[A Chapter of Family History written October 2, 1997]
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me.”
This quote reminded me today of my own beloved mother, and dad, Carlos and Elena Sanchez Rodriguez.
“Kindness and gentleness were the ways of her household. Her candle does not go out by night,” paraphrased from Proverbs 31. In Mosiah 2:17, “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.” Our parents showed an example of compassion for others in their various circumstances.
I remember the Gernertt family, Ed and Rene who where our friends. They were a young family whose second son, Johnnie was born with a deformed hand. He did not have separate fingers of his left hand. It was webbed and looked like his fingers had not developed properly and grown together which resembled a permanently closed, small fist. He had a thumbnail besides some finger nails grown together.
Carlos and Elena knew that perhaps this young boy could receive help through plastic surgery to make his fingers separated and free them. Daddy was a thirty-third degree Mason and Shriner who contributed generously to the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital which helped under privileged children with special medical needs. They told the Gernertts about the possibility of getting doctors to look at Johnnie.
Carlos would help to drive the Gernertt family to Los Angeles for their appointments with the surgeons for consultations to operate on his hand to separate his fingers. My mother’s association and friendship to this family was a comfort and a strength to them and to their son. Johnnie eventually had the use of his crippled hand after several surgeries.
My mother would always prepare meals for this family of all boys when they came to visit us. That friendship lasted over forty years. I remember that our home was always a haven, especially to those in need. My parents would sometimes take them into our home and helped them until they “got on their feet.” When I was a teenager in high school, one of my mother’s cousins, Tony and his wife, Lupe from Brownsville, lived in our home when the two of them were first married. They stayed until they found a place of their own to live. They always remembered and appreciated Mom and Dad’s generosity and opened hearts.
Mother and Daddy spent many hours giving Christ-like service. When Tony and Lupe’s first child, Tony, Jr was born, he had a club-foot. My mother suggested they go with them to the same children’s hospital for treatment and care to correct the deformity of the little boys foot. The success of the treatment was phenomenal. Again, those young parents were grateful for the suggestion, time and service given to take them to the hospital to sit and wait with them at the appointments and surgeries. Tony, Jr was able to run and play to even participate in sports like other children did his age, because he not longer had a club- foot or limped when he walked. His foot was straight and this young boy had a normal childhood.
My parents never turned away anyone who was truly down and out or without money. Their kindness and generosity were ever present as they served others. As I recall, we always had what we needed in our home. We were not wealthy in the things of the world, but we owned our homes, and always had plenty to eat and enough to share with others.
Another time, one of my aunts, Anita came from Washington state to stay with us until my Uncle Albert (who was my mother’s brother) was transferred with the Air Force to California. My Aunt Anita did not speak much English being from Mexico. I shared my room with her, and got to speak Spanish to her during her stay. She literally became part of our family during her stay and helped out a lot with cooking and cleaning the house for us. I remember going on my first date in eighth grade, to a Job’s Daughter’s semi-formal dance. I could not afford to buy a dress for the dance. My aunt loaned me a beautiful white chiffon dress with black velvet trim for the occasion. It was my first date and I received my first corsage, a lovely white gardenia. I felt like Cinderella, and Tia Anita was my fairy godmother.
My parents both “cast their bread upon the waters,” and after many days found it come back an hundred fold. They never went without the necessities of life and always had enough to share with others. "Surely goodness and mercy followed them all the days of their lives."
I count my many blessings for their example as they never ceased to give of themselves.
Their charity never failed. They extended charity to their own family as well. They gave their all for any of us children in need; even when we were all grown and had families of our own. They were always their with arms opened and willing to give in any way needed.
If one of us was having difficulties or not, I remember Mom would open her purse and find a twenty dollar bill stashed between the compartments in her walled of pictures. Daddy would like wise perceive my need and lend his support in his own quiet way. I felt special to him. My love and gratitude towards them both was thanks enough for them. Their hearts were solid gold.
During the years that they had some of the grand kids live with them while one of my brothers was incarcerated for a time. My parents would drive every other month almost to San Francisco to visit a son who needed them more than they would every know. Yes, they sacrificed many hours of their own personal pleasures for each of us in different ways.
The grandchildren were a large part of their lives for several years in their home. How could we ever repay such a debt of gratitude of that magnitude? We can’t actually, at least not on paper. My parents gave much more than they received it seemed. How they loved all their great-grand children and babies. What a wonderful legacy to pass to their posterity forever.
Our parents worked hard all their lives and gave much. I appreciate that their sole concern was to be sure that we, their loved ones had a roof over our heads and a place to call home. Their example of giving before thinking of themselves continues to bless each one of us as their posterity.
Daddy was always our spiritual leader and Mom his support. They constantly showed us a sermon by their many acts of sharing, caring and hours of service. Daddy lead us in a daily devotional and prayers.
He read the scriptures to us and read from the booklet, Our Daily Bread at meal times.
Mom and Daddy exercised great faith in God and in each of us. They were a support to each of us and encouraged us to do good, and know that God was always there to answer our prayers.
They gave us the knowledge and tools to live by and how to work in the garden of life. They gave us a shield of faith to face the darker times and see the sunlight through the clouds of despair. How great their influence is still and always will be to us all.
My debt of gratitude is great. I thank my father for all his goodness and charitable traits. I cherish the memories and feelings in my heart for the great man that he is and continues to be the Patriarch of this family. I appreciate my mother for her sterling character and who taught me many of her talents and gift of motherhood. These memories are treasures of the life shared by them together.
I just want you Daddy, to know of the deepest gratitude in my heart while I can still tell you “THANK YOU” for all you did and still do for me and my brothers and sisters. I love you Daddy, and Mama, forever with all my heart. You are both my heroes.
Love, Anna Maria
My mission today: A goal or "mission" daily to accomplish a purpose to better cope with life experience. Whether it is about relationships, or emotional stability, it is needed to bless the lives I touch as an individual, parent, grandmother, friend. Recently I had a request from one of my children who asked about his ancestors and suggested I write about it here. The result could be the Second Book of Anna.

