Grandma Mattie

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Going Retro For Lunch--

This last week I had a need to get the oil changed for my car. I went to American Fork to a dealership to get it done. The car needed some mechanical work on it, so I had them go ahead. It was for the better, since the service fellow told me over the phone I really shouldn't drive it that was.

So I bit the bullet and had the necessary work done. The car did drive better, and a car usually does when it is running of all of it spark plugs. The care ran smoother after the work was completed, I have to admit. Aaron said it was better anyway, as I told him after the fact. I used his truck to get some errands done in the meantime.

I was glad to get the work done, and for Aaron who let me use his prepaid coupon to get the oil change in the first place. I appreciate those kinds of acts of kindness too.

Then, since it was lunch time I went to Carl's Jr, right there in American Fork. I sat and ate my lunch and noticed the framed pictures around the inside walls. It was the photos of the original Carl's Jr's in California.

I sat there as I ate me lunch admiring the walk back to the past. What a blast! there on the walls were the places I used to frequent as a new college student almost daily where Hank took me on my lunch break from class. Can you believe french fries were only .25 cents? Hamburgers where only say, .89 cents, and a soda was about the same as fries!

I have some pictures in my own files of these poster framed picture. So I will display them here. It was so comical to see those so old looking versions of Carl's Jr. I will check out my photo files for the pics I took a while ago and post them.

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