Grandma Mattie

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Taking Extra Time Out of the World

Ever get so bombarded by the outside world? There is so much going on, one hardly has time to think in a quiet place. But, I know there is the most calm and peaceful place that is a refuge from the world. It is actually a bit of heaven on Earth.

Is it any wonder how I feel about the many opportunities afford us in our busy work, work-a-day world to "get away from it all" place? It is no secret how I feel living in the shadow of the temple. Today, my son, Michael and I took a few hours to spend some time and enjoy the feeling of peace and tranquility there in the temple.

It takes such little time if you think about it and it makes such a big difference in how I go about the rest of my week. If there is anything, virtuous, lovely or of good report, let us seek after these things; paraphrased from the XIII Article of Faith and scripture of the admonition of Paul.

When there is so much to get done and places to be, just going to the temple for me makes my week so much easier and things just come together better. I also seem to get everything done that needs to be done and more. I firmly believe and noticed it is just like paying tithing but with my time, instead of money. It is a reward nevertheless to embrace Christ's love, atoning sacrifice and grace in my (our) behalf. I learn so much and the Spirit guides me through my daily challenges and makes those burdens lighter.

I just love how Heavenly Father does the math in all of this, that in the end, I am the one who is blessed all the more. There is just no other way to explain it. No explanation necessary. I am so blessed to live in this time and be where I am.

How blessed I am as a parent, daughter, sister and granddaughter and live for those promised blessings yet to come and be mine. I had the privilege of going this morning with Michael, my second son to the temple. It was good to share that time with him since he was leaving later today to go back home in Cincinnati, to be with his family. It was a nice five days to have him with us and share family time with his siblings and me. Thank you Michael, for taking the time and visiting with us. We look forward to see you next time when you come in October.

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