Grandma Mattie
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
"Constant Gratitude leads to Happiness"
I just bought a Gospel Study Journal. I actually used a gift card I received for Mother's day and finally had a chance to go to Deseret Book to redeem it. I am so blessed and feel gratitude for the thoughful gesture.
One of the sections of this "journal" is a Gratitude Journal. I read the following instructions:
the heading was "Constant gratitude leads to happiness."
It has been suggested that those who keep a record of the things they are truly grateful for feel more content. President Henry B Eyring stated, "Whatever we get soon seems our natural right, not a gift. And we forget the giver. Then our gaze shifts from what we have been given to what we don't have yet. ("Remembrance and Gratitude." Ensign, November, 1989)
In fact, being ungrateful is an offense not only to God but also to those around you. Doctrine and Covenants59:21 teaches, "And in nothing does man offend God, or against sone is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments."
We easily forget that we came into life with nothing. The recipe of happiness is very simple; rid yourself of your notion of your rights. If you think about this you will see that the greater part of all the indignities, chagrins and humiliations you have endure arise from certain ideas you entertain about what is due you. The great miseries of life come from hyou believing you are not getting the things you thought you should have.
As you arise each morning, think about what you have to be thankful for; remember the surprising good fortune you had, the unexpected favor you received, or the unforeseen love, sympathy, regard, or appreciation you were shown. Think of a great book or the beautiful sights , pleasant odors, delightful good you have experienced.
And on those days you can't think of something to be thankful for, read your gratitude journal to be reminded of the many blessings you h ave received in your life. in other words, "Count your many blessings name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
"When you drink of the water, don't forget the spring from which it flows." Charles Dickens
I am thankful to live close to this beautiful place, Zion's National Park that God created for our benefit." Anna R Walser
I just bought a Gospel Study Journal. I actually used a gift card I received for Mother's day and finally had a chance to go to Deseret Book to redeem it. I am so blessed and feel gratitude for the thoughful gesture.
One of the sections of this "journal" is a Gratitude Journal. I read the following instructions:
the heading was "Constant gratitude leads to happiness."
It has been suggested that those who keep a record of the things they are truly grateful for feel more content. President Henry B Eyring stated, "Whatever we get soon seems our natural right, not a gift. And we forget the giver. Then our gaze shifts from what we have been given to what we don't have yet. ("Remembrance and Gratitude." Ensign, November, 1989)
In fact, being ungrateful is an offense not only to God but also to those around you. Doctrine and Covenants59:21 teaches, "And in nothing does man offend God, or against sone is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments."
We easily forget that we came into life with nothing. The recipe of happiness is very simple; rid yourself of your notion of your rights. If you think about this you will see that the greater part of all the indignities, chagrins and humiliations you have endure arise from certain ideas you entertain about what is due you. The great miseries of life come from hyou believing you are not getting the things you thought you should have.
As you arise each morning, think about what you have to be thankful for; remember the surprising good fortune you had, the unexpected favor you received, or the unforeseen love, sympathy, regard, or appreciation you were shown. Think of a great book or the beautiful sights , pleasant odors, delightful good you have experienced.
And on those days you can't think of something to be thankful for, read your gratitude journal to be reminded of the many blessings you h ave received in your life. in other words, "Count your many blessings name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
"When you drink of the water, don't forget the spring from which it flows." Charles Dickens
I am thankful to live close to this beautiful place, Zion's National Park that God created for our benefit." Anna R Walser
Friday, August 14, 2015
Following in His Footsteps
In the Beatitudes we read: "Blessed are the Pure in Heart.. . for they shall see God."
I truly believe that when our hearts are pure; we can see Jesus Christ with our spiritual eyes" and feel his spirit by the power of the Holy Ghost.
We can come unto Him and bask in the arms of his love. We can feel his spirit around us and know that as we follow in his footsteps, we are sanctified, purified and worthy to be in his presence.
"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost;wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ;for behold the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." II Nephi 32:3
The Doctrine of Christ is like a Liahona in guiding us to do the right things.
I truly believe that when our hearts are pure; we can see Jesus Christ with our spiritual eyes" and feel his spirit by the power of the Holy Ghost.
We can come unto Him and bask in the arms of his love. We can feel his spirit around us and know that as we follow in his footsteps, we are sanctified, purified and worthy to be in his presence.
"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost;wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ;for behold the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." II Nephi 32:3
The Doctrine of Christ is like a Liahona in guiding us to do the right things.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Be Not Afraid~
Mosiah 7: 33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage.
I find it very uplifting that the words of our Savior, Jesus Christ gives us the key to our every happiness and JOY!
We are comforted in our sorrows, we are uplifted when we feel abandoned, or uplifted in our successes. What more can we ask as the God of Israel, Abraham, and Jacob gives us his promise to heal our every wound! The Atonement is real, and gives us the will to forge ahead, as we testify of his greatness and glory. He ALWAYS has his hand out reaching out to us to take his , and be lifted up. We are his children.
He promiesd when he said he will NEVER leave us.
I find it very uplifting that the words of our Savior, Jesus Christ gives us the key to our every happiness and JOY!
We are comforted in our sorrows, we are uplifted when we feel abandoned, or uplifted in our successes. What more can we ask as the God of Israel, Abraham, and Jacob gives us his promise to heal our every wound! The Atonement is real, and gives us the will to forge ahead, as we testify of his greatness and glory. He ALWAYS has his hand out reaching out to us to take his , and be lifted up. We are his children.
He promiesd when he said he will NEVER leave us.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
A Snipet of Truth and Counsel from A King--Benjamin
Mosiah 4:
9 Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.
10 And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them.
11 And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.
12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.
The more I read the scriptures, the more I know how much God loves us to give us his Word through the holy prophets. Whether in times of old or in current times, God is the same and his message is for US to know that Jesus is the Christ, his Son, our Redeemer and Savior of the world.
