Matt. 6: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
3 Ne. 13: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
The older I become, the wiser. . . ? I read recently where a person who learns the lessons of life and acts on them the greater they understand their purpose in life.
The journey that Lehi and Sariah took into the wilderness can be liken unto us. We follow the words of the Savior ]hold onto the Iron Rod] and make those words to live by and our lives become meaningful. I am so grateful for those lessons of life that have given me room to grow and the refinement it has been to me personally. When we come into this world, we get our bodies and live. Are we not "unpolished" stones at birth, that over time we are hewned and ground to eventually become those beautiful polished stones we admire so much?
Children love picking up rough rocks that have attracted them and put them into their little hands to feel, touch and experience what that rock has within it. But if you take those same stones and put them in a rock tumbler, those stones are rubbing with other rocks and in time they come out more beautiful and shiny than they could ever imagine. Our life's experiences are much like the sand inside that tumbler that rolls thousands of times to get the results when that rock becomes so beautiful and polished.
But look where and how it came to be. Each trial that comes makes us a little better if we "get it." Otherwise we have to relearn those same trials unless we get it right along the way. Lessons can be learned easy, or they can be harder to learn. It is up to us and how we perceive ourselves.
It has been my observation over the years that those who are obedient and willing to be easily entreated and guided by the Holy Ghost they have found that KEY that brings peace, happiness and Joy. Our father in Heaven has a plan for us, and that is to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. God gave us his only begotten Son, who was born, suffered and died at the hands of others and gave his life for us as we come to know him, and embrace his atoning sacrifice and go forward. He has willingly paid the ransom the rue for us in FULL.
My mission today: A goal or "mission" daily to accomplish a purpose to better cope with life experience. Whether it is about relationships, or emotional stability, it is needed to bless the lives I touch as an individual, parent, grandmother, friend. Recently I had a request from one of my children who asked about his ancestors and suggested I write about it here. The result could be the Second Book of Anna.

Grandma Mattie
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
You, WE Never Walk Alone
A gentle reminder that we are NEVER alone. God is there for us and willing to take us by the hand and even carry us through the storms of life. May this uplift your day and carry you through always.
You'll Never Walk Alone - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Uploaded by Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Purchase "You'll Never Walk Alone" from the album "Showtime! Music of Broadway and Hollywood": Amazon: iTunes: Deseret Book: LDS Store:
I tried to cut and paste this link. You can go into youtube to the MoTab site and listen to this song.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Secret Sister of the Month
I grew up in California but was born in Texas. I was raised by strict, goodly parents who taught me and gave me a strong religious foundation and faith in Jesus Christ. I had many faith promoting experiences where my life was spared that prepared me for the gospel.
I found the Church as a young adult at Temple Square in Salt Lake City while on a vacation where I first heard and learned of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. Six months later young missionary Elders came tracting at my door. They taught me and I knew I had an immediate testimony of Joseph Smith and never doubted since. The rest is history.
My testimony of the gospel and the truthfulness of it gave me comfort and hope over the years and taught my children likewise.
Education was a priority as I re-entered university studies when my youngest son was in high school. I attended classes along side with many of my grown children and graduated with an Associate, Bachelor and Master degree. My love for learning bore fruit in both spiritual and secular studies.
I have a love for creative writing as a way to express myself and have kept a journal(s) for many years. My interests have been in Calligraphy, Pastels, Oils. I spent seven years giving service in the temple; I have been a Family History Consultant and continue writing my family and personal history. I collect photos of my ancestors and have photos of my own growing up years. My goal this year is to complete several volumes of pictures with stories of my ancestors and personal history for posterity. My favorite callings in church have been teaching in the organizations.
I have been very blessed as a wife and mother and have no greater joy than to see our children walk in light and truth.
Anna Walser
If you didn't know me, could you have guessed who this was?
I found the Church as a young adult at Temple Square in Salt Lake City while on a vacation where I first heard and learned of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. Six months later young missionary Elders came tracting at my door. They taught me and I knew I had an immediate testimony of Joseph Smith and never doubted since. The rest is history.
My testimony of the gospel and the truthfulness of it gave me comfort and hope over the years and taught my children likewise.
Education was a priority as I re-entered university studies when my youngest son was in high school. I attended classes along side with many of my grown children and graduated with an Associate, Bachelor and Master degree. My love for learning bore fruit in both spiritual and secular studies.
