Grandma Mattie

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Great Fathers or Dads Don't Just Happen

This was a favorite poem my dad, Carlos used to recite often as I grew up.

This time of year I was thinking about what I would write about in relationship to Father's day. My own father now passed away, was the one I have to compare anyone else to that role. I loved my dad, he was and still is my HERO. He treated me like a queen, and called me a queen as a little girl.

I was the oldest daughter, after two brothers. My mother said, she thought she was having another boy when she carried me. My heart beat was slow she says, and the doctor told her, I was a boy. I fooled everyone. I came into the world three years after my next oldest brother, Robert. He was a terror anyway, and I came along and according to my mother, his m.o. was that he "terrorized" me. She said he used to pinch me when I lay in my bed or sleeping. She really had to watch him because he was "travieso" aka mischievous. It fit him.

Anyway, back to my observation about fathers. I noticed that several of my grandsons have been so helpful without being asked or even when their parents were not around to tell them to do what they do for me.

I notice that when I visit at Hank and Lori's that the boys offer to pitch in to help carry my 3 gallon water container to the car when I go to fill my water jug. K2, K3, K5 and K7 are always such gentleman. Then I observe how at Tracie and Jared's that Adam takes the initiative and helps put the car seat in for me for Luke. He follows instructions very well when I need him. He is a good little worker.

Last week I stopped by after I went to the temple. Adam was there and a babysitter was taking care of them. My car windows were dirty from rain, or sprinklers, that I could not see well when I left that morning. They were not dirty the night before, so the rain or sprinklers had made the windows spotted all around the car.

I asked Adam if a hose was there in the front yard so I could wash the windows and car off with water. He said he would do it for me. He did and then I looked for towels in my trunk. He, in the meantime ran into the house and brought out a towel to wipe my windows, insisting he do them for me. That made my day!

I watch my son, Aaron as he goes about doing things for his wife and family, setting the example. He will oft times make breakfast of crepes, or omelets, or clear the snow on my car before he leaves for work when he does his. He has given me coupons for my car to get the oil changed and even a coupon or two to go have my car washed at Sonic. It is those small little things that make such a difference and at the same time lightens my load.

I also want to take a moment to say how much it means to me, when I go visit Hank for Sunday dinner. Almost, without exception when he is home when I leave, he bids me good bye with a hug and a kiss. He also will stand at his front door way and watch and wait for me to get in my car to make sure I am safe, and as I drive away he waves to me. He has also scraped off the snow on my car if needed. That ALL makes me feel so cared about, and with not having a significant other man in my life, it fills that place/void in my life for the moment.

The other day, Michael called me on his way home from getting gas for Joanna in their car/truck. He says he will think of me and call me to let me know. It touches my heart with that kind of simple gesture, that is priceless. Matt does that too, and he lets me know how much he loves me, and was thinking of me. He is always so grateful for helping raise him, when he writes to me on my birthday card or Mother's day card. Thank you, my dear sons, for your examples and too for my son's-in-law who take good care of my daughters.

I remember one of my daughter's tell me how her husband will not allow their children to be unkind, loud or disrespectful to her, their mother. He makes it very clear, she is HIS queen and they will treat her kindly and with utmost respect. I appreciate that. It is that kind of example that makes my grandsons become good fathers and husbands some day. I pray that my granddaughters will choose good companions like their fathers. They are not only choosing a husband, but the father of their children as well.

And so. . . the cycle of life begins again and continues.

P.S. Just for a moment take time to listen to the first song if you turned it off when reading this. It reminds me of my parents. My dad, Carlos told me when he lived with me, that he and my mother used to dance to this song in their courtship. My mother said he told her he loved her even before they became girl friend and boy friend. He must have been smitten with her. A true love story, and grateful to share it here.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Grateful Heart--

This was one of those days, that I counted my blessings and felt great love for my children. Over the years as they were growing up, we had instances when and where we worked together for a common goal, and the good of all.

I express my gratitude for the hard work they did to make it possible for many of them to have orthodontic work done. Our orthodontist was sensitive to our needs and the challenge it was for a large family to keep up with the dental bills each month. His office manager approached us one day and offered to let our family go each week to clean their office. We worked off our bill for six of the eight who had braces. I was able to have Matt get his braces when I was going to UVSC, and paid it in full myself. His teeth only needed alignment after having grown older than some of the others who had their braces in early high school or junior high.