How gentle are his commands, and his abundance that we receive in honoring the covenants we make and serve, care for and uplift those in need around us. We (I) are (am) the recipient o His goodness and mercy in caring for our every need.
I bear witness these things are true. . . and to Read the rest of this chapter to drink from the living water and fountains of eternal life.
9 Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.
10 And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them.
11 And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.
12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.
The more I read the scriptures, the more I know how much God loves us to give us his Word through the holy prophets. Whether in times of old or in current times, God is the same and his message is for US to know that Jesus is the Christ, his Son, our Redeemer and Savior of the world.
How gentle are his commands, and his abundance that we receive in honoring the covenants we make and serve, care for and uplift those in need around us. We (I) are (am) the recipient o His goodness and mercy in caring for our every need.
I bear witness these things are true. . . and to Read the rest of this chapter to drink from the living water and fountains of eternal life.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
"As I search the Holy Scrptures. . . "
I love and appreciate attending and listening to General Conference twice a year. I love reading the scriptures that give me the words of wisdom and remember the covenants I have made with my Heavenly Father. My days go better and best when I take the first fifteen to twenty minutes to study, pray and learn from them.
As I am reading I receive impressions on how to best express my concern and desire for ALL my posterity to drink from the waters of Eternal Life. Mosiah 2:35-37 condenses that whole chapter and closes with King Benjamin's(conference address) to his people. I am in awe at how specific he is in telling us what we must do and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.
Mosiah 2:41~ And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
The scriptures are our Urim amd Thumnin, AND Liahona, as is the Holy Ghost in guiding us safely home to our reward. What more can I ask?
This is my dad, Carlos giving a thumbs up. This photo was taken (in Idaho) the last time I saw him alive.
We will have a busy day today. We are going to a wedding in Cedar City to a nephew's wedding, John and Patty's son, Chris and his bride Sidni. Ron's brother, LeRoy and Valerie Walser are here with us from Oklahoma us to attend the wedding. We love having this time with them for several days.
As I am reading I receive impressions on how to best express my concern and desire for ALL my posterity to drink from the waters of Eternal Life. Mosiah 2:35-37 condenses that whole chapter and closes with King Benjamin's(conference address) to his people. I am in awe at how specific he is in telling us what we must do and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.
Mosiah 2:41~ And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
The scriptures are our Urim amd Thumnin, AND Liahona, as is the Holy Ghost in guiding us safely home to our reward. What more can I ask?
This is my dad, Carlos giving a thumbs up. This photo was taken (in Idaho) the last time I saw him alive.
We will have a busy day today. We are going to a wedding in Cedar City to a nephew's wedding, John and Patty's son, Chris and his bride Sidni. Ron's brother, LeRoy and Valerie Walser are here with us from Oklahoma us to attend the wedding. We love having this time with them for several days.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Drinking Living Water From The Fountain of Eternal Life. . .
I am reading in the Book of Mormon and continue to be reminded of the counsel given by King Benjamin to his sons, posterity. As many times as I have read this wonderful book, it is as if I am reading it again for the FIRST time. There are so many new insights that I learn and the Holy Ghost gives me guidance and awareness of this holy writ.
Mosiah:15 And it came to pass that after king Benjamin had made an end of these sayings to his son, [Mosiah] that he gave him charge concerning all the affairs of the kingdom.
16 And moreover, he also gave him charge concerning the records which were engraven on the plates of brass; and also the plates of Nephi; and also, the sword of Laban, and the ball or director, which led our fathers through the wilderness, which was prepared by the hand of the Lord that thereby they might be led, every one according to the heed and diligence which they gave unto him.
17 Therefore, as they were unfaithful they did not prosper nor progress in their journey, but were driven back, and incurred the displeasure of God upon them; and therefore they were smitten with famine and sore afflictions, to stir them up in remembrance of their duty.
18 And now, it came to pass that Mosiah went and did as his father had commanded him, and proclaimed unto all the people who were in the land of Zarahemla that thereby they might gather themselves together, to go up to the temple to hear the words which his father should speak unto them.
I love the scriptures, I love my scriptures; they are like my dear friend and are very much a part of my daily life. I appreciate so much my schedule that gives me the opportunity to read and study as I make it a high priority to partake of the Spirit through daily scripture study. My day, and our days go better. I love to also have time with my dear husband to read and study with me and are able to take the time together to read them.
I also enjoy reading the Ensign to him as we travel in the car or read before going to sleep. It helps me go to sleep faster than just lying awake too long until I can drop off to sleep. Ron has no trouble going to sleep once his head hits that pillow. But, it is not so easy for me.
Mosiah:15 And it came to pass that after king Benjamin had made an end of these sayings to his son, [Mosiah] that he gave him charge concerning all the affairs of the kingdom.
16 And moreover, he also gave him charge concerning the records which were engraven on the plates of brass; and also the plates of Nephi; and also, the sword of Laban, and the ball or director, which led our fathers through the wilderness, which was prepared by the hand of the Lord that thereby they might be led, every one according to the heed and diligence which they gave unto him.
17 Therefore, as they were unfaithful they did not prosper nor progress in their journey, but were driven back, and incurred the displeasure of God upon them; and therefore they were smitten with famine and sore afflictions, to stir them up in remembrance of their duty.
18 And now, it came to pass that Mosiah went and did as his father had commanded him, and proclaimed unto all the people who were in the land of Zarahemla that thereby they might gather themselves together, to go up to the temple to hear the words which his father should speak unto them.
I love the scriptures, I love my scriptures; they are like my dear friend and are very much a part of my daily life. I appreciate so much my schedule that gives me the opportunity to read and study as I make it a high priority to partake of the Spirit through daily scripture study. My day, and our days go better. I love to also have time with my dear husband to read and study with me and are able to take the time together to read them.
