This was a favorite poem my dad, Carlos used to recite often as I grew up.
This time of year I was thinking about what I would write about in relationship to Father's day. My own father now passed away, was the one I have to compare anyone else to that role. I loved my dad, he was and still is my HERO. He treated me like a queen, and called me a queen as a little girl.
I was the oldest daughter, after two brothers. My mother said, she thought she was having another boy when she carried me. My heart beat was slow she says, and the doctor told her, I was a boy. I fooled everyone. I came into the world three years after my next oldest brother, Robert. He was a terror anyway, and I came along and according to my mother, his m.o. was that he "terrorized" me. She said he used to pinch me when I lay in my bed or sleeping. She really had to watch him because he was "travieso" aka mischievous. It fit him.
Anyway, back to my observation about fathers. I noticed that several of my grandsons have been so helpful without being asked or even when their parents were not around to tell them to do what they do for me.
I notice that when I visit at Hank and Lori's that the boys offer to pitch in to help carry my 3 gallon water container to the car when I go to fill my water jug. K2, K3, K5 and K7 are always such gentleman. Then I observe how at Tracie and Jared's that Adam takes the initiative and helps put the car seat in for me for Luke. He follows instructions very well when I need him. He is a good little worker.
Last week I stopped by after I went to the temple. Adam was there and a babysitter was taking care of them. My car windows were dirty from rain, or sprinklers, that I could not see well when I left that morning. They were not dirty the night before, so the rain or sprinklers had made the windows spotted all around the car.
I asked Adam if a hose was there in the front yard so I could wash the windows and car off with water. He said he would do it for me. He did and then I looked for towels in my trunk. He, in the meantime ran into the house and brought out a towel to wipe my windows, insisting he do them for me. That made my day!
I watch my son, Aaron as he goes about doing things for his wife and family, setting the example. He will oft times make breakfast of crepes, or omelets, or clear the snow on my car before he leaves for work when he does his. He has given me coupons for my car to get the oil changed and even a coupon or two to go have my car washed at Sonic. It is those small little things that make such a difference and at the same time lightens my load.
I also want to take a moment to say how much it means to me, when I go visit Hank for Sunday dinner. Almost, without exception when he is home when I leave, he bids me good bye with a hug and a kiss. He also will stand at his front door way and watch and wait for me to get in my car to make sure I am safe, and as I drive away he waves to me. He has also scraped off the snow on my car if needed. That ALL makes me feel so cared about, and with not having a significant other man in my life, it fills that place/void in my life for the moment.
The other day, Michael called me on his way home from getting gas for Joanna in their car/truck. He says he will think of me and call me to let me know. It touches my heart with that kind of simple gesture, that is priceless. Matt does that too, and he lets me know how much he loves me, and was thinking of me. He is always so grateful for helping raise him, when he writes to me on my birthday card or Mother's day card. Thank you, my dear sons, for your examples and too for my son's-in-law who take good care of my daughters.
I remember one of my daughter's tell me how her husband will not allow their children to be unkind, loud or disrespectful to her, their mother. He makes it very clear, she is HIS queen and they will treat her kindly and with utmost respect. I appreciate that. It is that kind of example that makes my grandsons become good fathers and husbands some day. I pray that my granddaughters will choose good companions like their fathers. They are not only choosing a husband, but the father of their children as well.
And so. . . the cycle of life begins again and continues.
P.S. Just for a moment take time to listen to the first song if you turned it off when reading this. It reminds me of my parents. My dad, Carlos told me when he lived with me, that he and my mother used to dance to this song in their courtship. My mother said he told her he loved her even before they became girl friend and boy friend. He must have been smitten with her. A true love story, and grateful to share it here.