What do these two things have in common?
Let me explain. I went to get a manicure this afternoon and wore my gloves to drive there since the weather was below 20'. I think anyway. The steering wheel was very cold, so I wore my gloves. I was about a minute late so hurried out of the car when I parked.
Then, as I was leaving to go back home, I looked for my two gloves, that were fleece and warm to cover my hands. As I drove away from my parking space, I could only find ONE glove! I thought, I better turn around and go back to find it in case it dropped out of the car.
Well, as I was nearing where I pulled out, there was my glove, but it was in the aisle, and not near where I was parked. Then the prompting came, someone may have seen the glove on the ground by the car and placed it on the top of the car. Not seeing it as I drove away, it flew onto the ground where I found it!! That happened before once at another location. I was grateful for a caring soul to put it where it would likely be seen when I got back into the car. However, I did find it and felt the Holy Ghost prompting me to go find the lost glove.
Then, a few minutes later, I went to the grocery store, Ridley's that used to be Albertson's near the house. Looking for Sauerkraut was not easy. I looked down the aisle for canned vegetables, and even asked a clerk working that aisle. She couldn't find it either. I later realized she had never heard of sauerkraut!!
I went to another place she suggested and wound up going back to the aisle and thought,"If I was that sauerkraut, where would I be?" Then, within a few seconds, there it was, hidden but on a bottom shelf. The clerk crawled under to get the jar and gave it to me. It was on sale, and the tag on the end of the shelf had the better price. I was thrilled.
After I explained to the girl what it was good for she learned how good it is for you and thought she might try it. There I was, sharing the information stored in my head (memory bank) again.
Some days, I cannot help what I know and pass it one to some unsuspecting soul eager to know just how good sauerkraut can be for one's stomach and liver!!!
I came away, thankful for the Holy Ghost that helped me find my glove, and the sauerkraut.
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