I also enjoy reading the Ensign to him as we travel in the car or read before going to sleep. It helps me go to sleep faster than just lying awake too long until I can drop off to sleep. Ron has no trouble going to sleep once his head hits that pillow. But, it is not so easy for me.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
TBT--THrowback Thursday, Remebering my Youth~
The house on the left of this photo is the house my parents OWNED when I was in grade school. We had left San Antonio, Texas a few months before. Our hone in San Antonio sold so we were able to get another permanent home in Chicago.
I walked to school a few blocks away. I remember the snow (up to my knees) in the winter walking a path in the playground in the mornings. It was shivering cold too! I had a nice warm furry long coat that kept me warm on those days. I even had worn long flesh-colored underwear that went to my knees, and long stockings and a dress!! The long underwear would take the cold chill away at least. I also walked home and back at lunch-time all through grade school. After that in Jr high I took a sandwich which was often, baloney, egg salad, or cheese. I never had a hot lunch at school in those elementary school days.
I continued to take sack lunch, but it wasn't until I was in high school that I would pay for my own lunches and save my babysitting, or house cleaning money I earned to occasionally eat in the school cafeteria. My choice of food was often just a simple serving of mashed potatoes and gravy, or jello with whipped cream on top of cut up cherry flavored gelatin. My favorite snacks at breaks where a frozen vanilla ice cream sandwich on a chocolate flavored cookie bar. And I loved the boxed pretzel sticks from the vending machines for .o5 too.
The Pure in Heart. . .
"The pure in heart receive the pleasing word of God—Lamanite righteousness exceeds that of Nephites—Jacob warns against fornication, lasciviousness, and every sin."
1 But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.
2 O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever."
I looked up a reference to just one word: STEADFASTNESS. I was amazed at the meaningful words it said. the topical guide stated: steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God
The Doctrine and Covenants tells us also "fall not from your steadfastness, Be not deceived, but continue in steadfastness."
I think it also means Enduring to the End.
There is so much going on around us all each day. How do we overcome the world? Answer: By being steadfast and immovable; holding onto the IRON rod and keeping ourselves unspotted from the world.
I have a firm witness how keeping our covenants and renewing them each week fortifies US by attending our meetings and drinking from "the fountain of Eternal Life.' I know that as we hunger and thirst after (these things) we are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost as our guide.
Helaman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
I know my Savior, Jesus Christ and thankful for him and his great love for us. I know that he lives!
Anna R Walser, aka Mom, Grandma : )
1 But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.
2 O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever."
I looked up a reference to just one word: STEADFASTNESS. I was amazed at the meaningful words it said. the topical guide stated: steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God
The Doctrine and Covenants tells us also "fall not from your steadfastness, Be not deceived, but continue in steadfastness."
I think it also means Enduring to the End.
There is so much going on around us all each day. How do we overcome the world? Answer: By being steadfast and immovable; holding onto the IRON rod and keeping ourselves unspotted from the world.
I have a firm witness how keeping our covenants and renewing them each week fortifies US by attending our meetings and drinking from "the fountain of Eternal Life.' I know that as we hunger and thirst after (these things) we are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost as our guide.
Helaman 5:12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
I know my Savior, Jesus Christ and thankful for him and his great love for us. I know that he lives!
Anna R Walser, aka Mom, Grandma : )
Monday, June 1, 2015
Like A Mother Hen Gathering Her Chicks
This week for church, Tana and Nathan and their children happened to be in St George for a few days. they asked what time our church was so they had the opportunity to visit with us for sacrament meeting.
They arrived just as it started and sat next to us on the row we saved for them. We filled the whole row! All nine of us side by side. I marveled and enjoyed the site of seeing my daughter, Tana, Nathan and their children all dressed in their Sunday clothes. My heart was full of gratitude to see them and how sweet they all looked and glowed with the gospel image on their faces! I felt like a mother hen who had just gathered her chicks around me. ;)
I looked up and row the row and just appreciated so much to see them come with us that day. I felt like my mother might have felt seeing the same thing as I did. I had joy in my posterity at that very moment, through my tears of gratitude and all. Presley wanted to sit by Grandpa Ron, so we obliged and she was quite happy to be doodling on the sacrament program drawing over the face of President Spencer W Kimball with Grandpa's black pen.
When the meeting was over we stood a while chatting over what their plans were whether to stay or leave between Sunday School. Our bishop appeared all of a sudden and stood in the row ahead of us as he greeted each of us with a hand shake and smile introducing himself. He took some time to chit-chat and was interested in why they were there and what they were doing the next few days. He was familiar with Salem, UT where they lived and how the high school basketball team had played there at Salem Hills High School. He mentions that his priest age son plays for the local high school here in Hurricane.
It is amazing how fast the grandchildren grow and noticeable each time I see them. Time goes by so quickly and they don't stop growing!! They will be coming back to have dinner/BBQ with us before they go back after the boys participate in Basketball Camp at Dixie High in St. George this week.
It was a good meeting and we had a pleasant Sabbath day.
They arrived just as it started and sat next to us on the row we saved for them. We filled the whole row! All nine of us side by side. I marveled and enjoyed the site of seeing my daughter, Tana, Nathan and their children all dressed in their Sunday clothes. My heart was full of gratitude to see them and how sweet they all looked and glowed with the gospel image on their faces! I felt like a mother hen who had just gathered her chicks around me. ;)
I looked up and row the row and just appreciated so much to see them come with us that day. I felt like my mother might have felt seeing the same thing as I did. I had joy in my posterity at that very moment, through my tears of gratitude and all. Presley wanted to sit by Grandpa Ron, so we obliged and she was quite happy to be doodling on the sacrament program drawing over the face of President Spencer W Kimball with Grandpa's black pen.
When the meeting was over we stood a while chatting over what their plans were whether to stay or leave between Sunday School. Our bishop appeared all of a sudden and stood in the row ahead of us as he greeted each of us with a hand shake and smile introducing himself. He took some time to chit-chat and was interested in why they were there and what they were doing the next few days. He was familiar with Salem, UT where they lived and how the high school basketball team had played there at Salem Hills High School. He mentions that his priest age son plays for the local high school here in Hurricane.