The many hours and sacrifice of time and sleep we spent as a family came to mind. It also was a great blessing to help clean the McKay Events Center after their games to help with the two younger boys for their missions.

As a mother, I was blessed to see my children work together, for each other, and with one another. My gratitude is also great for how each of you are teaching your families to live the gospel and serve the Lord and work hard at their educational pursuits. Those experiences have bonded us closer and I express my gratitude to all of you for your cooperation and support in these activities. God bless you my dears.

Love, Mom

It is a Small World, After All--

My Great-grandfather, Feliciano Recio, Sr in the foreground holding the bass saxophone.

Today as I was dressing in my white clothes for my early shift at the temple. A sister I work with was getting ready just like I was doing. I had the prompting to ask her a question if she was doing anything fun this week.

She said, not really, just having some of her school chums from Jr. High spend time with a few of them. She told me she had grown up in Fresno and San Jose. It sparked a familiar chord in my memory bank. I had the impression to ask her if she knew any Recio's from there.

Yes, in deed she did. She knew some and had some friends in San Jose by that name, too. I gave her my (second)cousin's and his wife's name, Tony and Yvonne Recio aka Bradford. SHE KNEW THEM! I was shocked. So was she. She also told me that the sister to Yvonne lived right here in the area and were getting ready to leave on a mission as well to Argentina. This cousin and I have a common great-grandfather, Feliciano Recio, Sr. Our grandparents, Anita Recio and Feliciano Recio, II were brother and sister. Did you know there are four, yes four Felicino Recio's? Feliciano Recio, Sr, II, III, and even a IV. Amazing.

I could hardly contain myself. It has been many years since I knew of my cousin's family. He has long since passed away in 1993, and hear little anymore about them either. I have known this co-worker for a couple of years, I knew she spoke Spanish, very well too, and we communicated a lot speaking Spanish to one another while we visited in the locker room.

It felt like the prompting must have come from the other side. I came away wondering how many people have this kind of experience of knowing each other and not realizing how we are always connected to others. What if we only follow a prompting and or ask a question as directed? It showed me how small our world is when we find in some small way a connection we could never have imagined.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Update on Memorial Day Thoughts and Services

Hank and his former priest adviser, Don Norton. He was from our old ward and the featured speaker for the services. Great man and one who has made a great impression in the field of teaching others to collect, save, record family histories of those who served in the armed services.

A vintage car parked at the Orem City Cemetery for Memorial Day event

Son, Hank salutes during the pledge of Allegiance at the ceremony.

This day is one that stirs my soul and my patriotic heart strings.

Yesterday, I had talked to son, Hank about attending the Memorial Day services that is held every year. Well, we both ended up going. He decided to take his daily run to the cemetery where it was held and I could give him a ride back. I called him as I came closer to the site and he had just arrived and was standing up on the amphitheater hill. I had some flowers to put on my grandson's grave there. I placed them before going up to see Hank at the hillside. I was armed with my sun visor and lawn chair. I had a great view of the podium and the flag poles.

The speaker was Don Norton, an old friend from our Orem 49th ward days and Cascade II ward. He was a BYU professor and taught our Sunday school Family and Personal history class. He inspired me over the years and I started to record an oral history from visits with my parents ever after that to preserve their voices and stories of their youth. Don had recorded many WWII veterans accounts of the war and their survival from wounds and being POWs. It was amazing to know some of the historical facts that are never in the history books. We found that the Germans like cigarettes. One of the gentleman he had interviewed told him that being LDS he did not smoke, but his mother asked him what he wanted her to send him. He told her cigarettes. Lucky Strike brand. She send him TEN cartons. It was like gold, and an exchange instead of money in the POW camps. The Germans, he said traded parts from a factory and the men built their own radio. The Germans would then come to ask the Americans the news of how the war was going. This is the kind of things we were taught and the faith promoting experiences of some of the Purple Heart heroes who never saw themselves as Heroes. "Just doin' their job." as they said.

Benefit picnic in the park at Orem City fundraiser for former Marines, Nigel Olsen and Carlos Aragon. It was a great turn out with a lot of locals to support this event.

