Beth and I talked about doing something for Matt for his milestone birthday, (30) when I was there in Seattle a few months ago, in May. Since they live out of state, the opportunity to have a birthday celebration for him here was minimized due to the distance or logistics.
Planning such an event takes a lot of work behind the scenes to pull it off. Well, Beth claims this a victory since she states, she had NEVER been able to surprise Matt with anything that he doesn't somehow find out before hand for it to occur.
She has tried to buy surprises for him for the holidays, or for no reason at all and he is like a magnet to find it "out of the blue!" Well, this time something magical occurred. Beth brought some scrapbook pictures for me to scan and also emailed me some to include with his other pictures. I had put them on a disc and Aaron and Michael helped do the rest, that I didn't even recognize the final project. It turned out so good, I was amazed at what they had come up with and made it into a DVD!
At the spur of the moment I sat down to write a tribute to Matt. It started out and flowed that I was even surprised myself. I asked Aaron for a few insights of what he recalled about Matt and himself growing up. He told me several things that I had not known during the time he said they occurred.
The end of our Family get-together yesterday was a perfect time to make an additional feature to our celebration, pictures and brother David's memorial.
It was no afterthought believe me. It just took precedent at the end of everything else. I think it took Matt by surprise too. I was pleased the way it turned out.
I will add it here at the end for your review. It was fun doing it and even more fun making the surprise part a grand success. It may not have been the full focus for the evening's activity but it made an impression on Matt nevertheless.
For Matt’s Birthday~ August 29, 2009
These pictures tell somewhat of your story, Matt be that as it may,
Yet, doing a project such as this was no small task to celebrate your 30th Birthday.
We tried to work it in as best we could but such obstacles kept arising with the best of intentions,
Your mother is no magician but thanks to technology and modern inventions,
We have a short CD brought together from several sources and many directions.
Tracie had a stack of photos she had that we will view,
All those funny cute little antics as a child you used to do.
Aaron told me when I asked for some insight of what he remembered about you.
I found that he used to pay money to you just to clean up his room!
Now that is very enterprising as well as entrepreneurial if one would ask--
Earning small change for doing his chores was very creative for such small tasks.
He also said when he threw a big basket ball at your bike he was such a merciless tease--
And you flew over the end of your bike as if you were on a flying trapeze.
Brothers, just growing up together having fun and near misses, it’s a wonder you survived.
But we are so glad you did and have the memories of your childhood years,
Which have made you a better man that helped you overcome all your little boy fears.
The little girls in our neighborhood used to come and beg at the doors
If you would just pucker up and give them a kiss for just two quarters.
Our sidewalk would be chalked in many different pastel colors from all the little ladies who . . .
Wanted to express their affection and would write “Matt , “I LOVE YOU!”
Matt, even though you are the youngest in the family, you liked to helped out with the babies--
No one ever says that you were spoiled but always willing to take responsibilities.
Your character is highlighted by the service you give and are incredibly giving,
Your good attitude, says sister, Tana and that you’re always there to give a hand ,
So willing to help and were such a good “little” brother, son, father and husband.
Matt, there is something that really stands out in my mind is when Sister Michelle Broadbent once said,
“Anna, What did you do to teach your son, Matt how to do the wash, clean the house and make a bed?”
She was so impressed at how you helped out Beth so much of the times,
What did it most was even when you were already in school full time and working besides.
Now, Matt you know that your parents-in-law have always endeared you from the start,
They saw in you a good match for their daughter and you had definitely captured her heart.
We are all so proud of you and how you have turned out,
And know as you pursue and commence your master’s degree (MBA) --success is yours, without a doubt.
We congratulate you today for a Happy “30th” Birthday,
And wish you the best not only today, or now. . . but for always!
We love you….Your Mom & Family.
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