions. It is a good feeling to have that opportunity to do that.

It is also a time to have a one-on-one visit with my bishop. We had a nice chat. He asked how I was doing and so it is also a kind of "reporting in" for an informal visit.

One of the things that he talked about as we finished our chat, was that how wonderful it is to be a worker in the temple. He observed that in his interactions with our ward at all levels, that when people notice they are going off track in doing what they should be doing, they forget the basics.

He elaborated that it is the simple things that keeps us going and following the Savior and embracing his atonement. The basics, such as saying our daily prayers, morning and evening, reading the scriptures, attending our weekly meetings and renewing our covenants as we partake of the sacrament each week, and tithing.

I look forward each week to partake of the Lord's holy emblems and remember His great love for me, and all that he did for me. It is a time for me to reflect of my week and how I was able to best serve others, my family and God.

The highlight of my week is to go into the temple and serve. I look forward to that activity. I mentioned that there are some days that I get little sleep, and it is early, sometimes very cold, and leaving at 4:30 am. I also have thoughts come to mind that tell me, "why do you do that, you should just stay home and take a break so you can get your rest." Then, I know those thoughts are not coming from the Spirit. The Spirit would give me peace and knowledge that the sacrifices I make of time, sleep or going out into the cold dark morning, I am blessed many times over.

I feel the joy in seeing my co-workers, besides the sweetness of the Spirit that prevails there when doing these sacred ordinances in behalf of those who have gone before. It over-compensates me for the loss of a little sleep, or weathering the new fallen snow or the cold that is there regardless of whether I go to the temple or to the store. The only difference is the time of the day. So, why complain?

My cup is filled to overflowing each and every time I go and I can leave the temple knowing I made a difference in many lives just by being there. I realize what I would miss if I stopped going each week. Those who are there serving are such good, caring sisters in the gospel and are my friends that I have gotten to know by serving along side of them.

I felt I needed to take note of my bishop's advice to "remember the basics," and know the value in honoring my covenants and keeping on track at the same time.

I love my Savior, and am so thankful for His great love for all of us to make the ultimate sacrifice in our behalf, that we may have Eternal Life. To this I so testify, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

"The prime … purpose behind the establishment of the law of the tithe is the development of the soul of the tithe-payer, rather than the providing of revenue. The latter is an all-important purpose, for so far as money is needed for the carrying on of the work of the Church the Lord requires money that is sanctified by the faith of the giver; but blessings beyond estimate … are assured unto him who strictly conforms to the law of the tithe because the Lord hath so commanded." (James E. Talmage)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finding Joy in my Posterity

This evening I was asked to go over to Hank and Lori's for a couple of hours to help K3 attend to the younger siblings. A couple of them were not feeling well, and with the added responsibility and stress, I was needed to help balance out the demand that is sometimes there.

The dinner meal was ready to serve. I noticed that some of the children had different assignments for the meal to help make things run smoothly for their dinner time. After rounding up and quieting down the troops we were ready to eat. K5 gave a very nice prayer that K3 called on to give.

The two little ones who were not feeling well lay on the sofa and overstuffed chair while we ate. K9, on the couch asked for a Miracle Whip Cheese sandwich. He ate that and asked for grape juice. K10 was not eating and looking like her cute chubby red cheeks were burning her up. She only wanted water, which was good.

We managed to eat our dinner and the kids had a game they wanted to play. It was a game made up of an obstacle course in the living room. Laundry baskets, large blocks were laid out for them to step or jump into or out of. It looked like fun, and it being their own creation made it even better. It is amazing how the children don't miss watching TV. Their creativity to entertain themselves with that simple game reminded my children of when we had a NO TV policy. They, nor I ever missed it.

The thing that really impressed me in all of this was how well they all responded and did what they were asked to do, when asked to do it, whether it was from me or each other. They all knew the routine or schedule of events that takes place on any given evening. K8 asked me if he could stay up just a little bit longer with the others. I thought after checking with K3,it would be admissible.

Then, when it was time for bed, I made sure I asked them to put the obstacle course game away. No problem. K7 offered to help, as did K6; it made me very happy to see them respond to me so quickly. The were very helpful, and obedient. I observed that K5 made sure K10 was comfortable in her bed, and went up to make sure she was read to and prayers were said, without having to be told.

I hope her Mommy and Daddy let them all know how pleased I was with all of them. K3 went to pick up his younger sibling, K4 from her piano lesson and took her to sing at the Relief Society program.

