Lucy, a woman after my own heart?
Today was our Stake Conference. I felt well enough to go to today's session. Yesterday I was not so well to go. I like going to the Saturday night session of Stake Conference. My body was just too tired and I needed rest to get better for Sunday conference. I have had a congestion in my lungs for almost two weeks and having a hard time shaking it. The residue is just hanging on. So, I have to take care to not wear myself out. I took care of grandkids for Aaron and Candice to go to a BYU/New Mexico game. It took all my energy by the time they came home,I was ready for bed, at 6:00 pm. I opted to not go out to the Stake meeting. I know the Lord understands. I was blessed to be able to attend Sunday's meetings for which I am most grateful.
The talks were great. It was about doing the small and simple things that make things better over time. The rewards are many. We had a rest song, "Have I Done Any Good In the World Today?" I wept all through the first verse.
It reminded me of the things I have done recently to uplift another individual. I am grateful for others who do that for me, so I in essence try to return the good done for me.
Each day I make extra effort to make someone else's load lighter. I really and sincerely do. Whether it is writing a daily message for my blog or to keep my journal thoughts and put them in the computer, I do it regularly.
Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone's burden been made lighter today because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way? When they needed my help was I there?
Then wake up an do something more than dream of your mansion above, Doing good is a
A joy beyond measure, A blessing of duty and love.
Hymn # 223 Will L Thompson, 1847-1909
I had dinner with the Ks, Hank & Lori this evening. Her parents, Lynn an Linda were there, we had Hawaiian Haystacks. Kiersten brought her friend Josh Fryer. He is a distant relative of Russ, Tara's husband.
A GOOD NEWS MINUTE: Son, Hank was accepted to a doctoral program at the University of Utah for Fall semester. He will be studying communication and get his Ph.D.
They also gave us their good news. Lori is expecting child number twelve in October. Wow! that will make it an even dozen? Congratulations everyone. :)
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