It is amazing how fast the grandchildren grow and noticeable each time I see them. Time goes by so quickly and they don't stop growing!! They will be coming back to have dinner/BBQ with us before they go back after the boys participate in Basketball Camp at Dixie High in St. George this week.
It was a good meeting and we had a pleasant Sabbath day.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday. My Mom,Dad, Brothers,,Charlie and Beebe. 1945 c shortly after my father came back from the War.in Decmber, 1945
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Memorial Day, A Time to Rememberr our Fallen Soldiers and Loved Ones Passed
Another Memorial Day to remember those who gave their lives in the wars. It is a time to reflect on the many freedoms we have for their sacrifice and gave their lives for our Country. It is also a time to remember our kindred who have gone before, who are gone but not forgotten. We miss them and know they care and watching over us.
We went up to the DIxie National Park past Enterprise, UT to the Honeycomb Rock campsite with John and Patty for a Dutch oven dinner. they prepared barbeque chicken, cherry cobbler and cooked potatoes, with onion and bacon. The dinner was delicious!
Yesterday we had Tara, Russ and Courtney, Jacob and Allie for dinner on their way back home from Mesquite. They had a chance to visit with Sydney and the new baby, Sienna. it was a chance for them to see that cute baby girl.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Memores From Ron's Childhood and Young Adulthood
Ron and I (Anna) were having lunch at home and talking about Ron's growing up years. He said, "I had one pair of shoes that I wore everyday for school. My dad and I sometimes go to the shoemaker and measured my feet I wore those and sometimes had store bought shoes for church. I usually had only one pair of jeans and one shirt. My (step-)Mom would make me a shirt and then I would have two shirts to wear.
"We ate everything we grew in our garden; once in a while someone would give us some beef, but most of the time we ate venison and elk that we got hunting and wild turkey. We usually only had to buy a 50 lb bag of sugar, or several fifty pound bags of flour. We did have a cow or two and milked them and had our own milk. We would separate the milk and get cream which my Mom would make butter, cottage cheese or regular cheese. We would give some separated milk to the Hawkins family and they gave us blocks of cheese they made from the milk. It was a trade and no money was exchanged and we had what we needed. We had a few pigs and ate pork meat and fed the pigs the bad milk or left over food. I remember one time my friend in crime and I decided we wanted to paint the pig with black ink. That was not a good idea but we did it anyway and suffered the consequences.
"My Mom would can tomatoes and we'd have bottled tomato juice, whole tomatoes, canned peaches and that kind of thing with our own fruit trees Dad raised. We had chickens so we had plenty of eggs, chickens to eat. We would eat our big meal at lunch and walk home from school for lunch. We all ate together; the hired hands would eat with us. We had a Mexican maid who did the cooking and cleaning for us and helped out with the house work.
"My Dad, Floyd Walser, was a school teacher at the Juarez Academy for about forty years. He was a very strict man and demanded obedience and corrected us as we needed it. I remember one time one of my friends and I set fire to the barn and we ran and hid under my bed in the bunk house. My Dad found me and gave me a lickin'. I was about six years old.
"I used to have to brings the cows in from the upper pasture and down to the corral in the evening time. I was a bit lazy sometimes and a couple of times I'd make the mother cow (who lost her baby calf) think her calf was calling and by wailing like a calf. She would hear me imitate the baby calf and she would come running down to find her young. After about a week of that, she was wise to me and wouldn't come running down like before. I was kind of mischievious then."
"At age eight my father baptized me in the cold water in January in the river in our town. Not too many attended my baptism since it was so cold. But my Dad did the baptism and we walked back to our house soaking wet and cold. There were no fonts in those days at the church in Colonia Juarez. I attended elementary school at the local white building that was first grade to eighth grade. High school was at the Academia Juarez where I graduated and then went to BYU.
I really had to study hard and long hours to make it through that first year. I was not exactly up to speed for BYU college classes. I learned a lot and worked at it. I worked to earn my tuition in those early days and reported to work at four o'clock in the morning. I had very little time to do much of anything else with classes and study time. I worked as a janitor in the McKay building and then worked in the cafeteria at the Cougar Eat in the Wilkinson Center.
"I tried out for the BYU basketball team as a freshman and made it. But there were so many good guys on the team that year and I knew i would not get much playing time and that my study time would suffer. So I quit the basketball team and know it was the best decision
to do at the time with the competition of outstanding players who became NBA basketball players, like Nemelka, etc."
Ron finished his first year at BYU and went on a mission to the Western Mexican Mission, which was the west coast of Mexico from Tijuana to Mazatlan, Mexico. "It was about a thousand miles long. After serving in the mission I went back to BYU and roomed again with my brothers, LeRoy, Lee and John who lived downstairs from the Mexican restaurant, El Azteca." I met Connie Jensen in my student ward. My first Sunday in the ward I gave a talk and Connie was in the congregation. She told one of her friends that she was going to marry me someday. We dated a while then married I her December 17, 1966 in the St. George Temple. My parents came out from Chihuahua Mexico and met us there at the temple. We were sealed and afterward took a few pictures then went to have breakfast. We said our good byes to those who were in our sealing and drove back to Provo in the same day. We made our home in a tiny apartment in Provo above a neighborhood grocery store which was walking distance from BYU."
"We ate everything we grew in our garden; once in a while someone would give us some beef, but most of the time we ate venison and elk that we got hunting and wild turkey. We usually only had to buy a 50 lb bag of sugar, or several fifty pound bags of flour. We did have a cow or two and milked them and had our own milk. We would separate the milk and get cream which my Mom would make butter, cottage cheese or regular cheese. We would give some separated milk to the Hawkins family and they gave us blocks of cheese they made from the milk. It was a trade and no money was exchanged and we had what we needed. We had a few pigs and ate pork meat and fed the pigs the bad milk or left over food. I remember one time my friend in crime and I decided we wanted to paint the pig with black ink. That was not a good idea but we did it anyway and suffered the consequences.
