I was reading the scriptures this morning. I look for nuggets as I read of knowledge that have helped me along the way in my life. I recalled an incident that happened almost forty years ago. The scripture that was emboldened in my reading was in I Nephi 18:21
"And it came to pass that I prayed unto the Lord; and after I had prayed the winds did cease, and the storm did cease, and there was a great calm."
I was traveling by car from California to Utah. I had just been back from a visit to my mother and father when my brother, Robert had just returned from an extended time away. I think I had three little ones with me driving alone, by myself. We were driving back and it was evening because it was dark outside.
All of a sudden the winds had increased along with sand, and the car rocked from the force of nature. I believe we had suddenly come upon a sand storm in the desert between the two states. I had never been in a sand storm before to know any better than to just stop along the road and wait it out. However, that thought did not occur to me. I think I was driving our 1970 White Volkswagen in early 1971 and I had faith I/we would be protected, regardless.
My child like faith and the Holy Ghost told me to "pray away" the strong winds and sand. So I did. I offered the prayer in my mind as I drove. I asked for the winds to be lifted so we could get home safely. Then, the most incredible thing then happened. The winds stops long enough for me to get through the storm as kept on going. The wind seemed to stop and the sand as well. I never thought otherwise and gave a prayer of thanks for the answer came as the winds ceased and we were was able to proceed forward.
I think back on that now and am amazed at how that happened with such ease. I know my unwavering faith allowed me to ask and seek and knock for Heavenly father heard my prayers asking for his help. I know he is aware of all of us at any given time. I know that he lives and cares about us. I just have to ask for his help whether it is to stop the wind and sand or to be healed according to His will.
I know that no problem is to small nor too big for Him to hear and address in our behalf. The song "A Child's Prayer, speaks to me and strengthens my faith each day. You can hear the words here:
I know I am a child of God.
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