Grandma Mattie

Friday, April 30, 2010

"Eggs and Soldiers"

Who would ever think soft-boiled eggs and toast(eggs and soldiers) could taste so good for dinner?

Well, as my children were growing up, their Grandma McIntire taught me how to make poached eggs with cut up buttered toast and put them together for breakfast. We had those on rare occasions, or when someone had been sick and eggs and toast sounded like a feast!

Today, I was not able to keep ANY food down. Not even tap water. I woke up this morning about 4:00 am. I felt so dizzy I didn't dare get up and walk around. Then, after about a half hour of lying there thinking, I felt something familiar that got me up so fast I had to steady myself as I ran to the bathroom.

I dry heaved for about ten minutes. Not good. Then a little bit of my last night's dinner came up. All that work and feeling so lousy and only a few diced green chiles came up. This went on for about fifteen minutes. By then I was worn out from dry heaving. So, I went back to sleep for another two or three hours.

I still felt awful. I didn't drink anything either, yet. So I called in to work and the training leader for the Census said to STAY home. So I followed her advice and was excused for the day. Thank goodness for that. About noon I decided to try drinking some orange juice. But alas, that came up also. So I took another nap.

I later called one of my sons to bring me some soda, thinking it would help. A cola caffeine drink usually does the trick, for me anyway. But, guess what? After another half hour, up it came too! Every bit of it and just that, from my empty stomach by now. I could not win. I felt so depleted by then, I didn't know what to do.

So, after I drank a half glass of alkaline, Kangen water it seemed to stay down.
That was encouraging. So I was getting really hungry but did not know what to have or where to start. I decided to make a few soft boiled eggs and made some toast. I also boiled water to make some Chamomile tea. That always settles an upset stomach.

So far, so good. The eggs are still intact, and I will go for the tea as soon as I finish this. I think it was just that what I had for lunch yesterday, and going "Mexican" for dinner, kind of threw my system off since had been restricting a lot of high carbs and or high calorie food. It caught up to me. My body did not particularly care for that food. Tanise had eaten what I ate, yet I don't think she got sick. But, Aaron and the kids and I went to have Mexican food, even though it was not overly high in calories, my system let me know, to ease into it next time. And I agree. No one else got sick but me.

Good lesson for me to learn here and take it gently when making choices to go easy on the orange and whipped cream dessert, almond cookies or even the chocolate eclairs. Even the teeny ones. I think the combination was like what happens when a fuse is blown and short circuits the electrical system in a house. That is what it felt like to me and my system.

I hope the eggs and soldiers stay down, as well. So far, so good.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Touch of Class

Tanise, going over last minute details of the luncheon.

Today, I was invited to a luncheon at BYU for a Women's Conference luncheon for the PLC women. The women come from the area and all over the U.S. for this event. Julie B Beck, the General Relief Society President was there. She spoke at the opening of the conference earlier. I only attended the lunch.

My oldest daughter, Tanise invited me, since it had a mother/daughter theme. She is on the committee that plans these kinds of events, as one of her duties in her job for LDS Philanthropies Foundation. We had a lovely lunch and the entertainment was a harpist, Annamae Anderson, and Elizabeth Ashton, who played and accompanied with her viola. They chose two very uplifting songs, "O My Father," and "I Feel My Savior's Love."
I took a snapshot of the harp beforehand to keep the reverence of the occasion.

I enjoyed the ladies at our table and of course being with my daughter. We have just a handful of these kinds of things to do together throughout the year. It was choice. The ladies at our table know her and had positive compliments of her contribution to the foundation. I was very pleased to be her mother, and recognized by the sisters for the mother I am to her and her siblings. It is me who is honored to be her mother. My cup runneth over.

Thank you, Tanise for doing your job so well. It made my day just being there in the Tanner building and the memories of studying there myself.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

An Adult Twin, Unrelated

This is a picture I took at my Census training class. There was another worker there that to me, looked so much like grandson, Cole. I showed this fellow Cole's picture and he was amazed that he looked so much like himself. His comment was, that Cole looks like him now, but not like when he was four years old.