"My Mom would can tomatoes and we'd have bottled tomato juice, whole tomatoes, canned peaches and that kind of thing with our own fruit trees Dad raised. We had chickens so we had plenty of eggs, chickens to eat. We would eat our big meal at lunch and walk home from school for lunch. We all ate together; the hired hands would eat with us. We had a Mexican maid who did the cooking and cleaning for us and helped out with the house work.
"My Dad, Floyd Walser, was a school teacher at the Juarez Academy for about forty years. He was a very strict man and demanded obedience and corrected us as we needed it. I remember one time one of my friends and I set fire to the barn and we ran and hid under my bed in the bunk house. My Dad found me and gave me a lickin'. I was about six years old.
"I used to have to brings the cows in from the upper pasture and down to the corral in the evening time. I was a bit lazy sometimes and a couple of times I'd make the mother cow (who lost her baby calf) think her calf was calling and by wailing like a calf. She would hear me imitate the baby calf and she would come running down to find her young. After about a week of that, she was wise to me and wouldn't come running down like before. I was kind of mischievious then."
"At age eight my father baptized me in the cold water in January in the river in our town. Not too many attended my baptism since it was so cold. But my Dad did the baptism and we walked back to our house soaking wet and cold. There were no fonts in those days at the church in Colonia Juarez. I attended elementary school at the local white building that was first grade to eighth grade. High school was at the Academia Juarez where I graduated and then went to BYU.
I really had to study hard and long hours to make it through that first year. I was not exactly up to speed for BYU college classes. I learned a lot and worked at it. I worked to earn my tuition in those early days and reported to work at four o'clock in the morning. I had very little time to do much of anything else with classes and study time. I worked as a janitor in the McKay building and then worked in the cafeteria at the Cougar Eat in the Wilkinson Center.
"I tried out for the BYU basketball team as a freshman and made it. But there were so many good guys on the team that year and I knew i would not get much playing time and that my study time would suffer. So I quit the basketball team and know it was the best decision
Ron finished his first year at BYU and went on a mission to the Western Mexican Mission, which was the west coast of Mexico from Tijuana to Mazatlan, Mexico. "It was about a thousand miles long. After serving in the mission I went back to BYU and roomed again with my brothers, LeRoy, Lee and John who lived downstairs from the Mexican restaurant, El Azteca." I met Connie Jensen in my student ward. My first Sunday in the ward I gave a talk and Connie was in the congregation. She told one of her friends that she was going to marry me someday. We dated a while then married I her December 17, 1966 in the St. George Temple. My parents came out from Chihuahua Mexico and met us there at the temple. We were sealed and afterward took a few pictures then went to have breakfast. We said our good byes to those who were in our sealing and drove back to Provo in the same day. We made our home in a tiny apartment in Provo above a neighborhood grocery store which was walking distance from BYU."
Friday, April 24, 2015
BYU Keynote Speaker Message
I read a few comments from Elder Steven Snow given as the commencement address. i have been a more faithful journal keeper but as of late I had other things get in the way. It is time for me to REPENT! Here are some highlights I read in the Deseret News online this morning:
“Some of the most inspiring history comes from the diaries and journals of everyday people like you and me,” he said. “You need not be a prominent church leader and a copious journal keeper … but your story is important. Contribute to our body of history by keeping your own story.”
Although one’s journal may not be highlighted in some future display, it will be treasured by one's posterity for generations to come.
“Truth of the matter is if you don’t write your story it may not get written,” he said. “Worse still it may be told by someone else in a way you do not desire. The one who has the last word is the one who writes it down. Remember to keep a journal.”

Left photo was of a surprise visit of my younger sister, Linda with her daughter, Mina and husband, Nick and my sonm,Hank
Right photo: Our district after our weekly meeting in the East Kennewick Branch (WKM)
with Elders, Dexter, Tuttle, Schulz, Hall, Elder Walser, Hermanas Griffin, and Kidd
I am so thankful I took the time to note these events pictured above
Question: How does one go back and retrace our unwritten entries?
Answer: Apologetically, WE can't!! I just need to start over and go forward!
“Some of the most inspiring history comes from the diaries and journals of everyday people like you and me,” he said. “You need not be a prominent church leader and a copious journal keeper … but your story is important. Contribute to our body of history by keeping your own story.”
Although one’s journal may not be highlighted in some future display, it will be treasured by one's posterity for generations to come.
“Truth of the matter is if you don’t write your story it may not get written,” he said. “Worse still it may be told by someone else in a way you do not desire. The one who has the last word is the one who writes it down. Remember to keep a journal.”
Left photo was of a surprise visit of my younger sister, Linda with her daughter, Mina and husband, Nick and my sonm,Hank
Right photo: Our district after our weekly meeting in the East Kennewick Branch (WKM)
with Elders, Dexter, Tuttle, Schulz, Hall, Elder Walser, Hermanas Griffin, and Kidd
I am so thankful I took the time to note these events pictured above
Question: How does one go back and retrace our unwritten entries?
Answer: Apologetically, WE can't!! I just need to start over and go forward!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Old House, Home in Chicago
I thought for sure I had posted this photo of my childhood home in Chicago. We lived on the south side as far as I know. We lived about two blocks from my elementary school. Actually it had kindergarten through eight grades. Both my brother attended the same school as I did. Charlie in the seventh grade,with Beeb ein the sixth grade.
We used to walk up the alley to the Marcy Center a recreational center. I remember learning crafts, how to make lanyards and how to make biscuits in a cooking class. It also had softball fields. It was there when I was in first grande that I was hit with a flying baseball bat while standing too close to the batter. The day before the last day of school I ended up with my right cheek and stitches for that last day of school. And eventually had a scar on my cheek.
Marcy Center sponsored the two week summer camp at Camp Rheinberg my brothers and I went to in the summer. It was my first experience away form my parents. I remember two weeks is a long time for a seen year old being separated from home/family!! Our parents came to visit us on the week end in between the two weeks.
