I found this article in the Church News. It was a meaningful message written by a young mother, wife that her husband found when he was going through her purses after she passed away. I was touched by her list and wanted to share it here. I had read about her story a few weeks ago and the story here caught my attention.
Anna aka Grandma Mattie
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- The day after Katie Young died as a result of a traffic accident in late October, her husband, Justin, decided to clean out her many purses.
Young says his wife "loved her purses and seemed to have one for each outfit. She was the queen of accessorizing -- one of the many reasons we loved her so much."
"In the small pocket of one her purses I found a yellow copy of a receipt from SuperCuts and I was about to throw it out with the others when I noticed some of her writing on the back. Curious about what she may have written on the back of a receipt, I unfolded it and found a "to do" list -- something she was famous for."
As he read it, Young saw that it was no ordinary list.
"I don't know when she wrote it, only that it was after July 18 of '09, but when I read it, I understood that it was more than just a 'to do' list for her then ... it was a "to do" list for me now."
He wants to share Katie's list, because it's a good plan for everyone.
* Pray.
* Ask Heavenly Father for guidance through every step.
* Spend time playing with the kids. Teach them to love praying and reading scriptures. Hold Family Home Evening (once a week and) build strong bonds with them (the children).
* Ask for peace from the Holy Spirit.
* Be obedient to the commandments.
Young says, "This note now hangs on the mirror in our bedroom ... and I encourage everyone to print it out, adapt it to your own family if necessary and hang it on yours."
In an e-mail in late December, Young says he heard from someone who was to speak at a funeral service and planned to use the story of Katie's list "to bring comfort and strength to those grieving."
Great and positive things are coming out of his wife's tragic death, he says. Her list is just one of them.
MormonTimes.com is produced by the Deseret News in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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