Two of the speakers were a senior couple with our high councilor speaker. They had been to the Independence Missouri mission and worked in the office. They were bringing greetings from our stake president to encourage other seniors to go on missions. The husband read some senior couple missionary opportunities. The high councilor was from our home ward on assignment to speak.
Our Relief Society lesson was from Conference. Our regular teacher is due to have her baby any day and taught last week so we had one of the presidency give the lesson today. It was Elder Rennlund's talk about a 'change of heart.' I was there at the Conference Center in the Sunday session p.m. when it was given when Michael came to visit in October.
Our teacher gave us this thought about prayer, I think you will like it.
"A day that is hemmed in prayer is less likely to come unraveled."
Another good sister shared this thought and I wrote it down.
She said, her two children were talking at lunch and the boy, about five years old expressed his feelings about going to Primary, he didn't particularly want to go and needed some encouragement. The older sister, about seven said to him,"Going to church is like magic. Good things happen to you!" I thought that was profound for someone her age, and sounded just like a mother.
I went to dinner at Hank and Lori's. He had left earlier in the morning to go to Morocco to cover a biathalon with General Tarbett. That sounds pretty amazing to follow the general around. I think there are some military personnel participating in the event, skiing and shooting.
Hank will be gone a week. He may keep us posted on his blog. I hope so. We had a nice dinner, roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, and biscuits. They had banana bread for dessert. It was nice and daylight savings time made the day reminded me I need that extra hour of rest. I came home and it was still daylight!
It will take a few days to catch up on that lost hour. I look forward to spring though, and the lovely warmer weather and seeing the daffodils, crocus and tulips come alive after a long winter's nap.
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