I Nephi 22: 2525 And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture.
I know that we are led by our Savior, Jesus Christ in his Church and that his living prophet, Thomas S Monson is his chose servant to bless us with his words to bring us unto Jesus Christ.
I also know that the words of God's servants are true given by his prophets, seers and revelators are called of God. My testimony is strengthened and fortified through the Holy Scriptures. I love the Conference messages of the brethren and recognize how reading these things daily or listening to their talks give me the boost that my Spirit hungers and thirsts for. I know their words are true also and are Holy Writ.
I know God and his Son loves me, and that my Savior Jesus Christ is his only begotten son, and Redeemer of the world. That God and Jesus live. I am so indebted to them for ALL that I have been blessed to have. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true from the first day I heard of it existence in August of 1967 while visiting Temple Square. I never doubted even then that Joseph Smith is and was a true Prophet of God and chosen to restore God's true Church. I have a strong witness and know that I was born with my talents, and gifts of the Spirit were given to me before I came to earth and I promised to my parents, siblings and children that our relationship with my family is a continuation of when we lived with God, and Jesus Christ when the world was organized and created here on the Earth.
My blessings are many, from having found a good man in my life, and having my posterity and ancestors. I know with out a doubt that I have enjoyed so much and so many blessings because of the sacrifices my ancestors made so that I could come in these the latter-days. I have a firm witness of the Spirit and I know I was given the charge to gather my genealogy and find/remember my kindred dead to weld the link that binds me to them for their own eternal blessings that I now enjoy.
I know my Savior and am so often embraced in the arms of His and Heavenly Father's love as I serve them in his Holy temples. I am a daughter of God, and Jesus Christ. I love them with all my heart, mind and soul.
My gratitude grows each day and the Spirit of the Holy Ghost testifies to me and brings many truths to my memory to live by and be an example of the believers.
To this I so testify, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Anna Maria Rodriguez McIntire--
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