I was grateful that they each have been taught by example in their home and set a very fine one as busy as they are. It did my heart good. It lets me know they have learned their lessons well, taught by Lori and Hank. Whenever I am there in that capacity, I see them having the ability to carry on and be a support one to another as well behaved as they were even when their parents were not there. Good Job, Hank, Lori, Lynn and Linda for blessing the lives of your children, and grandchildren. Thank you.

It was time for me to leave and all was well. My next activity for the evening was to go to see Lindsay, Courtney and Allison perform at their violin Christmas Recital in Salem. It was so sweet to hear the lovely carols played by my granddaughters. Everyone of the other children did so well. Some of my favorite carols were sung alone, like Silent Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Canon in D, Away in the Manger. How I loved the sweet sounds of Christmas. My spiritual cup was refilled.

The audience got to sing along with many songs performed. There was a sweet spirit present and I always enjoy seeing my grandchildren perform their talents. I am so pleased that so many of each family there have such talent. It is much appreciated by this grandparent that their mother's encourage them as well and their father's do too and see that they have that privilege to play a musical instrument in their youth. It takes a lot of time and energy as well as means to accomplish such a worthy goal to be musically educated, for which I am grateful for their efforts.

I reflect on this day, and know how much our Father in heaven loves us, and gives us our choices to make and bless our lives. I saw and heard them in each of these instances posted.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Milestone Reached Today

How does a grandmother begin to define the joy in embracing the goodness that is showered upon her and her posterity?
A scripture comes to mind.
John 1: 4
4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

Today, one of my grandsons, who has been recently called to serve a mission, had the Melchezidek priesthood conferred upon him today. Kris is preparing to go serve the people of Madagascar. He has reached the age where he is worthy and ready to receive the sacred power of the higher priesthood, an be ordained an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The room where he was ordained was filled with family and close friends. People who have been in his life who were there to help him learn, grown and progress to this point in his life today. There were no less than a dozen brethren, all who hold this same authority to act in God's name.

My heart was touched as his father, Hank, my son and his bishop lay hands upon his head to pronounce this holy sacred power upon him. The Spirit immediately entered the room as the words were spoken, and conferred upon Kristopher. Tears came as I listened to the beautiful blessing given from a father to his son.

How pleased our Heavenly Father must be when we do what is right and to follow him and in the path of our Savior. Besides the joy felt for a new Elder preparing to go out into the world and preach and teach His Gospel.

I know that this sacred power is the same as that our Savior Jesus Christ holds and my grandson was given the authority to exercise as a son of God, and be an ambassador for Him as he serves his mission.

I am also pleased that the line of authority that was handed down from Jesus Christ can be traced like a pedigree, if you will from those that came to confer this same power to Joseph Smith, even Peter, James and John. Kristopher will now have a record to carry with him in his scriptures on a card that shows that very line from Jesus Christ down through to himself.

My thoughts are with this grandson, who now has stepped up to the responsibility and prepared himself to worthily serve his mission. My prayers also will continue to be said in his behalf. I know all heaven is pleased with his ancestors who have gone before and rejoice as I do. To this I solemnly testify in the sacred name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Afterthought: I stand in awe of the goodness that pervades within that soul who honors and lives up to his priesthood calling. It is evident to me and cannot be hidden. I believe that it shines in their countenances and His image is radiated in their faces.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reading and Remembering Visit to Book of Mormon Lands

Mosiah 29:
"And this he said unto them, having been commanded of God; and they did walk uprightly before God, imparting to one another both temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants.

30 And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever."

Anna 2:1-8

"And it came to pass that one fair mother and son went about the land of Mormon to visit the waters of Mormon. And it was there they found the waters of Mormon so clear as crystal, with the day's sun that had risen. The lake had no bottom for it was a volcanic site and called Lake Atitlan.*

2 The air was pure as the water, they thirsted not for the Spirit did guide and protect as they embarked on a small sea craft to travel across the waters to the far off shore in early 1997 A.D.

3 They observed the inhabitants were most needy and came to their sides to beg for coins. Their children were sent to bid them greetings as they walked about their small village place. One child carried a live hen in her arms; when asked to be photographed, the child did command some coins for their request.

4 Much poverty did prevail in their midst. They knew not the way to find the richness of the word of God to bring them the blessings to be fed and nurtured by the WORD of God forever more.

