Would that we could look like this Grecian Goddess!
Life. Lately, it seems to become a challenge meeting the opposition squarely. It has its ups and downs. There appears to be a certain feeling of upheaval when moving from one residence to another.
One of my dear friends pointed out something to me that I really needed to hear.
She told me how so many times, I pulled her up and gave her hope and peace to move forward no matter what the challenge. I realized how dependent I should be (more) in my depths of the challenges in my own life. It is my refinement at best.
She went on to encourage me to let God empower me and magnify me so that I could conquer all to have the ability to "do hard things."

She also pointed out to me, which I, in deed needed to acknowledge, of how my children have triumphed as well. She pointed out how intelligent they all are, are a legacy from me and a mirror of myself. She said, "Remember who you are", Have I not said that same thing to so many, so many times ignoring how it might apply to ME TOO!
Well, she also said, "Remember who you are, the Goddess and Daughter of God." I listened even though I didn't feel like one (a Goddess) at the moment. Frankly, sometimes I get so beat down and forget who I AM too! Good lesson to comprehend and cherish that "I AM a Daughter of GOD" and worthy of His love and blessings like the ones I say the same things to as well. It is so close to home, so I repented and honor myself; and honor my Heavenly Father and vow to remember to thank HIM for loving me and giving me my wings to fly and realize my dreams ARE so close and all around me. I am enveloped in the arms of His love and am most grateful for who I AM.
So I thank my kind friend, (Janet) for reminding to not give up on myself or be too harsh, even though I am not perfect. I trust in the Lord that he will make me equal to the tasks yet ahead.
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