Rising above our trials-to greater heights
I was filing through some papers I had written quite a while ago. It was long enough ago that the printer it was printed off of was one of those that made a lot of noise and went back and forth across the page. I can't even remember what you call them, but I think you get the idea.
The thoughts on the paper really stunned me. The impression was "did I really write that myself?" It seems to me to put a time frame on it would be the mid-1990s. It is something that I can strive for now and get myself in the mode to use the principles that apply to the subject matter. It is worth the effort to improve myself spiritually. It is a blast from the past.
Here it is--I am quoting myself here:
I find that if I am in a condition of a spiritual plateau, I must take an inventory of my commitment to keeping the commandments with exactness. (Yes, that surprised me too! I actually wrote that!)The Law of Tithing, the Sabbath and Word of Wisdom are commandments that I can strive to be perfected. The law of the Fast has been a great strength and boost to my spirit when I find that I am not as in touch with the spirit on a daily level as I want to be.
"When I begin to notice that if I am not as in touch with the Spirit or as moved by it in my meetings, it is time for me to have a special, personal fast. I choose a day during the week to fast and prepare for it by making a daily effort to read my scriptures and pray earnestly. When the day to fast arrives, I begin my fast in my morning prayers. I keep in my heart and mind as if in prayer throughout the day. If I become thirsty, I pray for the Spirit of the Lord to fill that thirst and it does. Scripture study also sustains me throughout the day to overcome any feelings of hunger that I might have during the day. I pray for a broken heart and contrite spirit throughout my week and during my fast. Th fruits of the fast during the week are borne when I sing the sacrament hymn, it brings tears to my eyes and touches my heart as I feel the love of the Savior for me through music.
I purposely choose a day during the week, aside regular Fast Sunday. I also fast another day during the week, later in the month. I notice that as I have kept those days open for fasting, I look forward to that union with the Spirit and prayer.
I become more in tune spiritually to those around me, my children, and others that I might serve. Temple attendance gives me an added bonus to my spirit, it is like drinking a cool drink of water after a trek through the desert. I notice that I become more appreciative of the simple things I have and I do not take for granted what I have been blessed to enjoy.
From looking at the paper that this entry was written, it looks like it was written before 1994. It was not dated, but I think the printer was called dot matrix.
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