My Great-grandfather, Feliciano Recio, Sr in the foreground holding the bass saxophone.
Today as I was dressing in my white clothes for my early shift at the temple. A sister I work with was getting ready just like I was doing. I had the prompting to ask her a question if she was doing anything fun this week.
She said, not really, just having some of her school chums from Jr. High spend time with a few of them. She told me she had grown up in Fresno and San Jose. It sparked a familiar chord in my memory bank. I had the impression to ask her if she knew any Recio's from there.
Yes, in deed she did. She knew some and had some friends in San Jose by that name, too. I gave her my (second)cousin's and his wife's name, Tony and Yvonne Recio aka Bradford. SHE KNEW THEM! I was shocked. So was she. She also told me that the sister to Yvonne lived right here in the area and were getting ready to leave on a mission as well to Argentina. This cousin and I have a common great-grandfather, Feliciano Recio, Sr. Our grandparents, Anita Recio and Feliciano Recio, II were brother and sister. Did you know there are four, yes four Felicino Recio's? Feliciano Recio, Sr, II, III, and even a IV. Amazing.
I could hardly contain myself. It has been many years since I knew of my cousin's family. He has long since passed away in 1993, and hear little anymore about them either. I have known this co-worker for a couple of years, I knew she spoke Spanish, very well too, and we communicated a lot speaking Spanish to one another while we visited in the locker room.
It felt like the prompting must have come from the other side. I came away wondering how many people have this kind of experience of knowing each other and not realizing how we are always connected to others. What if we only follow a prompting and or ask a question as directed? It showed me how small our world is when we find in some small way a connection we could never have imagined.
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