Me, at seven years old
My grade school: William Penn as it looked back then.
Blessing Overflowing
The last couple of months we have been so focused on our moving in and organizing the house that we had not been to the St George Temple. Then when we wanted to go the temple was closed for two weeks. we were able to make it this week and it was like an oasis in a dry desert. The feelings there are phenomenal. While there we are not rushed or worried about the worldly events and feel such a peace inside within those holy walls.
We took time to have lunch there downstairs in the cafeteria. There is a choice of two entrees and we chose the Talapia and vegetables. I love that one of the benefits of attending the temple regularly is receiving answers to things we are doing or need to do. It was almost as if I needed to have a paper and pen handy to write down what I was given to know what to do at this very time. I repeated in my head several things as I was hearing that "still small voice" tell me instructions specifically pertaining to some of my concerns of a list of projects I want to do and when to proceed to do them.
I had clarity in my mind given to me that I had not had before in exercising those options. I am thankful to know how much my heavenly father loves me, is present and aware of me to let me know in what order to best carry out my goals. It seems like we could try [on our own] to go in all directions at the same time and accomplish nothing. I felt an "ah hah moment" at the counsel I was given knowing I would not have to worry and to keep things in the order that was most beneficial first.
Over that last month or so I have felt some pressure to do a project that has been waiting and wanting to do for years. I started going to the Family History Center to scan certificates, birth and death records of my ancestors with the goal to compile it altogether and make a very large book for our family this year. I have many dozens of family photos also that I hoped to include in that (huge) book project. I have felt opposition and overwhelmed in managing the files and figuring how it was going to play out. I know now I can put that aside and work on the one that is more beneficial at this time.
I am at peace to know the best way to approach my goals for now.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Bringing Up To Date. . .
It has been a couple of months since I last posted on this blog. Shame on me! Time just keeps rolling by and I realize how important it is to keep tabs on myself and share!
We have been in the midst of a major life change and bought another home in Utah. Yes! But Southern Utah. We are still several hours away from most of our family. But still a little closer. We kept our home in Mesquite only for the convenience of not having to worry about it and renting it out in the meantime of when to sell or keep it.
We like that there are options to have a good garden area with the weather a bit cooler to plant what Ron's loves most, raspberries and blackberries. The heat in Mesquite was too much for raspberries/blackberries to survive. Ron has ordered a lot of fruit tress (20) to plant in Spring. Some are the same but different varieties to mature at different times in season. He has already put a lot of hours into preparing the yard, i.e moving rocks and pulling out plants that we don't need. We are very grateful that a grandson, Jordan was able to come stay several weeks to help us with the move. He was worth hi weight in GOLD! We loved having him here and sad to have him return to his home in Washington.
I recently had a nice break to go to a RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake City. I was an educational experience learning all the new ways to keep a Family History. i loved it. I roomed with Patty, my sister-in-law and a couple of other ladies that we knew and had a great time. I absorbed the information and gleaned a lot from the speakers that participated. Alex Boye, Laura Bush, former first lady and her daughter, Jenna. Donny Osmond. I didn't attend the one David Archuleta perfomred. I was over i the Exhibition hall making the most of my time and ordered a genealogical Fan Chart I should receive any day now. All in all I felt like I learned a lot and can apply now on a regular basis and get my Family Tree going and add to it. We topped our week experience by attending "Music and The Spoken Word." And also attending Sacrament meeting in the Joseph Smith Memorial building across the street from Temple Square.
Preserving family photos of my mother as a child with her brother Albert and Uncle Naco.
We have been in the midst of a major life change and bought another home in Utah. Yes! But Southern Utah. We are still several hours away from most of our family. But still a little closer. We kept our home in Mesquite only for the convenience of not having to worry about it and renting it out in the meantime of when to sell or keep it.
We like that there are options to have a good garden area with the weather a bit cooler to plant what Ron's loves most, raspberries and blackberries. The heat in Mesquite was too much for raspberries/blackberries to survive. Ron has ordered a lot of fruit tress (20) to plant in Spring. Some are the same but different varieties to mature at different times in season. He has already put a lot of hours into preparing the yard, i.e moving rocks and pulling out plants that we don't need. We are very grateful that a grandson, Jordan was able to come stay several weeks to help us with the move. He was worth hi weight in GOLD! We loved having him here and sad to have him return to his home in Washington.
I recently had a nice break to go to a RootsTech Conference in Salt Lake City. I was an educational experience learning all the new ways to keep a Family History. i loved it. I roomed with Patty, my sister-in-law and a couple of other ladies that we knew and had a great time. I absorbed the information and gleaned a lot from the speakers that participated. Alex Boye, Laura Bush, former first lady and her daughter, Jenna. Donny Osmond. I didn't attend the one David Archuleta perfomred. I was over i the Exhibition hall making the most of my time and ordered a genealogical Fan Chart I should receive any day now. All in all I felt like I learned a lot and can apply now on a regular basis and get my Family Tree going and add to it. We topped our week experience by attending "Music and The Spoken Word." And also attending Sacrament meeting in the Joseph Smith Memorial building across the street from Temple Square.
Preserving family photos of my mother as a child with her brother Albert and Uncle Naco.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Pondering . . .
I went to sacrament meeting by my self today. Ron was a little under the weather with a cold and bad cough. He didn't want to cough during church, so he stayed home. It was Ward Conference. we had good speakers, our Bishop and the second counselor spoke. They reminded us how important tithing is and the blessings of paying it. The bishop noted that during tithing settlement, even though someone isn't declaring their own tithing, he makes a declaration anyway in those cases.
President Daily told us to be sure to fast and pray this next week for Fast Sunday for moisture and rain that is much needed for our area, and is almost a drought he said. well, I think we got a good start of things to come since we woke up to snow!! Interesting. We need it yes, but hope the budding blossoms on the apricot trees are spared and will still have fruit to bare.
