Who would ever think soft-boiled eggs and toast(eggs and soldiers) could taste so good for dinner?
Well, as my children were growing up, their Grandma McIntire taught me how to make poached eggs with cut up buttered toast and put them together for breakfast. We had those on rare occasions, or when someone had been sick and eggs and toast sounded like a feast!
Today, I was not able to keep ANY food down. Not even tap water. I woke up this morning about 4:00 am. I felt so dizzy I didn't dare get up and walk around. Then, after about a half hour of lying there thinking, I felt something familiar that got me up so fast I had to steady myself as I ran to the bathroom.
I dry heaved for about ten minutes. Not good. Then a little bit of my last night's dinner came up. All that work and feeling so lousy and only a few diced green chiles came up. This went on for about fifteen minutes. By then I was worn out from dry heaving. So, I went back to sleep for another two or three hours.
I still felt awful. I didn't drink anything either, yet. So I called in to work and the training leader for the Census said to STAY home. So I followed her advice and was excused for the day. Thank goodness for that. About noon I decided to try drinking some orange juice. But alas, that came up also. So I took another nap.
I later called one of my sons to bring me some soda, thinking it would help. A cola caffeine drink usually does the trick, for me anyway. But, guess what? After another half hour, up it came too! Every bit of it and just that, from my empty stomach by now. I could not win. I felt so depleted by then, I didn't know what to do.
So, after I drank a half glass of alkaline, Kangen water it seemed to stay down.
That was encouraging. So I was getting really hungry but did not know what to have or where to start. I decided to make a few soft boiled eggs and made some toast. I also boiled water to make some Chamomile tea. That always settles an upset stomach.
So far, so good. The eggs are still intact, and I will go for the tea as soon as I finish this. I think it was just that what I had for lunch yesterday, and going "Mexican" for dinner, kind of threw my system off since had been restricting a lot of high carbs and or high calorie food. It caught up to me. My body did not particularly care for that food. Tanise had eaten what I ate, yet I don't think she got sick. But, Aaron and the kids and I went to have Mexican food, even though it was not overly high in calories, my system let me know, to ease into it next time. And I agree. No one else got sick but me.
Good lesson for me to learn here and take it gently when making choices to go easy on the orange and whipped cream dessert, almond cookies or even the chocolate eclairs. Even the teeny ones. I think the combination was like what happens when a fuse is blown and short circuits the electrical system in a house. That is what it felt like to me and my system.
I hope the eggs and soldiers stay down, as well. So far, so good.
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