My mission today: A goal or "mission" daily to accomplish a purpose to better cope with life experience. Whether it is about relationships, or emotional stability, it is needed to bless the lives I touch as an individual, parent, grandmother, friend. Recently I had a request from one of my children who asked about his ancestors and suggested I write about it here. The result could be the Second Book of Anna.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?
Lucy, a woman after my own heart?
Today was our Stake Conference. I felt well enough to go to today's session. Yesterday I was not so well to go. I like going to the Saturday night session of Stake Conference. My body was just too tired and I needed rest to get better for Sunday conference. I have had a congestion in my lungs for almost two weeks and having a hard time shaking it. The residue is just hanging on. So, I have to take care to not wear myself out. I took care of grandkids for Aaron and Candice to go to a BYU/New Mexico game. It took all my energy by the time they came home,I was ready for bed, at 6:00 pm. I opted to not go out to the Stake meeting. I know the Lord understands. I was blessed to be able to attend Sunday's meetings for which I am most grateful.
The talks were great. It was about doing the small and simple things that make things better over time. The rewards are many. We had a rest song, "Have I Done Any Good In the World Today?" I wept all through the first verse.
It reminded me of the things I have done recently to uplift another individual. I am grateful for others who do that for me, so I in essence try to return the good done for me.
Each day I make extra effort to make someone else's load lighter. I really and sincerely do. Whether it is writing a daily message for my blog or to keep my journal thoughts and put them in the computer, I do it regularly.
Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone's burden been made lighter today because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way? When they needed my help was I there?
Then wake up an do something more than dream of your mansion above, Doing good is a
A joy beyond measure, A blessing of duty and love.
Hymn # 223 Will L Thompson, 1847-1909
I had dinner with the Ks, Hank & Lori this evening. Her parents, Lynn an Linda were there, we had Hawaiian Haystacks. Kiersten brought her friend Josh Fryer. He is a distant relative of Russ, Tara's husband.
A GOOD NEWS MINUTE: Son, Hank was accepted to a doctoral program at the University of Utah for Fall semester. He will be studying communication and get his Ph.D.
They also gave us their good news. Lori is expecting child number twelve in October. Wow! that will make it an even dozen? Congratulations everyone. :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Boy Scouts of America Centennial
I noticed online in the Deseret News edition, the Boy Scouts had a Centennial celebration.
THe article stated that Utah has the most number of Eagle Scouts of the entire United States. There is a 10% number from Utah, the largest number of all the states.
I find that statistic very astounding. I liked the photos posted and saved them to my files... I am the proud mother of four Eagles and have two grandson who have their Eagle Scout Awards. There is one more in the works as we speak.
Achieving the Eagle Scout rank is a great accomplishment if you think about it. It encourages service and loyalty to God and country. God Bless America, and long may the banner wave. It just gets my patriotic heart strings a goin, and cannot help myself. Yeay for the Boy Scouts. I am a long time support of the BSA.
I owe to the organization for my membership in this great LDS Church. Our family was on a Boy Scout Jamboree vacation when we came across Temple Square in Salt Lake City, in late summer, August 1967. The rest is history.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
How to Overcome Spiritual Plateaus
Rising above our trials-to greater heights
I was filing through some papers I had written quite a while ago. It was long enough ago that the printer it was printed off of was one of those that made a lot of noise and went back and forth across the page. I can't even remember what you call them, but I think you get the idea.
The thoughts on the paper really stunned me. The impression was "did I really write that myself?" It seems to me to put a time frame on it would be the mid-1990s. It is something that I can strive for now and get myself in the mode to use the principles that apply to the subject matter. It is worth the effort to improve myself spiritually. It is a blast from the past.
Here it is--I am quoting myself here:
I find that if I am in a condition of a spiritual plateau, I must take an inventory of my commitment to keeping the commandments with exactness. (Yes, that surprised me too! I actually wrote that!)The Law of Tithing, the Sabbath and Word of Wisdom are commandments that I can strive to be perfected. The law of the Fast has been a great strength and boost to my spirit when I find that I am not as in touch with the spirit on a daily level as I want to be.
