Grandma Mattie

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Scripture to Feast Upon the Meaning

Helaman 5:12

And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Alma 26:6

Yea, they shall not be beaten down by the storm at the last day; yea, neither shall they be harrowed up by the whirlwinds; but when the storm cometh they shall be gathered together in their place, that the storm cannot penetrate to them; yea, neither shall they be driven with fierce winds whithersoever the enemy listeth to carry them.

Monday, March 28, 2011

God Wants You To Know

Don't fret or worry.
Instead of worrying, pray.

Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers,
letting God know your concerns.

Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness,
everything coming together for good,
will come and settle you down.

It's wonderful what happens
when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
Philippians 4:6-7 (The Message)

God Bless You!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Do Not Run The Race Of Life Alone

"We do not run the race of life alone. We are entitled to the Lord's help."
Thomas S Monson.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Angel From Heaven

Tanner William McIntire~cutest little bundle of Joy! Happy parents, Michael & Joanna, brothers, James and Austin. Born in Cincinnati, OH., March 20, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Missionary Experience Right Here in Lindon

Today I went to my Family History Center for three hours, my regular weekly assignment. Normally there are very few visitors who need help, so I work on my own family search.

Shortly after 9:30 am, two men came in that needed help with their ancestral search. One was from Guatemala and the other, Peru.

I volunteered to be their consultant since no one else spoke Spanish. They were both converts. The younger of the two, Mario, brought in Miguel. Miguel knew very little about his parents and grandparents. But, just enough to link him to them and go back to his grandparents' and placed them in his pedigree. I was able to pull information out of him to piece together his family information.

He walked away when we were done with the information entered so he could have his parents and grandparents with both sets temple work ready and to be sealed to his parents. I showed him how he could do the paperwork and just take it for completion.

He was thrilled, as I was as well to bring him the blessings of an eternal family. I gathered from his comments that he really never knew his father, who had died when he was two years old.

I explained to him and Mario how right nowhis family was in a place where they could not progress except for his help in identifying them. He smiled when I told him what an honor it is to have their ordinance work done in their behalf and have the joys of eternal family blessings.

It felt so good to be an instrument in the hands of God to be a help for this man who had no one to bless his life in this way. Although I don't know his whole story, or even much of it, he did join the church fifteen years ago, and was faithful to received his temple blessings by the next year mark and ever since.

This website really helps families unite and can be found to receive their eternal blessings to come to pass on both sides of the veil.

I bore my testimony to both of them (in Spanish, no less) that I know that this is an inspired program and that the promise, "receiving hidden treasures, even hidden treasures of knowledge," reveals unto them in this work for our kindred on the other side of the veil. I also bore witness at how thin the veil is and how we are blessed to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

I had confirmation after confirmation as I bore my testimony that what I was telling them was true. Wow, what a missionary experience I had. I could feel the Holy Ghost's promptings. Miguel gave me "un abrazo, fuerte," a strong hug as he left!

He reminded me so much of one of my great uncles, Raul Sanchez, a brother to my maternal grandfather, Alberto Sanchez.

Mario, the other fellow, was in his mid forties, and had ten children. His parents live in Guatemala and are LDS as well. He was able to get into and find his pedigree to connect to his ancestors from Guatemala into Oaxaca, Mexico, even though he came so the other man could get help.

It was a very rewarding experience. I am thankful to have that calling. This morning I wanted to just stay home and fought that feeling to stay home. I felt I might have a great experience if I went, since I do whenever I am there. I must have overcome the opposition and forged ahead, and see why I was being tempted to not go today. So much would have been missed had I not been there to help these people.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Celebration to Welcome New Grandson~

Welcome to sweet, not so little, bouncing baby grandson. Tanner William McIntire. I already want to call him T.W.! or Tee Doubya. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 6.9 oz.

Michael and Joanna are the proud parents of this adorable son. He joins James and Austin, his big brothers. Congratulations to all of you. God bless you. I am thankful for his safe arrival, and for Joanna's quick recovery yet to be the next few days rest she gets in the hospital in Cincinnati.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Relief Society Stake Luncheon

A Lingerie lace Blouse from Victorian Era

Our Lindon West Stake Relief Society had an activity for the women to come celebrate the 169 anniversary of the organization.