I have a love for creative writing as a way to express myself and have kept a journal(s) for many years. My interests have been in Calligraphy, Pastels, Oils. I spent seven years giving service in the temple; I have been a Family History Consultant and continue writing my family and personal history. I collect photos of my ancestors and have photos of my own growing up years. My goal this year is to complete several volumes of pictures with stories of my ancestors and personal history for posterity. My favorite callings in church have been teaching in the organizations.
I have been very blessed as a wife and mother and have no greater joy than to see our children walk in light and truth.
Anna Walser
If you didn't know me, could you have guessed who this was?
Appreciation and Admiration
Morning thoughts~from December 4, 2011 Anna R Walser (files)
There is such beauty in a husband and wife’s relationship that continues to impress me as I feel my Savior’s love for us as a couple. The love that God has for us also is so evident in the same way.
I know how real my Heavenly Father is and that Jesus is the Christ, his only begotten Son. I know that they are aware of me and know who I am and what I am about in my life.
Their Love for me has given me through all my trials I have had in this life such comfort and peace. I know that those experiences have given me experience to endure and come unto them.
I feel a great love and bonding toward my wonderful eternal companion and to Connie. I know that she had so much love for our Savior and for her husband and children. She blesses them and us every way that she is allowed to do from the other side of the veil.
She has the most beautiful striking blue eyes. The light in them is reflected and His image is upon her countenance. [Alma 5:] can truly testify that she has received His image which is engravened upon her face which I have seen in pictures of her throughout her life.
I know that she endured the refiner’s fire of her life’s journey and experiences here on earth. The other day I was doing a massage on Ron. He was so restful and appreciative of my hands moving over his back and arms. I went to do his feet and held them in my hands and worked on the deep tissue. I, all of sudden heard in my mind a voice tell me "how much she loved her husband Ron, and thanked me for takimg good care of him.”
Her children are the jewels in her crown. I am impressed how they live their lives and are in honor of their mother who taught them from their early years to love the Lord with all their hearts, might and minds. She was also a powerful force for good in the life of her dear husband, Ron. I have a witness that her work continues beyond the veil and blesses each and every one that she loves and serves even still. The veil is parted just enough to feel her presence and goodness that permeates her Spirit and soul.
Many times Ron and I will have long quiet conversation especially in the morning about Connie and insights that come to mind. This morning I sensed a sweet warmth about us and had a thoughts come to mind about Connie. I know Ron loved her very much and at times must have some of feelings of her loss in his life. I then thanked him for giving me a place in his heart to share with her.
I know that we have a partnership that is beautiful and Celestial and I am so thankful for Connie and her acceptance of me to be with Ron. I cherish those thoughts and feelings and embrace them which fill my soul with great peace and love.
There is such beauty in a husband and wife’s relationship that continues to impress me as I feel my Savior’s love for us as a couple. The love that God has for us also is so evident in the same way.
I know how real my Heavenly Father is and that Jesus is the Christ, his only begotten Son. I know that they are aware of me and know who I am and what I am about in my life.
Their Love for me has given me through all my trials I have had in this life such comfort and peace. I know that those experiences have given me experience to endure and come unto them.
I feel a great love and bonding toward my wonderful eternal companion and to Connie. I know that she had so much love for our Savior and for her husband and children. She blesses them and us every way that she is allowed to do from the other side of the veil.
She has the most beautiful striking blue eyes. The light in them is reflected and His image is upon her countenance. [Alma 5:] can truly testify that she has received His image which is engravened upon her face which I have seen in pictures of her throughout her life.
I know that she endured the refiner’s fire of her life’s journey and experiences here on earth. The other day I was doing a massage on Ron. He was so restful and appreciative of my hands moving over his back and arms. I went to do his feet and held them in my hands and worked on the deep tissue. I, all of sudden heard in my mind a voice tell me "how much she loved her husband Ron, and thanked me for takimg good care of him.”
Her children are the jewels in her crown. I am impressed how they live their lives and are in honor of their mother who taught them from their early years to love the Lord with all their hearts, might and minds. She was also a powerful force for good in the life of her dear husband, Ron. I have a witness that her work continues beyond the veil and blesses each and every one that she loves and serves even still. The veil is parted just enough to feel her presence and goodness that permeates her Spirit and soul.