Turns out, that "Daniel" said he was a twin, he is the older of the two and are identical. I thought it was a coincidence he looks so much like Cole and that Cole may look like him when he gets older.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

U.S. Census 2010

A couple of months ago, my attention was drawn to the need for enumerators for the U.S. Census 2010. The interest I have in genealogy was one of the reasons for looking into the possibility of being a Census worker.

This week I was able to be in training for the job. Last week I was invited to go learn how to fingerprint so fingerprint the other trainees in the same training class. I attended a four hour session and was actually fingerprinted for it at the same time. Each government employee is required to have their fingerprints and sent to the FBI as a prerequisite to be accepted for employment.

I ended up helping with the paper work since the fingerprints have to be perfect. And with my limited experience, someone else came forward while we practiced and was more experienced. I didn't mind doing the paperwork for the project and I was busy most of the morning session during the training.

I also was issued a bag with the Census Bureau logo. I will take a picture of it and post it. Kind of a neat souvenier and handy for a bag to carry while doing the work in the field. I went out yesterday for practice with another worker. We canvassed our ward area. Her area was actually in our ward and we went together for training just to get practice to do it correctly. We worked well together and she helped me with some of the things we needed to be sure to do in different instances.

There are so many variables and situations we were taught that one would come across and she recalled some details I had overlooked. So it was a good thing. I will go out next week and review my packet to contact the ones in my assigned area who failed to respond to the mailer. Nevertheless,they need to be counted.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Holy Ghost And How He Saves in a Time of Need

As the Dews from Heaven descend upon us!

Becky Thomas wrote her feelings in the loss of a friend. I put an excerpt here:

"I have spoken many times in my columns and in my life about the importance of the Holy Ghost. I have known since I was a little girl of his power, influence and ability to touch our hearts, minds and our lives.The first time I knew he was real was on the day of my baptism as an 8-year-old girl. When my dad confirmed me a member of the church and through the priesthood power gave me the gift of the Holy Ghost, I was touched and overwhelmed in a way that neither my father nor I could ever deny.

Since that day, I have been keenly aware of the Holy Ghost, what it is like to have his companionship and what it is like to lose it.

Having the Holy Ghost is a dream come true.

He gives us comfort when nothing else in the world can come close to giving us the peace we so desperately need.

He gives us perspective when life seems so unfair.

He gives us guidance when we have no idea which way to turn.

He gives us understanding when nothing makes sense.

He gives us the ability to see things as they really are, versus how they seem to be, therefore giving us calm and confidence in the future."

So many times in my own life I too, have felt and known the prompting of this great testator of truth and given me strength beyond my own as well as vision beyond my physical eyes.

Friday, April 23, 2010

More Church History Gems . .Message:


Posted: 23 Apr 2010 12:00 AM PDT
"The Prophet Joseph Smith promised that 'all beings who have bodies have power over those who have not' (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 211)."When temptation comes, you can invent a delete key in your mind—perhaps the words from a favorite hymn. Your mind is in charge; your body is the instrument of your mind. When some unworthy thought pushes into your mind, replace it with your delete key. Worthy music is powerful and can help you control your thoughts."When Oliver Cowdery failed in an attempt to translate, the Lord told him:" 'Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me." 'But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right." 'But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings' (D&C 9:7–9)."

Boyd K. Packer, "Prayer and Promptings," Ensign, Nov. 2009, 46

Topics: Spirituality
President Packer is so right on with his suggestion to help us overcome temptations of the flesh. I love worthy music, as it fills my mind and heart to lift me. I love the hymns, like the Mormon Tabernacle.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Come Unto Him, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

Christ said in Matthew 11: 28
28 ¶ "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

This scripture tells us that as we come unto Christ, who calls us often to come unto him, we will receive rest from our burdens.

I was thinking about this scripture the other day when we were up at the North Visitor's Center on Temple Square with family. A voice came over the intercom and the words of Christ were given in scripture. I was so touched listening and sitting there in that open room, with others who were resting themselves on the soft benches. I wiped away my tears feeling and knowing those words spoken were true. The Holy Ghost bore witness to the truthfulness of His Word.

As I heard his words come, I noticed that some continued to go about their activity, unaware that the intercom was on. Some were still visiting with their neighbors, some were looking after their little ones, and others were standing close to the Christus statue. And some were still, and listening with intent of His voice.