We had Sunday school with a stake leader teaching the lesson. He taught on the Miracles of Jesus. I appreciate hearing and knowing of all that the Savior did while he was on the earth. I know he did what he did through the power of God within him, and his divinity. We are blessed with the power of the priesthood to heal the sick and bless the blind to see and raise those who have dead and are called back. I know it has been done and what a blessing to enjoy having the priesthood restored and manifested through our faith and worthiness to receive those blessings.
President Daily told us to be sure to fast and pray this next week for Fast Sunday for moisture and rain that is much needed for our area, and is almost a drought he said. well, I think we got a good start of things to come since we woke up to snow!! Interesting. We need it yes, but hope the budding blossoms on the apricot trees are spared and will still have fruit to bare.
We had Sunday school with a stake leader teaching the lesson. He taught on the Miracles of Jesus. I appreciate hearing and knowing of all that the Savior did while he was on the earth. I know he did what he did through the power of God within him, and his divinity. We are blessed with the power of the priesthood to heal the sick and bless the blind to see and raise those who have dead and are called back. I know it has been done and what a blessing to enjoy having the priesthood restored and manifested through our faith and worthiness to receive those blessings.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Scriptue Power
I can honestly say I can feel a difference in my day when I skip reading my scriptures in the morning! The day seems to go better when I read the Book of Mormon before I start the day. I started reading on a schedule I received in Relief Society. I started where I was and have kept up six days out of seven!
The scriptures are so uplifting and give me the needed personal revelation promised and needed. Some days just a simple resolution comes when I least expect it. I am so grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as well.
There is power in staying the course and following the counsel of the Spirit from reading my scriptures. I see the blessings of making it a priority to pray each morning and evening together, reading the scriptures in seeking "first the kingdom of God."
Temple attendance is another way to seek first the kingdom of God over pleasure and bring to pass the blessings of immortality and Eternal Life for our kindred. I am amazed at how much more there is to be discovered in my family genealogy through new.familysearch.org. I feel unseen hands guiding me and helping me find files, photos and remembering stories to write about my personal history and that of my children.
An interesting side note:
About two weeks ago I was watching on TV a special program that was in commemoration of the entertainer, Elvis Presley's birthday (January 8). He was doing his gyrations and singing ballads and love songs as so many have attempted to mimic over the years.His performance that was shown was some of his first shows in Las Vegas. I watched his manner and remembered that when he had died, my Tana was about four years old. Then months later there was something on TV about him, perhaps his birthday or the year mark of his death. Tana saw and heard who it was and knowing he had died asked me, "hs he been resurrected?"
What else might a four year old [with her Primary and Family Home Evening lessons] know about Easter and Christ's resurrection might think and say? She owned it and made me laugh at her innoent insight and her question about him looking like he was alive on TV and in fact be resurrected?
The scriptures are so uplifting and give me the needed personal revelation promised and needed. Some days just a simple resolution comes when I least expect it. I am so grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as well.
There is power in staying the course and following the counsel of the Spirit from reading my scriptures. I see the blessings of making it a priority to pray each morning and evening together, reading the scriptures in seeking "first the kingdom of God."
Temple attendance is another way to seek first the kingdom of God over pleasure and bring to pass the blessings of immortality and Eternal Life for our kindred. I am amazed at how much more there is to be discovered in my family genealogy through new.familysearch.org. I feel unseen hands guiding me and helping me find files, photos and remembering stories to write about my personal history and that of my children.
An interesting side note:
About two weeks ago I was watching on TV a special program that was in commemoration of the entertainer, Elvis Presley's birthday (January 8). He was doing his gyrations and singing ballads and love songs as so many have attempted to mimic over the years.His performance that was shown was some of his first shows in Las Vegas. I watched his manner and remembered that when he had died, my Tana was about four years old. Then months later there was something on TV about him, perhaps his birthday or the year mark of his death. Tana saw and heard who it was and knowing he had died asked me, "hs he been resurrected?"
What else might a four year old [with her Primary and Family Home Evening lessons] know about Easter and Christ's resurrection might think and say? She owned it and made me laugh at her innoent insight and her question about him looking like he was alive on TV and in fact be resurrected?
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Old Fashioned Water Closet Toilet
Is it possible for me, to recollect some of the 'olden days?" i must hve been at east two years old and potty training. My grandmother's house on Pinto Street in San Antonio had a bathroom with an old fashioned water closet toilet. It was one tat had the tank up high over the toilet seat and up next to the ceiling.
My earliest memories are of my Aunt Celia who was about twenty years old standing in front of me while I sat on the toilet seat. I think she was just talking me through the process and encouraging me to potty in the toilet. I was terrified of when the toilet was flushed and the sound of the water flushing and making me think the water was going to come down on my head! The tank was wooden, made out of a dark stained wood.
The house was where my father grew up as a young boy after they moved to town from the cement plant where his father lived, at Portland Cement. His parents were separated for a lot of years from the time Carlos, my dad was about twele or thirteen years old. He said he took the separation quite hard, as did is mother, Cuquita. He told me that Nane as my grandmother was called would shake and cry and the kids had to hold her arms and hand down at her side so she wouldn't hurt herself out of grief of her and their children in the separation and eventual divorce.
i have a group picture of the family in 1931 to post soon.
My earliest memories are of my Aunt Celia who was about twenty years old standing in front of me while I sat on the toilet seat. I think she was just talking me through the process and encouraging me to potty in the toilet. I was terrified of when the toilet was flushed and the sound of the water flushing and making me think the water was going to come down on my head! The tank was wooden, made out of a dark stained wood.
The house was where my father grew up as a young boy after they moved to town from the cement plant where his father lived, at Portland Cement. His parents were separated for a lot of years from the time Carlos, my dad was about twele or thirteen years old. He said he took the separation quite hard, as did is mother, Cuquita. He told me that Nane as my grandmother was called would shake and cry and the kids had to hold her arms and hand down at her side so she wouldn't hurt herself out of grief of her and their children in the separation and eventual divorce.
i have a group picture of the family in 1931 to post soon.
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