Last week I was asked to substitute teach for the Relief Society lesson about George Albert Smith, The lesson was on "Love Thy Neighbor."
First of all, I love to teach. I get to study the subject and research more about what I am supposed to cover and everyone benefits. The teacher always learns more, and I did.
There was a lot of information so I gave an overview about what I had learned in my search. The most interesting tidbit I found was that George Albert Smith had Lupus erythromatosis. It was debilitating at first and he suffered seven years and unable to fill his responsibilities during that time. I was impressed that he kept going after he got his strength back.
He was always so giving and loved all people everywhere and had no malice toward those he knew and didn't know. He literally gave the overcoat off his back to a worker working in the snow who only wore a sweater.
His father was an Apostle and counselor to Brigham Young. His grandfather, George A Smith was also an apostle. His great-grandfather was John Smith was Patriarch of the Church. He was also cousin to Joseph Smith and I believe related through Hyrum Smith. Please on't quote me on that one.
He was born in 1870 and knew Brigham Young as a young five year old boy, and sat on his desk in his office with a message from his mother. His father was serving a mission in England at the time.
I loved giving the lesson and felt much love from the sisters and their willingness to have me teach. I divided them into groups and they reviewed the questions in the lesson and answered them all very well. It gave the sisters the opportunity to interact and shared some great comments that added to the lesson.
I did a characterization of Sarah Farr, George Albert's mother and read an account from his journal as if she had read the quote. I donned a black felt had with a big red Rose on it that could have been one that she wore. The sisters liked it and it surely got their attention at the beginning of the lesson. It went over well.
I will post a picture of the black hat and red flower soon.
We later watched an LDS movie, "One Good Man," this evening. It was on the BYUTV station. Ron had already seen the movie but I had never watched it. I highly recommend it.
Ron had a high priest priesthood meeting tonight and while he was gone I baked him some chocolate chip cookies. He loved that when he came home. We had some warm cookies and a glass of milk with it.
I even had a glass of milk with some Probitotic Acidophilus. It helps me digest the milk since I have always been lactose intolerant.
But Oh, the milk was delicious with chocolate chip cookies!
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