"When I begin to notice that if I am not as in touch with the Spirit or as moved by it in my meetings, it is time for me to have a special, personal fast. I choose a day during the week to fast and prepare for it by making a daily effort to read my scriptures and pray earnestly. When the day to fast arrives, I begin my fast in my morning prayers. I keep in my heart and mind as if in prayer throughout the day. If I become thirsty, I pray for the Spirit of the Lord to fill that thirst and it does. Scripture study also sustains me throughout the day to overcome any feelings of hunger that I might have during the day. I pray for a broken heart and contrite spirit throughout my week and during my fast. Th fruits of the fast during the week are borne when I sing the sacrament hymn, it brings tears to my eyes and touches my heart as I feel the love of the Savior for me through music.
I purposely choose a day during the week, aside regular Fast Sunday. I also fast another day during the week, later in the month. I notice that as I have kept those days open for fasting, I look forward to that union with the Spirit and prayer.
I become more in tune spiritually to those around me, my children, and others that I might serve. Temple attendance gives me an added bonus to my spirit, it is like drinking a cool drink of water after a trek through the desert. I notice that I become more appreciative of the simple things I have and I do not take for granted what I have been blessed to enjoy.
From looking at the paper that this entry was written, it looks like it was written before 1994. It was not dated, but I think the printer was called dot matrix.
Monday, February 22, 2010
When. . . .
I saw this photo and think it was one from the Cincinnati Airport. It struck me as humorous. So whenever there is the impossible to do, we use the phrase,"Yeah, when pigs fly!" It is not impossible is the point. It just takes faith.
Comment from Michael, in Cincinnati:
In your 'Pigs Fly' photo- Back about ten years ago there was some art contest and they have many different artists make a pig sculpture. They still dot the city and there are some really cool ones around. They are all themed to match their placement or highlight Cincinnati's past. Cincinnati was known as 'Porkopolis' becuase they were a major pork processing area.
Have a great day.
: )
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Binding Families on Earth
Today, among the many things I had to do today, I made time to go to the temple. It is a favorite place for me, and find joy and peace in serving in the house of the Lord, be that as it may as an ordinance worker, or as a patron, it is amazing. I Stand All Amazed.
I found a thick stack of many completed ordinances that just needed the work to bind the children to their fathers and for couples to be bound for eternity. Mind you, it was not without opposition either. My good intentions to get so many other "things" done faded away as I made a beeline to get to the temple today.
I had so many pink cards too from the early 1500s. These were my priority. It did my heart good to be able to be proxy for these dear souls, some of which carry many of my family ancestral names. My Canchola, Sanchez, Rodriguez, Munoz, and Ulloa lines's, were prominent from my list of names. I felt the sweet assurance that yes, I am related and they were present to attend to their ordinances in their behalf.
I could feel the room full of my beloved "antepasados," ancestors. I hope I did them well, and open the gates for them to be bonded with their loved ones forever if they so choose. The more I do this work, the more I have a stronger witness that they are all engaged in this great work there as we are here.
We are commanded to be "saviors on Mount Zion." I am pleased to someday have to report to my kindred and look them in their eyes and feel their embrace and gratitude that I remembered them. My only regret would be that I could do more, and continue forward to make this work a part of my daily life.
May we be so blessed to all be united here on earth to assist in this great work often, I pray. Some of you have expressed a desire for me to give you more ordinance work to do with your families. I see that there is room for improvement on my part to be more consistent and diligent in this effort.
I look to the near future to plan around the time and date Beth will be here so we can share some quality time in addition to our dinner engagement when she comes the end of March. I will be in touch to organize it soon. Promise. Those that can participate will be most welcomed and thanked generously.
Making Someone Else's Burden Lighter . . .
You Can Make The Pathway Bright Hymn # 228 words: Helen Silcott Dungan, 1899
Music: James M. Dungan
You can make the pathway bright, Fill the soul with heaven’ light,
If there’s sunshine in your heart; Turning darkness into day,
As the shadows fly away, If there’s sunshine in your heart today.
If there’s sunshine in your heart, You can send a shining ray
That will turn the night to day;
And your cares will all depart,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.
Ever wake up with a song going through your head?
