Grandma Mattie

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Keys to a Happy and Successful Life

Matt. 6: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
3 Ne. 13: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

The older I become, the wiser. . . ? I read recently where a person who learns the lessons of life and acts on them the greater they understand their purpose in life.

The journey that Lehi and Sariah took into the wilderness can be liken unto us. We follow the words of the Savior ]hold onto the Iron Rod] and make those words to live by and our lives become meaningful. I am so grateful for those lessons of life that have given me room to grow and the refinement it has been to me personally. When we come into this world, we get our bodies and live. Are we not "unpolished" stones at birth, that over time we are hewned and ground to eventually become those beautiful polished stones we admire so much?

Children love picking up rough rocks that have attracted them and put them into their little hands to feel, touch and experience what that rock has within it. But if you take those same stones and put them in a rock tumbler, those stones are rubbing with other rocks and in time they come out more beautiful and shiny than they could ever imagine. Our life's experiences are much like the sand inside that tumbler that rolls thousands of times to get the results when that rock becomes so beautiful and polished.

But look where and how it came to be. Each trial that comes makes us a little better if we "get it." Otherwise we have to relearn those same trials unless we get it right along the way. Lessons can be learned easy, or they can be harder to learn. It is up to us and how we perceive ourselves.

It has been my observation over the years that those who are obedient and willing to be easily entreated and guided by the Holy Ghost they have found that KEY that brings peace, happiness and Joy. Our father in Heaven has a plan for us, and that is to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. God gave us his only begotten Son, who was born, suffered and died at the hands of others and gave his life for us as we come to know him, and embrace his atoning sacrifice and go forward. He has willingly paid the ransom the rue for us in FULL.

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