Mt Timpanogos Temple from south side. Moroni is facing East.
Many are not aware nor embrace the truthfulness that is here upon the Earth at this time while we have a living prophet. It is wonderful to live in these the Latter-days. This morning I went to the Mount Timpanogos Temple to do some work which has to be the most rewarding and fulfilling of all there is on the earth to imagine. Matt, my youngest son met me there and we attended a session together. It pleased me beyond words to share that time with him, just like we did when he and Beth returned from their trip to Spain. Only that time we went to the Seattle Temple before I left Washington to come back home.
Families bound together forever is the ultimate blessing for those who have gone before to prepare a way for the rest left behind. We are given great promises that if we keep our part (covenants)of the promises, we are bound for eternal happiness linked as families forever. Heaven would not be heaven without everyone of our family.