Grandma Mattie

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Grateful Heart--

This was one of those days, that I counted my blessings and felt great love for my children. Over the years as they were growing up, we had instances when and where we worked together for a common goal, and the good of all.

I express my gratitude for the hard work they did to make it possible for many of them to have orthodontic work done. Our orthodontist was sensitive to our needs and the challenge it was for a large family to keep up with the dental bills each month. His office manager approached us one day and offered to let our family go each week to clean their office. We worked off our bill for six of the eight who had braces. I was able to have Matt get his braces when I was going to UVSC, and paid it in full myself. His teeth only needed alignment after having grown older than some of the others who had their braces in early high school or junior high.

The many hours and sacrifice of time and sleep we spent as a family came to mind. It also was a great blessing to help clean the McKay Events Center after their games to help with the two younger boys for their missions.

As a mother, I was blessed to see my children work together, for each other, and with one another. My gratitude is also great for how each of you are teaching your families to live the gospel and serve the Lord and work hard at their educational pursuits. Those experiences have bonded us closer and I express my gratitude to all of you for your cooperation and support in these activities. God bless you my dears.

Love, Mom

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