I put my Book of Mormon cds in the car and enjoy listening to the scriptures as I drive around running many errands in my day. It seems that I got to listen to about ten chapters today. Now that is what I mean by 'marathoning' through the Book of Mormon. Alma 19: to 29: in a day.
I was impressed with the response that Abish, the woman that witnessed all the conversions of the Lamanites when King Lamoni was converted. It mentioned that her father was in King Noah's court and heard what Abinadi had preached and was martyred. She went about to the houses to tell everyone what she saw and heard. It seems to me that she was a missionary and bearing her testimony as she went about telling her neighbors of what happened in the household of her master, and his wife, the queen. She most likely was converted by what her father had been taught and told her. She kept quiet what she knew of that time until King Lamoni's conversion.
I picture in my minds eye as Alma went about preaching and teaching the people and judging them as Chief judge. The land was very green with trees and bushes. The country side filled with small villages and acres of farmed land, with corn, and banana trees. Those images in my mind are somewhat factual since I did see that land and area of the Waters of Mormon when I went to pick up Michael from his mission in Guatemala, 14 years ago this month, February. I arrived on Michael's 21st birthday and was there about 8 days.
I hope I can post a photo that I took myself that I call, Mothers of young Stripling Warriors at the market place. We went to the market on Thursday, which was open only that one day a week. We went to Antigua, Chichicastenango, Panahaschel, Santiago, Guatemala City and of course, Tikal where the ruins were located.
Reading the Book of Mormon is a wonderful reminder of seeing that land and having traveled both by air and by car. The ruins were especially impressive. To see them in person and wonder what all transpired there centuries before and the past civilizations come and gone. I am intrigued by the Mayan culture and how refined they had become and knowledgeable in so many areas.
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