I did this morning, and this is a brief version of the song, "You Can Make The Pathway Bright"
It gave me the inspiration to write a letter of condolence to a young widow; so I wrote her a full page, single spaced letter. I hope it will give her comfort she needs as she struggles through her grief.
Are we not commanded in Mosiah 18:8, to bear one another's burdens?
8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another's burdens, that they may be light;
I pray so that she will feel the Savior's love for her and her children at this time.
Love, Mom aka Anna
P.S. On reading this, I had a second thought come to my mind to hand write the letter and make it more personal. The photo inspired me to consider it.
I just found this caption: If you really want to touch someone, send them a letter--
Friday, February 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Michael! Cincinnati Awaits Me ; )
A fun place to go visit and sit on the river's edge in a classy 1956 (?) Corvette
Cincinnati skyline, see Kroger building in background
February 13, was number two son's, Michael's birthday. I hope it was a fun day for you, sweetie!
Michael is our family photographer and he is so busy these days keeping up all of his "gigs." He goes all over the country, literally to do his craft, and art. It you check out his business blog, you will see photos of weddings on the San Diego Temple grounds. It is not unusual to find him flying into Salt Lake City for a photo shoot.
Roebling Suspension bridge Cincinnati at night view
He has a connection with the missionaries in his ward area and offers to be their photographer when they get married. Several have taken him up on it and flown him out to Utah for their event. We get to see him a couple times a year if we are lucky.
Notice the cow gargoyle on the Mercantile building--can almost hear them mooooooing!
Last October he was here for conference and had a wedding that week. It was great to have him here, even though the family could not be with him that time.
He tells me is doing one of those destination weddings in North Carolina in May on the beach. What a great vacation site to be shooting. Only drawback on that one is that it was booked fifteen months or more ago and it is the same day as Joanna's graduation. He will be there the next day, after he does the wedding party pictures and have some time to help celebrate this milestone for Joanna.
I am planning to be there May 8th, for the graduation in Cincinnati and spend a few days extra to be able to see Michael, Joanna and the boys. I think she is graduating from the University of Kentucky, which is by the lower southwest corner of Ohio, and the north east tip of Ky. Their CNNC airport is even in Kentucky. Kind of crazy, right?
View from my window seat on the plane when I arrive into Cincinnati Airport
Anyway I look forward to being there and even spending Mother's Day this year with the Ohio group.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Catch Up . . .
This last week is almost a blur. I have been incommunicado with the blog. Gone from my familiar surroundings. My time has been well spent being grandma. Some of my little ones have been sick, and I was called upon to go into to help out for a couple of days last week. Then I had three more days this week to be with four others, two of whom where sick with sore throats. I find it amazing that I can go in and be unscathed with what they have.
I must say though, I have a cold of sorts about ready to clear any day. Sneezing myself mostly yesterday and today. I consider myself very blessed under the circumstances. No one really knows how not sleeping in my own bed keeps me from sleeping very well. I took a three hour nap out of the loss of sleep but not necessarily from being gone and need the rest.
I worked at the temple this morning and had about four hours sleep. I run on empty fairly well for the time I am there serving. But I usually come home and take a nice nap. If feels so good and does the trick.
The weather was a snowy wet rain when I left this morning to go to my assignment. I noticed the last couple of weeks going on the way I only had one or no red light signal to pass through. Some days I get all green lights. Life is kind of like this.
I noticed that when we get the go ahead to do what we do, and sometimes a red light shows up and it takes time to stop and regroup. Every day is not always smooth sailing. But I have a knack for rolling with the punches and I get a lot more accomplished with that kind of attitude.
All in all I had a great day, even with the start of the day driving in the wet rainy snow. I count that as a blessing since it could have been a soft powder snow with inches and inches of snow on the walks or my car. I did not even have to scrape my windows. That in and of itself was a blessing.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Near Miss and Close Call
I know without a doubt that I am being watched over and protected. This afternoon I was buzzing about going back and forth to Lindon. I was on 1-15 going north. I over shot the exit by a car length and skidded to a stop, but instead of backing up I found myself and the car on the shoulder as it was.
