Ever wonder about your own heroes in life? Some are bigger than life. It depends on how you perceive what is important to you and the models to look to in admiration.
I love the prophets from the Book of Mormon. I look up to so many of them for the things they teach me in the pages they have written. There are also women who inspire me with their example and the few lines or words written about them in the scriptures. There are women in Church history who also have influenced and inspired me in the restored Gospel. Emma Smith, Mary Fielding Smith, Lucy Mack Smith, Mary Rawlins Lightner, Camilla Kimball, Marjorie Pay Hinckley to name a few.
Children have their heroes too, their role models. Most kids look up to their parents first and foremost. I do, always have and always will. Those early formative years so many patterns are set before us without even thinking about it.
I learned so much from my own parents and continue to appreciate all they did for me. They didn't just try, they DID! My parents instilled in me a love for family, my brothers and sisters, my grandparents,and all people. Even though I didn't live close to their parents (Texas & Chicago), I was still influenced for good by them. I pray I have had that kind of influence on my own grandchildren over the years.
Those heroes I look up growing up to in the scriptures were, Baby Moses, the adult Moses and his ability to command the powers of God to obey him. David, the young boy who fought the Giant fearlessly. Job. Yes, Job. His life and experiences were brought to my knowledge in my early teen years through Job's Daughter's. I memorized a few stories of his life as a "messenger" who told the initiates his story as a young woman. Those stories made such an impression on my life even so still today. When I see myself and others pass through incredible trials or trying circumstances I think of Job.
Ruth, in the Bible, along with her mother-in-law, Naomi are my she-roes too. Ruth's dedication and respect for God, her conversion and her mother-in-law's example have taught me much. I love Sister Abish, in the Book of Mormon and her missionary spirit.
Then of course, my parents were MY heroes too. Now, there are some things I have had to overcome and overlook in them, but I love them just the same. I learned to look past their human faults and continue to appreciate who and what they stood for. The older I become the more I realize their influence too were greater than I had previously known. I know I am not perfect and understand parents do the best they can.
All the prophets of the Book of Mormon. The more I read it, the more I appreciate the details of their journeys make me a better, me. I think the more I read the scriptures the better I am and draw even closer to my Savior.

So, I write these few paragraphs to let my posterity know, we don't all know everything at once. It takes line upon line, trial after trial to eventually become polished in the eyes of our creator, and Heavenly Father. I am thankful for what I know and learn each day to become a better me. God bless you all in that effort as well. I love you.
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