I sat there and wondered how often he calls us, like a hen gathereth her chicks to come and be safe under his wings. We are asked to go to the temple often, to worship and attend regularly. It is for our own good and yet how many take the few hours out of a week to go? He is there.

I also know he calls us to go on missions, and wants more of them to come, serve Him. Again, do those who are able bodied and able to go do they plan to serve a couples mission? It takes sacrifice of time and some inconvenience. Nevertheless it is a rewarding experience to go and serve willingly. So many blessings are bestowed for our service.

Serving in the temple, to me is like a mission. I love going and it brings me great joy to serve. I want to serve more and enjoy the fullness of the Spirit there in the temple. Eye hath not seen, nor ear hear the things of GOD that I know are there each time I am there. I know our Savior walks the halls of the temples.

We cannot see him, but we can feel his Spirit there as we Come Unto Him, with broken hearts and contrite spirits. I testify that this is true, and fills my cup to overflowing feeling and knowing my Savior is there even if I cannot see Him. I know He is near and that He lives!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am thankful for the New Family Search Program

I just imagine what my great-grandmothers would have looked like holding their babies on their laps.

This week I found some of my second great-grandfather and grandmother's family. Their children were listed and some were submitted by the LDS Extraction program as recent as 1991. I realized that over the years I have done much of the extraction program for others. I had no success in pinpointing my ancestors residences.

I had also searched many years for my own ancestors, but did not have the specific location of their whereabouts. It was pay back time for me after I paid it forward for others to received their work as a result of my paying it forward for them.

I found the siblings of my great-grandfather, Eufemio Canchola. His parents were Francisco Canchola, from Arandas,Jalisco, Mexico. His wife, Soledad Magana had four children listed from what I found. My great-grandfather was the oldest, with two brothers, and one sister. These were submitted to different temples, the Seattle Temple in 1986. The Mesa Arizona Temple in 1990-91. The third sibling, will be submitted to Mt. Timpanogos for baptism, endowment and sealing to parents.
Francisco Canchola was married to Soledad Magana, with their four children, Eufemio, Maria Antonia, Regino, and Lucio De Jesus. They are listed with their mother's name shown as after Canchola Magana. I am grateful to have found this branch of the family.
Canchola siblings, my grandmother, Maria del Refugio aka Cuquita and her brother, Reynaldo Canchola, 1925

I just recently found my grandmother, aka Nane and Maria del Refugio Canchola who needed to be linked to her parents the end of March when Beth was here from Seattle. I have since also found my grandmother's parents and siblings, whose work for a sibling is ready to complete. She was married to my grandfather, Ricardo Rodriguez.

I have a strong testimony of this work and how it comes to pass as we do our part, the Lord does the rest. There is no doubt there is an earthly connection and reason for this to come together since the ordinances for my grandmother were completed for her to be linked to her own parents. It strengthens my testimony how the Lord works in our lives. We just have to be diligent and obedient.

I am looking for my file with the photos of my grandmother with her brother, Reynaldo Canchola. I will post it later when I find the files.

Okay, I found this photo and saved it off my blog here. I really don't know how to find the pictures I know I have in the computer. So I just did the copy off what I have in the right column of this blog space.
This is Eufemio Canchola, my paternal great-grandfather. He resembles my our father and have similar hands, hard working and very dexterous.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Family Time Visiting Temple Square

There is Beauty All Around when there is Love at Home . . .

Today, the weather was fantastic. Great weather to be outside enjoying the rays of the SUN! Aaron & Candice were hosting a friend from Idaho and her three boys. She ran a half marathon today and we went up to take her boys with us to visit Temple Square.

Saturday afternoon on Temple Square was a delight. The flowers were all in bloom and we took a lot of pictures. The kids loved the freedom to literally run all over on the grass, the reflection pool, and walk ways around the flower beds.

Joel had those figured out so quickly, that Candice could not keep up with him and his fast little legs! Parker was very active as well following Jenny' boys everywhere. They did have to be rewarded to still long enough to take group pictures with each other and for family groups snapshots.