Our stake president, Jimmy Trent spoke, as well as our ward Relief Society President, Raylene Ireland. It was a real treat to have Sister Ireland speak. She is very articulate and expresses herself so well. Her theme and talk was centered around, "Ordinary Women Doing Extraordinary Things."

There was a delicious luncheon that more than adequately filled our stomachs with the croissant chicken salad sandwich, spinach salad, and strawberry shortcake. Everything was so well planned and carried out. The decorations were outstanding and the fashion show was superb.

A woman from Bountiful, UT came and showed us some of her collection that she had made over a period of thirty-five years. He husband was an antique car aficionado and she became interested in antique clothing along side him. She designed dozens of outfits of the mid-to late nineteenth century and into the forties of the twentieth century.

She narrated her stories and history of each outfit modeled by our own stake sisters. Everyone was amazed at her ingenuity and ability to find so many nice things at such shopping bargains over the years. She redesigned hats made from covered straw hats with wide brims to fit the style and times of her dresses and gowns modeled. I have never seen anything like it.

Her name was Sister Hawkins. I hope to get some photos to show here soon of those taken of Candice, who was asked to model several of the gowns. She looked stunning in the peach colored dress trimmed in black lace as well as a black one of different 1920s era.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Women of Valor

A quote from sister, Kathleen H Hughes formerly of the R. S. General Presidency said:

In 1856, Julia and Emily Hill, sisters who had joined the Church as teenagers in England and been disowned by their family, had finally earned passage for their way to America and had almost reached their longed-for Zion. They were crossing the American plains with the Willie handcart company when they and many others were stranded on the trail by an early October storm. Sister Deborah Christensen, a great-granddaughter of Julia Hill, experienced this touching dream about them. She said:

"I could see Julia and Emily stranded in the snow on the windy summit of Rocky Ridge with the rest of the Willie handcart company. They had no heavy clothing to keep them warm. Julia was sitting in the snow, shaking. She could not carry on. Emily, who was freezing as well, knew that if she did not help Julia stand up, Julia would die. As Emily wrapped her arms around her sister to help her up, Julia began to cry—but no tears came, only soft whimpering sounds. Together they walked slowly to their handcart. Thirteen died that terrible night. Julia and Emily survived."4

Sisters, without each other, these women probably would not have lived. In addition, they helped others survive this devastating portion of the journey, including a young mother and her children. It was Emily Hill Woodmansee who later wrote the beautiful words to the song "As Sisters in Zion." The verse "We'll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak"5 takes on new meaning when you imagine her experience on the snow-packed plains.

As Sisters in ZIon

On Aug. 2, 1856, some residents of a small Iowa town approached two young women who were traveling with the Willie Handcart Company. The two young women were the Hill sisters, ages 20 and 23. The younger of the two was named Emily.

The townspeople attempted to entice these attractive young women away from the company, using written messages that they delivered to the two sisters. Their messages promised all of the comforts and conveniences that life had to offer if they would simply abandon their trek to Zion.

Notwithstanding they were worn and weary from their 4,000 miles of travel over the past three months, which began in Liverpool, England, they resisted.

On Oct. 19, 1856, Joseph A. Young was the first rescuer to reach the Willie Handcart Company. Young had been a missionary in England and had known Emily there. Eventually recognizing that the starved figure with a gaunt face standing before him was Emily, Young burst into tears. He gave Emily an onion from his pocket and told her to eat it. Instead, she saved it and unselfishly gave it to a man, near death, lying on the ground by a fire. This man credited Emily’s act of kindness with saving his life.

Emily Hill(Woodmansee) later authored a poem which became the words to the beloved LDS hymn “As Sisters In Zion.”

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fiddler On The Roof

I really love going to see live theater. I was able to go see a production of "Phantom of the Opera," not too long ago at a local high school. It was excellent and the talent, costuming and over all production were outstanding.

Last night I went to see a production done by a junior high in Spanish Fork. One of my granddaughters was in the play, so I wanted to go see her sing, and took two other granddaughters, Aislyn and Ella. They loved it.

