There was a sense of the pioneer spirit and the many sacrifices made by the early Saints. The best part was to visit the Nauvoo temple and get a sense of the times and seasons of Joseph Smith. Quite by chance we ended up in Carthage instead of Nauvoo first. We toured the Carthage Jail where Joseph Smith was martyred. It was something that we would have missed had I not gone straight ahead instead of turning left to go toward Nauvoo.
All in all the visit to Nauvoo was the highlight of our excursion. We were a able to take the kids to see the village and ride on the wagon around the area. We had a good time and made memories.

One of ladies I work with at the temple just received a mission call with her husband (Bro & Sister Godsey) to go to Old Nauvoo, a restoration mission and will help with the grounds and be guides at the visitor's center in Nauvoo. It is their third mission and will report a month from today. Amazing how the Lord works in our lives. They are just finishing an eighteen month leadership assignment in the temple and going forward to Nauvoo. They have been planning to go for over six months and now the time has finally come for it to come to fruition.
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