If Not a Prophet
Posted: 09 Apr 2010 12:00 AM PDT
"Missionaries were called at 20 years of age in those days, and my brother [Joe] had just filled out his application to medical school. He was a good student. My father, who was not active in the Church, had made financial preparations to help him with medical school . . . .My father counseled Joe not to go [on a mission] and suggested that he could do more good by going to medical school."This was a big issue in our family. That night my brother and I talked about the choice. . . .We concluded: If Jesus Christ was a great man but not divine, if Joseph Smith was a wonderful teacher but not a prophet, or if the Book of Mormon had wonderful counsel but was not the word of God, then Dad was right—it would be better to go to medical school. But if Jesus Christ is divine, if Joseph Smith is a prophet, and if the Book of Mormon is the word of God, then it would be more important to accept the call and proclaim the gospel.". . . That night, as I prayed, the Spirit bore witness to my soul of the Savior and the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. My brother received the same witness and made the choice to serve a mission. Incidentally, when my brother returned from his mission, he went to medical school. When I reached my 20th birthday, my father was happy to see me serve a mission."

Quentin L. Cook, "Strengthen Faith as You Seek Knowledge, "New Era, Sept. 2008, 4–5
Topics: Missionary Work
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