It seemed best to cross the uneven shoulder between the right lane and the off ramp. There seemed to be a slight dip between the two. So I just eased into the left side of ramp. I looked over my shoulder. I seemed to be in slow motion, however. Maybe I was! I proceeded in a forward direction.
Then out of nowhere a four-door BMW, silver in color came close and next to me but was clear of my right side. I did not notice that they had the slightest need to veer to their right with me in the left side of the off ramp lane and the right side of it. We just stayed in our sides of the ramp.
It was so quick that I was stunned that I was not in the same space at the same time in a collision. I slowed down when I saw that other car coming past and I seemed to be in a dream state. I was aware that if I had gone even a few more inches to attempt to be in the right side of the lane, I would have been clipped on the a entire right side of my car. Whew, was I ever grateful for the hand of providence in that instant.
I was very aware of the possibility of how close the car was to the BMW. The interesting thing was that car wanted to go into the left lane to go west on the highway, and I wanted to go right to go east. I said a prayer of gratitude, and then was reminded of the protection my ancestors on the other side are doing their job and working overtime to protect me and my family.
I counted my blessings and felt the warmth and support of the prayers in my behalf. I have a strong witness that I was being watched over, and received the blessings of heaven.
It seemed best to cross the uneven shoulder between the right lane and the off ramp. There seemed to be a slight dip between the two. So I just eased into the left side of ramp. I looked over my shoulder. I seemed to be in slow motion, however. Maybe I was! I proceeded in a forward direction.
Then out of nowhere a four-door BMW, silver in color came close and next to me but was clear of my right side. I did not notice that they had the slightest need to veer to their right with me in the left side of the off ramp lane and the right side of it. We just stayed in our sides of the ramp.
It was so quick that I was stunned that I was not in the same space at the same time in a collision. I slowed down when I saw that other car coming past and I seemed to be in a dream state. I was aware that if I had gone even a few more inches to attempt to be in the right side of the lane, I would have been clipped on the a entire right side of my car. Whew, was I ever grateful for the hand of providence in that instant.
I was very aware of the possibility of how close the car was to the BMW. The interesting thing was that car wanted to go into the left lane to go west on the highway, and I wanted to go right to go east. I said a prayer of gratitude, and then was reminded of the protection my ancestors on the other side are doing their job and working overtime to protect me and my family.
I counted my blessings and felt the warmth and support of the prayers in my behalf. I have a strong witness that I was being watched over, and received the blessings of heaven.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Check This Out on You Tube
Carlos' Elena--
I found this on youtube to listen to a rendition of the song Maria Elena. I also found one with Michael Buble' singing the words. I think he aught to try again. The words a beautiful in Spanish though.
I like the song even more, knowing the words to it. When I find a particularly good artist singing it, Spanish or English I will pass it on.
Read on: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"MarÃa Elena"
Single by Jimmy Dorsey orchestra
Released 1941
Recorded Bob Eberly
Label Decca Records
Writer(s) Lorenzo Barcelata
Music and Spanish lyrics Bob Russell English lyrics
"MarÃa Elena" is a 1932 popular song written by Lorenzo Barcelata (Spanish words and music). It was published by Peer International Corporation of Mexico.[1] The English words by Bob Russell.
The song was dedicated to MarÃa Elena, the wife of Mexican President Emilio Portes Gil.
An instrumental version of the song was used for the background theme of the film Bordertown, starring Paul Muni and Bette Davis, in 1935. The next year the words and music were used in the Mexican film MarÃa Elena.
Lawrence Welk later introduced the tune in the United States on his radio program, then in 1941 on the Okeh Records label.
Words to the Song--Maria Elena
Maria Elena you're the answer to a prayer,
Maria Elena can't you see how much I care,
To me your voice is like the echo of a sigh,
And when you're near my heart,
Can't speak above a sigh,
Maria Elena say that we will never part,
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
Maria Elena take me to your heart,
A love like mine is great enough for two,
To share this love is really all,
I ask of you..
Maria Elena say that we will never part,
Maria Elena take me to your heart,
A love like mine is great enough for two,
To share this love is really all,
I ask of you.