The production was called a "Jr." play. It was an abbreviated version of it. They did a good job, the main character was played by a young man, perhaps about fourteen. He really held the audience and sang his part.

We had second row seats. The music was recorded so it was by a great orchestra that accompanied the singing. The group sang and the recorded music was their background. There was great acoustics for the music to sound so well.

I remember my maternal grandmother taking us kids to the movies and to live theater. I really appreciate that now and still have fond memories of riding the "EL" to go to downtown Chicago with her. She didn't have a car but we took the bus and the EL.

What is so crazy that I remember about riding the Elevated transportation was how we would be going along the curves and buildings and it would look like we were going to crash into a corner and the train would swerve the opposite direction.

I have seen in some movies of riding the EL and coming to the same twists and turns that looked exactly of how it did when I was young, in Chicago.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Make My DaY!

Go ahead,make my day!!

This afternoon I met a lady who is in my oldest son, Hank's ward. She noticed my name tag and said there was a Hank McIntire in her ward. Then she asked me if I was his sister!!! Everyone seems to love him...

She made MY day!

A young Clint Eastwood, famous for the phrase, "go ahead, make my day."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Stake Conference Sunday Meeting

Our ward, rather stake met for Stake Conference. Aaron had YM/YW morningside with the Stake President. They fed the youth doughnuts and juice or milk. Aaron and Candice needed to get the family ready the rest of the way so I left a few minutes after nine for the ten o'clock meeting.

I like being in the same building as the conference was held in three buildings in our stake. There is noting like being their and feeling the music played on the organ and the choir singing live!

Even though I was so early, most all the seats in the chapel were filled. I found a row of seats, 7, for us to all sit in the second row of chairs. The first row was open, but from past experience the kids think we are in their living room and get up and walk around in the aisle in front of them.

We had a great conference last evening with the adult session. Again, I saved Aaron and Candice seats. They had gone to have a quick bite, (so they thought) so I found some soft seats in the chapel. The Spirit was great, the talks were uplifting. There was a couple who spoke that just returned from a temple mission in the Hong Kong Temple. They gave inspirational talks and bore testimony of the work they did and those they had to leave behind. They commented on the tender mercies of the Lord as they served and He took care of their family at home.

Today's talks were exceptional. I was so appreciative of the time I spent in the temple this week. I know it prepared me to hear the talks and feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It was sweet and comforting. The children were good,no one had to be taken out. They are pretty much well behaved. If they go out, it is to go to the bathroom.
We have such great men who lead our stake. They each bore their testimonies which we heard last night and today. It is always good to give support to our leaders. The Mt. Timpanogos temple president spoke, L. Edward Brown. He has such a gentle, tender spirit about him. He and his wife, the temple matron add so much to the peaceful, caring and loving feeling in our temple. The workers love them dearly and once can tell as we function in such unity.

I went visiting teaching today in the late afternoon. I took a nap and I must have slept three hours when I realized it was almost five o'clock. I went teaching and left her home to go to Hank's for dinner for K10's birthday. She turned four. We had Hawaiian Haystacks, which is a favorite for some of the younger kids, they request it often for their birthday dinner. The baby, K12 was awake and I got to hold him and cuddle him. He smiled a lot and cooed too. He got a little fussy, but Lori just sat down with him and fed him. He was fine after that.

We read scriptures in the Book of Mormon with everyone, in Ether 12. Hank asked me to give the family prayer. I had not been asked that befdore, except for the blessing on the food occasionally. I felt honored and gave the family prayer. I am grateful for the time I get to spend with them, and see them read the scripture together. Reminded me of when I would gather my little flock and read with them when they were growing up.

It has been a good day.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

Bestamor aka Esther Christiansen Burt-- A picture of beauty, love and kindness.

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882); American poet

Kindness is something that can be developed with little effort. Just thinking or doing something for someone else. How easy that can be.

I love it when I receive the kindness of someone else. I know what it feels like when I do that for someone else!

Giving of oneself on a regular basis without being asked and just follow that inner voice inside to follow through. I like the quote at the top of the page. It was from an article about Random Acts of Kindness or RAK.

Have a blessed, kindness giving, filled day!