Grandma Mattie

Monday, July 20, 2009

Words of Appreciation~Gratitude

Words of Appreciation! To my loved ones

The last several weeks have been very busy besides not the easiest to have to cope with the reality of my brother, David's passing. I have tried to keep focused but there were times I needed to grieve and embrace the love of the Savior for me in my life. I make note of appreciation for the one who called to give me the news of my brother's passing, by my youngest sister. I know this is very difficult for her as she and he were very close over the years.

I made note of the expressions of concern and sympathy from each of my children. I was very touched and want each of you to know how much that means to me, as your mother.

Hank, thank you for the phone calls and contact you made to me and with my sister at that time and shortly after. Your love and condolences were helpful to me get through those first few days. I know how busy you are and your concern for me to see how I was doing was so sweet. Thank you too from my heart for the beautiful blessing you and Aaron gave me the Sunday after he passed. It was just what was needed at that moment.

Tanise, thank you for the phone calls and the time we spent visiting, and I want to express my gratitude for the praise and support. What a blessing it was for you to share some stories that I gleaned from you about Elder Richard G. Scott and how sometimes there is no veil.

Tara, I appreciate your time and support besides the contemplation and insight you had to share with me as we visited. You need to know how much that helped fill my cup spiritually. Your observations are so protective of and I love you for that quality in you. Thank you for your continued concern and expressions of condolences at this time.

Tracie, you have been so kind and there to listen to me and be a sounding board. I feel your love and concern for me as always and especially now; and I thank you again for it all. You having lost one of your own little ones, who knows the sorrow one feels when losing someone so close. I am grateful for the plan of salvation for all of us.

Tana, I learned how kind and caring my children are when I need your love and be sustained through all this. I appreciate the time we could talk about it and the encouragement you gave me. I love you.

Michael, you are a dear boy. Thank you for taking the time at the end of your long busy day to call me with your concerns for me and my well being and making sure I was okay. Thank you for your words of comfort and condolences. I am pleased you will get to be here for our family reunion this week and for David's Memorial with the rest of your siblings.

Aaron, I thank you and Candice again for being here for me as it made such a difference that first evening after I was told about David. I apologize for waking you up when I broke down so late that night. Thank you for holding me like one of the children and the comfort it gave to me as I let the tears flow. I needed that and was so glad someone was there for me when I needed it most. It becomes a greater burden as I walk through this almost all alone by knowing my parents are around me and as are the angels. The physical contact meant so much in the moment. Thank you for letting me cry it out. It was so healing too.

Matt, thank you for your several phone calls and words of comfort as we spoke. I could feel your love for me and interest in what was happening and about your Uncle David. Some of this is a blur now, but as I remember it I am so grateful for you and your siblings for the genuine concern for me. I love you and miss you and Beth and the boys. I look forward to you all coming from Seattle this week for our REUNION, and short tribute for David.

All of you have blessed my life in so many ways. You have all helped me be the best I can be and set an example to all of you and my posterity to draw closer to the Savior.

I have learned much this last thirty days and feel the refinement and closeness of the veil to my spiritual eyes. It is too bad we have to go through so much for that price to be paid for the Spirit to touch our lives. Ironically, I can say it was worth it, even though it hurts so bad at times to become closer to God.

I am reminded of Helaman 5:12:

12 " And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."

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