Lyrics: Maria Elena, Jerry Vale
Note--there may be more than one version of lyrics available.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Relief Society Humanitarian Quilts Project
Tonight our Relief Society tied quilts for the Haitian Humanitarian Project. The Church has asked the we send quilts for those in need over there. We answered the call and our presidency had six quilts set up and ready to tie. They were all bound and ready to ship as it. Our Homemaking Counselor, Amy R. did a great job on such short notice.
We all enjoyed doing this for someone else and had a nice visit with our ward sisters. Candice and I went, Aaron stayed home a took care of the kids. He was a good sport, and took over as we had potato bar for dinner, with chili con carne, shredded cheese, sour cream, green onions and cottage cheese. It was filling and just right to take off after dinner time.
No one took pictures however. I left my camera at home. Oh well, it is okay. The Lord knows we did them and they will be very much appreciated when they arrive there in Haiti.
We all enjoyed doing this for someone else and had a nice visit with our ward sisters. Candice and I went, Aaron stayed home a took care of the kids. He was a good sport, and took over as we had potato bar for dinner, with chili con carne, shredded cheese, sour cream, green onions and cottage cheese. It was filling and just right to take off after dinner time.
No one took pictures however. I left my camera at home. Oh well, it is okay. The Lord knows we did them and they will be very much appreciated when they arrive there in Haiti.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Dear to, and In the Heart of the Savior
Reflections of Christ
I had an incident a few weeks ago when I was working in the temple. There was a name I came across that I was touched by the Holy Ghost as I read their name, Liberia Ana del Corazon de Jesus Lopez.
It struck me as unusual and because my name was part of that name, tears came to my eyes and I had a witness that I indeed was and AM in the heart of the Savior.
I had a warm feeling come over me with gratitude of the great love the Savior has for me, personally and the rest of us as well; and not just me.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Gratitude Journal Speaks for Itself . . .
Today, I am especially grateful for having a sister. My sister, Linda called me today. She lives in California. Her call made MY day! She was genuinely interested in what I was doing and what I had to say. It touched my heart. I love it when we have a chance to just talk like that.
It did my heart so good. We felt and expressed missing our loved ones on the other side, and knowing they are looking after us, here on this earthly plane.
She told me she had a couple of coincidences that were too uncanny to be by chance about our brother, David. I agree. The veil is so thin sometimes. I appreciated her insight and the lift it gives me as we conversed.
I count my blessings today, and my sister, Linda is at the top of my list in my book.
I love you Linda.
It did my heart so good. We felt and expressed missing our loved ones on the other side, and knowing they are looking after us, here on this earthly plane.
She told me she had a couple of coincidences that were too uncanny to be by chance about our brother, David. I agree. The veil is so thin sometimes. I appreciated her insight and the lift it gives me as we conversed.
I count my blessings today, and my sister, Linda is at the top of my list in my book.
I love you Linda.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
K2 the Missionary in Provo UT Training Center
This was a quick snapshot of me and Kris as he was ready to head to the MTC, (Em-pty Sea) to learn the Malagasy language. I know he is having a great, spiritual experience. He is already doing so many things on his own like singing in the MTC choir. Way to go!
My prayers are with him, as I know the rest of his extended family are also praying for him.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thank You For Stopping To Read, Listen
In case you are in a hurry to listen or read this today, I will make this short.
The new addition to the first two songs are some that reminded me of my heritage. I was listening to the radio the other day,and these two songs came on in succession.
The Maria Elena song, I am so sentimental about. My Dad, Carlos, told me when it came on the radio, that he and my mother, Elena used to dance to that when they were Sweethearts, many years ago, now. The song is one of my favorites, and never new why, other than the melody. It could be a "Back to the Future" kind of song my parents listened to while we ALL watch from before we came to them on earth. It is almost too "Twilight Zone"
The second song, Blue Bayoo, is Linda Ronstadt. She used to sing in Mariachi bands and came up through the ranks as a singer. Her voice is very Hispanic and how she holds her notes, so I like it just for the lilt that one can dance to in the romance of the melody. Yah, Hah!! Must be my great-grandfather coming through who used to play a bass sax in his day. My grandmother, Anita was just a child when he must have been in his glory entertaining with his cronies.
Anyway, I wax nostalgic in all of this. Enjoy....
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