I noticed online in the Deseret News edition, the Boy Scouts had a Centennial celebration.

THe article stated that Utah has the most number of Eagle Scouts of the entire United States. There is a 10% number from Utah, the largest number of all the states.
I find that statistic very astounding. I liked the photos posted and saved them to my files... I am the proud mother of four Eagles and have two grandson who have their Eagle Scout Awards. There is one more in the works as we speak.

Achieving the Eagle Scout rank is a great accomplishment if you think about it. It encourages service and loyalty to God and country. God Bless America, and long may the banner wave. It just gets my patriotic heart strings a goin, and cannot help myself. Yeay for the Boy Scouts. I am a long time support of the BSA.
I owe to the organization for my membership in this great LDS Church. Our family was on a Boy Scout Jamboree vacation when we came across Temple Square in Salt Lake City, in late summer, August 1967. The rest is history.
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