Many times Ron and I will have long quiet conversation especially in the morning about Connie and insights that come to mind. This morning I sensed a sweet warmth about us and had a thoughts come to mind about Connie. I know Ron loved her very much and at times must have some of feelings of her loss in his life. I then thanked him for giving me a place in his heart to share with her.
I know that we have a partnership that is beautiful and Celestial and I am so thankful for Connie and her acceptance of me to be with Ron. I cherish those thoughts and feelings and embrace them which fill my soul with great peace and love.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Second Nephi 9: How Great and Wondrous is His Plan of Happiness!!
52 Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice.
This reference struck me and reminds me to stay close by with thanks unto His holy name.
Many years ago when I was in a class taught by Bro Ed Pinegar, he impressed upon us to study and read this chapter everyday for 30 days. I did that and it changed my life. I know from the full measure of this scripture and it is pure and how the Atonement permeates our lives in any and every degree of our beings, lives.
I am moved by the reference when he tells us how there is no keeper of the Gate except for the Holy One. " . . . and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.
There is nothing left out of this chapter to bring us to the path to Eternal Life.
What is Eternal Life?
"3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
It is my witness that I know as we ALL walk through our own life's experiences we come to know through those trials, triumphs, joy, pain, disappointment or sorrow that we are beckoned to come unto HIM in our own way and time.
It rests upon our shoulders to carry on and bear those burdens though the Atonement of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This reference struck me and reminds me to stay close by with thanks unto His holy name.
Many years ago when I was in a class taught by Bro Ed Pinegar, he impressed upon us to study and read this chapter everyday for 30 days. I did that and it changed my life. I know from the full measure of this scripture and it is pure and how the Atonement permeates our lives in any and every degree of our beings, lives.
I am moved by the reference when he tells us how there is no keeper of the Gate except for the Holy One. " . . . and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.
There is nothing left out of this chapter to bring us to the path to Eternal Life.
What is Eternal Life?
"3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
It is my witness that I know as we ALL walk through our own life's experiences we come to know through those trials, triumphs, joy, pain, disappointment or sorrow that we are beckoned to come unto HIM in our own way and time.
It rests upon our shoulders to carry on and bear those burdens though the Atonement of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Rediscovering Lost Relatives, "My Roots"
Maria del Refugio with her children Celia, Richared, Carlos, Chelo, Elena and Alicia.
Eufemio my Canchola great-grandfather, father to Maria del Refugio.
Today I had the privilege of following through to call some of my San Antonio relatives that I had not spoken to since my father, Carlos passed away. While Ron and I were in San Antonio in November last year (2013) I found some phone numbers for R. Canchola. I wanted to reconnect with them to do some genealogy research and perhaps see if they had a few photos of my father as a young boy in a group school picture that I just have a computer generated printed copy.
However, the name and phone number I found was a Canchola cousin on (Carlos' side )and discovered that the cousin I was looking for had passed away. Isn't that a reminder to me to ACT when the thought comes to check on things like that and not wait! The relative I contacted was also cousin to Reynaldo Canchola, and was Eufemio Reynaldo and went by "Memo." His wife is Isabel. I think the other Reynaldo went by the same name but listed his wife's name in the directory. I actually found Isabel C. and had a wonderful hour long conversation catching up on family history. I think this couple are my second cousins.
Isabel told me a few stories about my grandmother when she was a young girl just married to her husband. She said she herself married very young and Nane, aka Cuquita taught her how to cook and spent time at her home at the cement plant or on Pinto Street. Her husband worked at Portland Cement too. She told me that her husband was my grandmother's favorite nephew and called him "Memito."
It was a real joy and pleasure to talk to her and felt such a warm return of her kindness and interest in me. They both spoke to me, and I do remember meeting them in 2003 at Daddy's funeral in San Antonio. We exchanged emails, photos and will keep in touch with each other.
I made note of the information on the Reynaldo who passed away and found one of his siblings Maria de los Angeles (obituary online) later who had never married and passed away since her brother, Reynaldo. They all lived out at the cement plant in their younger years as adults. I felt like I had touched history once again and was back in San Antonio as a child. I loved the opportunity to reconnect and catch up on these Canchola relatives.