This is the fundraiser benefit for a scholarship fund for the two young Marines who gave their lives for our country who died this last March. It was a barbecue in their honor. I met Hank, Lori and the Ks there for a nice lunch of hamburger, potato chips, baked beans and a quarter slice of yummy watermelon. The kids all had fun and enjoyed the whole event. Hank got them cotton candy, and chocolate chip cookies

Did you know Grandma loves cotton candy too? Ymmm. Reminds me of my youthful days and the circus. My dad, Grandpa Carlos would buy me cotton candy. What a sweet tooth.

There was entertainment and great singers. One was a former Marine who sang some patriotic songs. We had a good time going around to see the LAVs. Which were like a small military tank. I would say Army tank, but his was the Marine Corp, since Nigel and Carlos were Marines.

The K grand kids enjoying climbing atop the military tank/floating barges at the City Center in Orem. We talked with some of soldiers and thanked them for being there and serving our country. Hank always gives his gratitude for them, and their service and never mentioned his own.

The Marines were out in full with their battalion, honoring two of their own. The "Charlie," company. My heart was touched to see so many people there to support this effort, and the dedicated comrades of the two fallen soldiers. May they rest in peace.

All in all it was wonderful day to spend with Hank and his family.

Later in the afternoon I went to the Provo Census Office and worked for 7 1/2 hours. I really liked that and it passed the time. I would have been home alone otherwise. Everyone was doing their own thing, and so was I.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Three Generations Go to The Temple Today

View of the beautiful temple grounds in Provo before we went in.

Grandma Mattie, Tana, & Lindsay

Our Three generations photos at the temple today. A special day for Lindsay Lou, as I call her.

Today was great day. I spent the evening with my granddaughter, Lindsay, her mom, Tana and her dad, Nathan. It was a great occasion for Lindsay to go to visit inside the Provo Temple to do some sacred work for our family members.

It was a wonderful desire for Lindsay to fulfill since she turned twelve less than a month ago. Twelve year olds are allowed to go do proxy work for others at that age. She experienced what it felt like to be in the holy temples first hand.

There were so many other youth there as well. The area was literally filled and there was a steady flow as the seats emptied and filled up again and again.

Tana, Nathan & Lindsay at Provo Temple today.

We met outside afterward and took a few pictures. I was very pleased for Lindsay. She came with a cast on her right foot and did just great through it all.

As you can see from her photos, she was very happy to be there and filled her heart's desire to be able to go visit the temple. Way to be, Lindz!

Afterward we went to have a bite to eat, and went Mexican. What else after that great experience in temple. "Turning the hearts of the children to the fathers, and the fathers to the children," I would say.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Retiring Colonel as Utah Army National Guard Chaplain

This is Lynn Humphreys, of the National Guard, who has served as chaplain for the last 38 years. I saw this article about him and posted a comment in the online Deseret News. What a great service he has rendered over the years.

DesNews Comment: | 11:00 a.m. June 8, 2010
A word of sincere gratitude for the many selfless years of your service to the community and the Utah Army National Guard. May your next endeavors be as successful as those you have carried the three hats to juggle in your professional and personal life. Thank you for a job well done, you are admired for everything you have accomplished and yet to do. You have worn your uniform with love and compassion for others, and did not seek for your own recognition. You are a real Captain Moroni in my eyes. Sorry for the de-motion. LOL Carry on. You are to be saluted.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pictures to Post from Ohio Trip

The boys, James & Austin, taking a (rare) quiet moment play a game on the new iPad, at the party for Joanna.

Friends and family wishing Jo well.

Alyssa, De Niel, & Joanna. Congrats to Allysa on the arrival of her baby girl June 5. She was six weeks to having her when I was there, and she had her 3 weeks early and weighed 7 lbs...have they picked a name for her yet?

Joanna at the party at her mom's. Lots of people came with well wishes and presents...she was very touched and did not expect anyone to bring anything... : ) She is very loved and cared about by her family and friends...God bless you, Joanna to know you are a very special and beloved friend to everyone.

Michael & Joanna in her graduation Husted's in Loveland

This is the building in Loveland where Michael is keeping his studio there too.

Austin posing on the wood bridge at the studio lot in back-- He is such a good subject!

Photos of the parking lot and Iris at Michael's Photography Studio he merged with in May. I didn't take a front view, only the flag pole and flowers. I did get some of the back lot for onsite photo-back drops. Nice...