Jenny did well in her time for the run, and made her goal to be under 2hours. The thirteen miles must have been very easy, since she looked great and did not appear to be worn out in the least.

We had picnic lunch on the tailgate of the truck, ham and cheese with peanut butter and strawberry jam for the kids. They are all going to go out to have dinner tonight.

I drove the truck home, since they did not need three vehicles to get home. Jenny drove her van up and Candice drove hers, besides Aaron drove the truck to be able tot transport the older kids. I rode with them. The two younger boys, Parker and Joel rode with Candice, with Joel asleep on the way up and Jenny's two younger boys did too.

They loved the exhibits at Temple Square. The ancient prophets were all on display. We saw a lot of new things that I had not seen before. The kids have a short attention span so we kept moving along to keep them interested with a few bribes here and there with Starburst's to reward them.

They decided to take in the Church History Museum as I left to come back to Lindon. There is always a lot of great exhibits for them to eye and enjoy at the museum.

I was ready for a nap when I got home, but needed to make a visit to my friend, Donaire. It is always nice to go see her and share her sweet spirit with me. She reminds me of my grandmother, Anita. She is old enough to be my mother, so I consider a good surrogate, friend and confidante. She razor cuts my hair and she tells (reminds) me "she doesn't do that for no body!" in her heavy European accent. I laugh thinking about her. I love her old stories, they are so unique and interesting.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Church History Gems

If Not a Prophet

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 12:00 AM PDT

"Missionaries were called at 20 years of age in those days, and my brother [Joe] had just filled out his application to medical school. He was a good student. My father, who was not active in the Church, had made financial preparations to help him with medical school . . . .My father counseled Joe not to go [on a mission] and suggested that he could do more good by going to medical school."This was a big issue in our family. That night my brother and I talked about the choice. . . .We concluded: If Jesus Christ was a great man but not divine, if Joseph Smith was a wonderful teacher but not a prophet, or if the Book of Mormon had wonderful counsel but was not the word of God, then Dad was right—it would be better to go to medical school. But if Jesus Christ is divine, if Joseph Smith is a prophet, and if the Book of Mormon is the word of God, then it would be more important to accept the call and proclaim the gospel.". . . That night, as I prayed, the Spirit bore witness to my soul of the Savior and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. My brother received the same witness and made the choice to serve a mission. Incidentally, when my brother returned from his mission, he went to medical school. When I reached my 20th birthday, my father was happy to see me serve a mission."

Quentin L. Cook, "Strengthen Faith as You Seek Knowledge, "New Era, Sept. 2008, 4–5

Topics: Missionary Work

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday, A Celebration

This Sunday morning found me in Salt Lake City, Utah at the General Conference morning session as well as The Spoken Word. Both were very outstanding and I cheered in my heart all through this incredible experience.

The ride up to the center was great, hardly any traffic. My grandson K3 drove and is a very good driver, by the way. He has been taught well, and proceeded with caution the whole time. He reminded me of his dad, Hank and is driver like his dad. :) Good to go, K3!

K4, and K5 also went with us. We had a great time, amazing front row seats. I was able to get our tickets through the ward. The Choir was wonderful. They were rehearsing for the broadcast and sang the Hallelujah chorus hymn a couple of times. It made the whole Sunday experience extra special being Easter and all with Conference.

I felt and thought the talks were very timely and correlated for the message of the Savior and his resurrection. I know that He lives and gave his ultimate sacrifice for each of us. I am grateful for his atonement and the healing power of it in my life each day.

After the morning session we went to Lori's parents, Lynn and Linda's for lunch, p.m. conference and were joined by Hank, Lori and the Ks for both conference and dinner. K1 also came for dinner. We had a great afternoon and dinner besides.

I was so blessed to be there with then and having been to conference with my grandchildren. They had never been before to the conference center. We enjoyed a close parking space at the Church History Library. We walked across the street from the Conference center and we at the parking lot to get in the car. It was the smoothest and quickest I had ever been to attend anything like it.

One of the lady ushers came over to talk to us before the session and admired us for coming. She came back over and asked if we had camera with us. K3 had his phone, so she took the pic of us. I will post it when he sends it via email later.