When God's hand touches ours and blessings upon our heads.

It is time to take an inventory.
What is it that brings one happiness?
What is it that brings one JOY?
This question was posed this week in a discussion in a meeting at church.
It gave me pause to think what the difference was between the two.
I am happy when. . . ?
I experience joy when. . . ?
Suggestion: Make a list and head each one with the two words in two columns at the top of the page.
Now go through and think just what is it that brings happiness?
Then, decide what is it that brings JOY? It may surprise you.
The list for happiness is in the "now," and the state we find ourselves on a day to day level.
On the other hand, list if you will, all the things that are more lasting and appear to be eternal as the Savior stated: My Joy is full. Completeness in embracing the principles of the gospel in the arms of his love.
Webster's dictionary defines happy as a state of contentment; well being, glad, joyous or pleased. Whereas, joy is defined as a state of great happiness; delight; a state or source of contentment or satisfaction; anything which makes one delighted or happy. This kind of contentment is fleeting.
It appears that the two are almost the same. However, except that the joy one feels in the eternal blessings of the temple are more long lasting and transcends into the eternities. That must be the difference between happiness and joy.
My children bring me joy, the joy of knowing they are mine forever and I am their parent as long as I am worthy of those eternal promises and blessings.
" I have no greater joy, than to see my children walk in truth." The truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and adhere to the principals taught them in their youth. I was faithful and obedient to bring to pass their joy in serving missions, and marrying in the temple. I have been truly blessed to embrace the goodness and mercy of God in my family's blessings.
I know that I find great joy in serving in the House of the Lord each week. I am the recipient, as well as my children for that service given. The sacrifice I make is worth all the spiritual blessings I receive each time I am there.
I walked into the Celestial room this past week and marveled at the beauty of that room. The serenity I felt enveloped me and was simply beautiful. I observed the many couples who were there as seemed to glow with peace in their hearts and countenances. I walked over to the mirrors that face and saw the incredible crystal chandelier reflected upon those mirrors that represent eternity and have no beginning nor end. The image was infinite, and went forever in eternity.
I thanked the Lord for his goodness to allow me the tender mercy to be where I was and serving Him in his holy house. My cup runneth over. I pondered, prayed and read scriptures for about fifteen minutes. Anytime I have some extra time between assignments, I go into the Celestial Room to pray. It is so comforting and I feel so un-rushed. My gratitude for just being there is increase each time that opportunity is mine to embrace. How sweet it IS!!
When I keep myself centered in Christ, my day and experiences are heightened and it feels like I walk on clouds. There is no other place to feel that for which I am most humbly grateful. How I wish my siblings knew what JOY is and how I feel in that special room. It is heaven on Earth and the closest we can ever get being in the Lord's Holy house. What a privilege too. God bless you all, my love ones and athose I care so much about. I am a better person knowing each of you. Thank you.
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