I have fond memories of my grandmothers. Although I spend more time with mine
(grandchildren) than I was able to with my own grandmother, it made me more aware of the things that leave impressions on grandchildren from their "grandmas." Spending several days with my Hallows' grands is what triggered the memories of the powerful influence I have on my children's children.
Anita was my maternal grandmother, and Maria was my paternal grandma. My grandmother, Anita followed us around the country when we moved from Texas, she followed us to Chicago. Then we up and moved five years later. She stayed to finish out her retirement ten years later.
Due to the fact that my mother chose to not teach us Spanish while we were growing up, we did not communicate with our Nane like some of our cousins. We moved away to Chicago, so spent less time around our Texas roots growing up.

Nevertheless she did have some time with us. She worked full time in Chicago at a dept store like ZCMI's. She always found nice clothes for me especially when school started. I sure love my grandmother for doing that for now I realize what she sacrificed on her small salary to buy the extra clothes she sent me. I loved her choices of dresses. I had one that was pink and white. I was in about the sixth or seventh grade. When I wore that dress I felt so good about myself.
Another time, in eighth grade she sent me a jersey striped knit sheath dress. I was in the school Spelling Bee from my class and missed a word, "bounteous" and have never forgotten since how to spell it right. I wore that classy sheath dress and felt so grown up in it. It gave me confidence at that young age to be in front of people, like the school and student audience. I think I did that twice. I was and still am very good at spelling.
My grandmothers were excellent cooks. They knew each other and used to attend cooking classes together at the local adult ed classes. They introduced my parents as teen agers. Imagine that. Anyway, I learned a lot from the both of them. My paternal grandmother, I called "Nane" like Nahn nee, phonetically.
Today I fixed a vegetable medley for the Hallows' and cooked zuccini, yellow squash, with frozen corn and a little pork seasoned sausage. It was delicious, and the grands kind of liked them and decided to give it a try. I had some fresh grown vegetables, red potatoes and made mashed potatoes to go with a chuck beef roast. Goma, aka Anita could go into the kitchen, take out leftovers and mix them up and give a dash of this n' that and have a tasty meal. I felt like that is what I was doing today. The kids wanted tuna, but there wasn't any that I could find so opted to have what I listed above. It was tasty anyway.
Anita was always creative like that. Nane always had a big meal ready whenever we went there for vacation visits.
This is about all I will put for now. I am going to take a much deserved NAP!!
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