Grandma Mattie

Monday, November 16, 2015


"Constant Gratitude leads to Happiness"

I just bought a Gospel Study Journal. I actually used a gift card I received for Mother's day and finally had a chance to go to Deseret Book to redeem it. I am so blessed and feel gratitude for the thoughful gesture.

One of the sections of this "journal" is a Gratitude Journal. I read the following instructions:
the heading was "Constant gratitude leads to happiness."

It has been suggested that those who keep a record of the things they are truly grateful for feel more content. President Henry B Eyring stated, "Whatever we get soon seems our natural right, not a gift. And we forget the giver. Then our gaze shifts from what we have been given to what we don't have yet. ("Remembrance and Gratitude." Ensign, November, 1989)

In fact, being ungrateful is an offense not only to God but also to those around you. Doctrine and Covenants59:21 teaches, "And in nothing does man offend God, or against sone is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments."

We easily forget that we came into life with nothing. The recipe of happiness is very simple; rid yourself of your notion of your rights. If you think about this you will see that the greater part of all the indignities, chagrins and humiliations you have endure arise from certain ideas you entertain about what is due you. The great miseries of life come from hyou believing you are not getting the things you thought you should have.

As you arise each morning, think about what you have to be thankful for; remember the surprising good fortune you had, the unexpected favor you received, or the unforeseen love, sympathy, regard, or appreciation you were shown. Think of a great book or the beautiful sights , pleasant odors, delightful good you have experienced.

And on those days you can't think of something to be thankful for, read your gratitude journal to be reminded of the many blessings you h ave received in your life. in other words, "Count your many blessings name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."

"When you drink of the water, don't forget the spring from which it flows." Charles Dickens

I am thankful to live close to this beautiful place, Zion's National Park that God created for our benefit." Anna R Walser

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