Christ said in Matthew 11: 28
28 ¶ "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
This scripture tells us that as we come unto Christ, who calls us often to come unto him, we will receive rest from our burdens.
I was thinking about this scripture the other day when we were up at the North Visitor's Center on Temple Square with family. A voice came over the intercom and the words of Christ were given in scripture. I was so touched listening and sitting there in that open room, with others who were resting themselves on the soft benches. I wiped away my tears feeling and knowing those words spoken were true. The Holy Ghost bore witness to the truthfulness of His Word.
As I heard his words come, I noticed that some continued to go about their activity, unaware that the intercom was on. Some were still visiting with their neighbors, some were looking after their little ones, and others were standing close to the Christus statue. And some were still, and listening with intent of His voice.
I sat there and wondered how often he calls us, like a hen gathereth her chicks to come and be safe under his wings. We are asked to go to the temple often, to worship and attend regularly. It is for our own good and yet how many take the few hours out of a week to go? He is there.
I also know he calls us to go on missions, and wants more of them to come, serve Him. Again, do those who are able bodied and able to go do they plan to serve a couples mission? It takes sacrifice of time and some inconvenience. Nevertheless it is a rewarding experience to go and serve willingly. So many blessings are bestowed for our service.
Serving in the temple, to me is like a mission. I love going and it brings me great joy to serve. I want to serve more and enjoy the fullness of the Spirit there in the temple. Eye hath not seen, nor ear hear the things of GOD that I know are there each time I am there. I know our Savior walks the halls of the temples.
We cannot see him, but we can feel his Spirit there as we Come Unto Him, with broken hearts and contrite spirits. I testify that this is true, and fills my cup to overflowing feeling and knowing my Savior is there even if I cannot see Him. I know He is near and that He lives!
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