5 All that was needed was to listen with their ears, and feel with their hearts the love their God had for them; along with the knowledge that they were not forgotten nor forsaken by Him.

6 And so, the son and his mother had precious time and moments among his fellow brethren remembering the times in this far off land when he had walked without purse or script to serve their Lord God in a pleasing manner. The fruits of their labors were to bring them the richness no man knows unless he heeded the good WORD of God.

7 And so it was great JOY for those who did embrace their [missionaries] glad message and embraced the invitation to come into the fold,like lambs to their shepherd's flock.

8 And many good souls did come into those same waters of Mormon, like unto Alma's day. The success of their teaching and preaching the gospel was indeed a labor of love. Amen. Amen. Amen.

* Lake Atitlan found in the shores of Panajachel, Guatemala aka Waters of Mormon

I have always wanted to go back and revisit this beautiful, historic place. Being in that area where Lake Atitlan is, felt very holy and sacred. It is where we have been told that this is a very sacred place for this is where the Savior,Jesus Christ visited the people after his sacrifice and atonement. I am grateful for the scriptures that tell of his visit and the events that occurred in the New World.

No legend, but facts that support the prophecy of his birth, life, death and return all throughout and in the Book of Mormon.

Love, Grandma Mattie

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Grandchildren, Relief Society

Today was spent attending to the Hallows' children. Grandma Mattie took the trek down to Salem and was able to make sure they were all happy, fed and have a great time with their younger cousins, Aislyn, Ella, Parker and Joel.

Lindsay is so funny. She lives to get to see and visit with her cousins. Last week, Parker was sick and couldn't attend the baptism for Jacob, another cousin. Lindsay wanted to be sure they all got to come over after school and play with the girls and Parker. Yesterday I saw her and she wanted me to bring them to where they were going to be in Lehi for the evening. The boys were not available so she was a little disappointed.

Tuesday night, it was our ward Relief Society Christmas dinner. I had signed up to make a Cheesy Potato Casserole. Jackson was going to go with me to the store to get some of the ingredients, but he wanted to stay and play with PARKER! So he stayed.

There was a speaker, a BYU professor that spoke to the Relief Society sisters. The theme was very comforting in that the Lord promises to take care of his own who keep his commandments. We are promised blessing of peace and comfort through turbulent times.

We are told God is a jealous God and wants his children to be safe from the evils of the world. We are not to be fearful, but faithful and allow the Lord to bless us in our trials, whatever they may be.

We are a covenant keeping people he said, and God in mindful of all of his children. His Saints are protected.

God is a God of miracles and can change polluted water to the purest of water to drink. God protects his own who keep his covenants and commandments, even in wars and famine. I found the message very comforting and know as we ALL walk through these perilous times, we will be safe... God is in charge.

Brother Richared Draper spoke and quoted many scriptures from the Doctrine & Covenants and the Book of Mormon.

He also quotes Doctrine and Covenants 138:30

30 But behold, from among the righteous, he organized his forces and appointed messengers, cclothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to fall the spirits of men; and thus was the gospel preached to the dead.
31 And the chosen messengers went forth to declare the acceptable day of the Lord and proclaim liberty to the captives who were bound, even unto all who would repent of their sins and receive the gospel.

This scriptures show how God even watches out for those who have died and gone before in their states.
How grateful I am for the blessings poured out upon us for the good we do each day for our families and one an other.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Family Activity, Jacob's Bapstim

The age of accountability is eight years old. A child of that age by the time he, she is eight has been taught and prepared to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Jacob, son of Tara and Russell was baptized yesterday. His dad performed the ordinance. Jacob, looked so pure and sweet in his white clothes. His father took him into the baptismal font and performed the baptism much like he did while serving a full time mission. Russell also did the three older daughters when it was time for their baptisms. It is a tradition, besides what is done for children who have reached the age of accountability. They are immersed in the water, which is symbolic of being born again and coming up out of the water, that is below the ground level. It is also similar to the baptism of Jesus when he asked John the Baptist to perform for him.

The service was focused on Jacob, who asked his two uncles, Nathan and Hank to speak for his baptismal service. Nathan gave a great talk about the meaning of making covenants and the promises and blessings that are exchanged. I always like the talks and in a way it refreshed my mind and spirit to hear these principles again of Faith, in the Lord, Jesus Christ, Repentance, and baptism by immersion.

