This is the temple at 4:44 am when I go into my shift on Thursday's. I decided to take a picture just before entering for my files. It is so peaceful and lovely. The temperature is moderate, about 65'. Perfect for the weather for fall.
I am amazed each time I go for the beautiful Spirit that is there. If you think about it, each week I get to walk the halls that the Savior perhaps has walked, before me.
This week I was seated in the Celestial room. I felt something very warm and the light seem brigher in there than usual. I looked around and saw the sun coming in one of the long windows to the East. I moved myself to sit on a sofa facing East.
The light that shone was brighter than noon day light. I was drawn to it. I noticed there was a place on the sofa with the sun shining a reflection from the Sun on it around my face. I had just read the account of Joseph Smith in the Introduction to the Book of Mormon of his description of Moroni's visit and the radiance about Moroni when he visited Joseph Smith. I was in awe at the similarity of the warmth and the light in the room.
It made my day and felt like another tender mercy to remember this day. I drank from the waters of eternal life, and my cup was filled to overflowing.
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