This family history work is never done, is it? I find that piercing of the veil prodding me to keep searching and never stop finding more relatives. Sometimes my husband tells me to stop doing more of the extraction names I found on my own on church CDs. There are thousands of names and we cannot possibly do them all ourselves. But the problem is I don't now how I am connected with them even though their surnames are Ulloa, Canchola, Munoz, Garcia, etc. I see his point. These recent finds are different in that I KNOW who they are and how we are related and connected. So that is perfectly acceptable to submit their names of their temple blessings. The other names I am not sure what can be done about them, perhaps only that I must leave it to the Lord to have them extracted in an orderly way and be obedient to the Church's stand about that issue.
I am so thankful to have rediscovered my father's cousin, Reynaldo C. who very likely has accepted the gospel. The missionaries on the other side of the veil must have prepared him to open the doors of understanding and accepting the message since November 2007 when he passed away. I can do my part to follow up and talk to his widow who lives in San Antonio and got acquainted with them too when I was there in 2003.
Isabel C remembered me and knew about me that I was "Mormon." The Tias had told her about me, and asked about my brother, Bob and knew him when he lived in S.A. in his youth. She invited me to come back and visit with them next time we go to Texas.
I love this work and never tire of finding more opportunities to bring the saving ordinances to our kindred. Especially love finding the living and on the other side of the veil.
Eufemio my Canchola great-grandfather, father to Maria del Refugio.
Today I had the privilege of following through to call some of my San Antonio relatives that I had not spoken to since my father, Carlos passed away. While Ron and I were in San Antonio in November last year (2013) I found some phone numbers for R. Canchola. I wanted to reconnect with them to do some genealogy research and perhaps see if they had a few photos of my father as a young boy in a group school picture that I just have a computer generated printed copy.
However, the name and phone number I found was a Canchola cousin on (Carlos' side )and discovered that the cousin I was looking for had passed away. Isn't that a reminder to me to ACT when the thought comes to check on things like that and not wait! The relative I contacted was also cousin to Reynaldo Canchola, and was Eufemio Reynaldo and went by "Memo." His wife is Isabel. I think the other Reynaldo went by the same name but listed his wife's name in the directory. I actually found Isabel C. and had a wonderful hour long conversation catching up on family history. I think this couple are my second cousins.
Isabel told me a few stories about my grandmother when she was a young girl just married to her husband. She said she herself married very young and Nane, aka Cuquita taught her how to cook and spent time at her home at the cement plant or on Pinto Street. Her husband worked at Portland Cement too. She told me that her husband was my grandmother's favorite nephew and called him "Memito."
It was a real joy and pleasure to talk to her and felt such a warm return of her kindness and interest in me. They both spoke to me, and I do remember meeting them in 2003 at Daddy's funeral in San Antonio. We exchanged emails, photos and will keep in touch with each other.
I made note of the information on the Reynaldo who passed away and found one of his siblings Maria de los Angeles (obituary online) later who had never married and passed away since her brother, Reynaldo. They all lived out at the cement plant in their younger years as adults. I felt like I had touched history once again and was back in San Antonio as a child. I loved the opportunity to reconnect and catch up on these Canchola relatives.
This family history work is never done, is it? I find that piercing of the veil prodding me to keep searching and never stop finding more relatives. Sometimes my husband tells me to stop doing more of the extraction names I found on my own on church CDs. There are thousands of names and we cannot possibly do them all ourselves. But the problem is I don't now how I am connected with them even though their surnames are Ulloa, Canchola, Munoz, Garcia, etc. I see his point. These recent finds are different in that I KNOW who they are and how we are related and connected. So that is perfectly acceptable to submit their names of their temple blessings. The other names I am not sure what can be done about them, perhaps only that I must leave it to the Lord to have them extracted in an orderly way and be obedient to the Church's stand about that issue.
I am so thankful to have rediscovered my father's cousin, Reynaldo C. who very likely has accepted the gospel. The missionaries on the other side of the veil must have prepared him to open the doors of understanding and accepting the message since November 2007 when he passed away. I can do my part to follow up and talk to his widow who lives in San Antonio and got acquainted with them too when I was there in 2003.
Isabel C remembered me and knew about me that I was "Mormon." The Tias had told her about me, and asked about my brother, Bob and knew him when he lived in S.A. in his youth. She invited me to come back and visit with them next time we go to Texas.
I love this work and never tire of finding more opportunities to bring the saving ordinances to our kindred. Especially love finding the living and on the other side of the veil.
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