The second talk was about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Hank gave it and I made a note of his explanation that the Holy Ghost is like the eyes, ears and heart of Heavenly Father. I liked that thought. Both Nathan and Hank spoke directly to Jacob. He was very attentive to what was said.

Jacob and his sister, Erin played a duet and we all sang some verses to the song they played. Kaari accompanied and Lori lead the music.

Jacob was confirmed a member of the Church by his father, and given a very nice blessing at the same time. It is such a blessing for the priesthood to perform the ordinances, such as baptism and confirmation.
Uncle Aaron gives a Christmas thought, message before our meal~

We have a very nice, well prepared meal in the cultural hall. Tara did an amazing job to organize, decorate and plan a nice activity for the kids to do and participate. Aaron gave a few Christmas thought before we had prayer and ate our lunch. Ham, Cheesy potatoes, Art City Salad, broccoli salad, layered bean dip, potato salad and relish tray with artichoke dip and pretzels.

Pinata fun time

The most fun part was the Pinata Tara planned and all the kids got to have a whack at the cowboy boot shaped pinata. It ended up being hit several times with the candy falling out. The kids always like that. Each of the kids had plenty of candy treats. It was a great time for everyone. The Poinsettias on the tables and the rather large potted Poinsettia plant were beautiful and really set the mood for Christmas.

Thank you Tara and Russell and everyone else who helped bring food assignments. It is always a great day when family gets together and enjoy one an other's company.

A Great Day in the Life of my grandson, Jacob Fryer

To My Dear Jacob,

Today is your baptism day. What a special day in your life.

You are now officially a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Congratulations. I am proud of you.

You are such a fine BOY! You are such a loving, caring person, and so kind, and gracious to your mother. That means you love her and honor her. She has taught you well.

Always remember the love she has for you, your Daddy and the love your Heavenly Parents have for you.

They each love you very much and care so much about you and the choices you make each day. As a member of the true Church you are given the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It is a gift from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and especially the Holy Ghost.

He will be an important part of your life. He can be your constant companion and guide you through the waters of life. Sometimes those waters will be very calm, at others very strong and can almost push you over from the weight of the things that burden you. Remember always to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost and he will hold your hand and take you through it all. He will help you even if you make mistakes you can make them right with Jesus, that is called Repentance.

When you go on a mission the Holy Ghost will tell you many things that you need to know to help find Heavenly Father’s lost sheep to bring them into the fold. I know you will make a great missionary, Jacob. Wow, “Elder Jacob Fryer.” That sounds great to me. You can serve a two year mission and be Jesus’ helper.

Jacob, your life is like a mission too. Many choices will come your way. Be sure to pray every morning, and every night before you go to bed. The Angels will watch over you and bless you to be safe too, while you rest. Seek to know the Holy Ghost’s promptings to be guided to always Choose the Right, even when temptations come in your way.

Your sisters are there to also be your helpers. You will honor them by being a caring person to bless their lives too. Your family loves you so much, Jacob. You come from great leaders, teachers and worthy priesthood ancestors, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Always look up your uncles that bear and honor the Holy Melchezidek priesthood. They are men on God. I know this with all my heart. God bless you my dear, Jacob. I love you so much. You will someday bear that same priesthood as they have.

I am pleased you are being baptized today. It is a big step in your life. Heavenly Father will always be there to hear your prayers and listen to you pour out your heart when you most need it. Remember that.

Jesus is our Savior, I know this with all my heart, I know we are lead by living prophets of the latter-days. President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today. I honor his counsel and know he blesses us as members of the true Church to guide and tell us what Jesus wants us to know and do.

I know we will all be a forever family and live in their presence when we finish our work here upon the earth.

Also at the appropriate time you must seek out your patriarchal blessing. It is a direct message from Heavenly Father like he gave you before you left heaven. He wants us all to be happy and follow him, but he gives us our choice, also known as agency to follow his ways. Be sure to listen to your parents’ teachings and you will have joy, many blessing and great happiness in this life and the life to come when we live with God and Jesus.

I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet to restore this, the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I always knew it was true from the first time I heard it in Temple Square over forty years ago. He did indeed see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and followed him all the days of his life.

I know that because God loves us so much he gave us the blessing to be sealed in the Temple to an eternal companion too, and be forever families. I love that I am sealed to my parents, too.

To this I know, and I bear you my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ.

I Love You, Forever,

Grandma Mattie
Aka Anna McIntire
December 5, 2009