I am especially grateful for my Savior and his great LOVE for us. This is a poem that came to me this morning and want to share it here. Recently I have had a desire to listen to my hymns even though it isn't Sunday. It gave me such an inspiration as I thought about Jesus Christ and the song, "I Believe in Christ." I also thought about what it would be like in my mind's eye to see him at the Second Coming. These words seem to come so freely and flowed.
"No Empty Chairs When I See Jesus Come Again"
When I see Jesus come again--Will He wear his robe of rich deep red?
The red is signified by his atoning blood when redeemed the dead.
Such great love he showed all of us, and not just for me--
As He knelt in prayer and bled from each pore for us in Gethsemane.
My eyes will meet his, my gaze fixed upon Him, as my heart burns from within.
What peace, what joy and unity there will be to embrace Him when He comes again.
We will all stand to meet Him to kiss his feet and to touch his hand,--
Just like He stood in the Americas long ago in their blessed land.
I will join with Him, with all my loved ones, family, friends and be ready there,
I’ll feel His light; His love for us, holding hands as family--with not one empty chair.
He will tell us, "Come, ye blessed feel the prints in my hands and feet,"
And then He will say with hands extended, "Be not afraid, come unto me. . . for I will never leave thee."
I love my Savior with all my heart, might, mind, and soul.
And, I AM going to be there with Him as he calls his sheep into the fold.
Anna McIntire 3. 2. 2010
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