Our Chicago home of Harding Avenue. 1948-1953
When we lived in our Harding house, there was a community recreation center just a block away from us. As kids we went to different activities, like ball games, cooking classes and craft classes. I learned how to make lanyards, and how to maker baking powder biscuits. My brothers participated in soft ball, ping pong, wood carving, or making model planes.
During the summers there was a two week camp where my brothers and I attended. It was the longest two weeks of my life! I had never been away fro my parents like that until then. I wrote home and on the weekend in between our parents came to see us. A much welcomed visit too, for sure.
Campers having a hike.
My mission today: A goal or "mission" daily to accomplish a purpose to better cope with life experience. Whether it is about relationships, or emotional stability, it is needed to bless the lives I touch as an individual, parent, grandmother, friend. Recently I had a request from one of my children who asked about his ancestors and suggested I write about it here. The result could be the Second Book of Anna.

Grandma Mattie
Monday, December 22, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Reconstructing early Memories about Christmas:
Written December 16, 2014

A three or four year old smells the live green Christmas trees, and sees colored lights, glass ornaments and tinsel, with gifts under the tree. My mother and I went to visit (I believe) my uncle’s wife, Evangeline. She had a gift for me that was a small baby doll. This may be a stretch of imagination but perhaps this happened during the months my father was in the Army or in Chicago at that time.
The lady we visited had dark olive skin, pretty brown eyes, and had long dark hair pulled straight back in a bun in the back of her head. She had dark red nail polish on her fingernails. She spoke to me in a sweet, soft voice, was affectionate and gave me hugs and kissed me on the cheeks.
When we moved to Chicago my mother took us to see Santa Claus at a department store, likely, it was Sears. We also went into the Woolworth’s store, commonly known as a “five and dime” store. All of the stores would play Christmas songs’ like “Here Comes Santa Claus” or “Frosty, The Snowman,” sung by Gene Autry, a cowboy singer. Also the new song which came to be quite popular then with Jimmy Boyd singing, “I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus”’ I remember shopping for a gift for my mother, and picked a heart-shaped bottle of perfume, or cologne called, ‘Blue Waltz.” I still remember what it smelled like. I really liked the scent of that cologne. Christmases were very simple and without a lot of fanfare.
My Dad was a Mason. Every year we went to the Masonic Lodge Christmas programs and were given a red mesh Christmas stocking with nuts and candies in them. The hard candy was ribbon-like and some were filled with jelly or chocolate flavor inside them, with candy canes. Some of the flavors of my favorites were clove or cinnamon. Sometimes they gave out gifts like dollhouse furniture, Doctor Kit sets, or color books. My grandmothers would send us clothes we usually needed. I recall when I was about eight that I got a beautiful Madam Alexander doll, and a full size doll that stood up about 2 ½ feet tall. I was given the tall doll and my sister the smaller Madam Alexander doll. But my mother for some reason switched them and gave my sister the tall baby doll and me the Madam Alexander doll. I had that doll for many years and even saved it for my oldest daughter, who named her Maggie. I thought that was kind of neat since my maternal 2nd great-grandmother’s name was Mague. After we moved to Utah I don’t remember what happed to the doll. The larger doll would make a [whahh] sound when squeezed; the smaller doll would cry Mama, Mama when she leaned back or forward. I liked her delicate features and pretty blond curls, small teeth and rosebud red lips. She was in a blue dress and white pinafore.

A three or four year old smells the live green Christmas trees, and sees colored lights, glass ornaments and tinsel, with gifts under the tree. My mother and I went to visit (I believe) my uncle’s wife, Evangeline. She had a gift for me that was a small baby doll. This may be a stretch of imagination but perhaps this happened during the months my father was in the Army or in Chicago at that time.
The lady we visited had dark olive skin, pretty brown eyes, and had long dark hair pulled straight back in a bun in the back of her head. She had dark red nail polish on her fingernails. She spoke to me in a sweet, soft voice, was affectionate and gave me hugs and kissed me on the cheeks.
When we moved to Chicago my mother took us to see Santa Claus at a department store, likely, it was Sears. We also went into the Woolworth’s store, commonly known as a “five and dime” store. All of the stores would play Christmas songs’ like “Here Comes Santa Claus” or “Frosty, The Snowman,” sung by Gene Autry, a cowboy singer. Also the new song which came to be quite popular then with Jimmy Boyd singing, “I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus”’ I remember shopping for a gift for my mother, and picked a heart-shaped bottle of perfume, or cologne called, ‘Blue Waltz.” I still remember what it smelled like. I really liked the scent of that cologne. Christmases were very simple and without a lot of fanfare.
My Dad was a Mason. Every year we went to the Masonic Lodge Christmas programs and were given a red mesh Christmas stocking with nuts and candies in them. The hard candy was ribbon-like and some were filled with jelly or chocolate flavor inside them, with candy canes. Some of the flavors of my favorites were clove or cinnamon. Sometimes they gave out gifts like dollhouse furniture, Doctor Kit sets, or color books. My grandmothers would send us clothes we usually needed. I recall when I was about eight that I got a beautiful Madam Alexander doll, and a full size doll that stood up about 2 ½ feet tall. I was given the tall doll and my sister the smaller Madam Alexander doll. But my mother for some reason switched them and gave my sister the tall baby doll and me the Madam Alexander doll. I had that doll for many years and even saved it for my oldest daughter, who named her Maggie. I thought that was kind of neat since my maternal 2nd great-grandmother’s name was Mague. After we moved to Utah I don’t remember what happed to the doll. The larger doll would make a [whahh] sound when squeezed; the smaller doll would cry Mama, Mama when she leaned back or forward. I liked her delicate features and pretty blond curls, small teeth and rosebud red lips. She was in a blue dress and white pinafore.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
My fifth grade, seventh, eighth, freshman, sophmore school picture in a flash of yester-years.

This last one is our old house my parents built when they were expecting me. San Antonio, the house that Carlos and Elena built with bricks made by him. What an accomplishment for a couple in their mid-twenties!!
A few pictures for TBT (throw back Thursday)
Today is a special day I celebrate with my family, and when we are all together we have an amazing, great feast of Heritage food, TAMALES1
We all love that tradition and it brings us closer on both sides of heaven. Enough said. I love you ALL and am so pleased to have my dear husband in my life to share that love. Hugs and kisses, everyone!!

This last one is our old house my parents built when they were expecting me. San Antonio, the house that Carlos and Elena built with bricks made by him. What an accomplishment for a couple in their mid-twenties!!
A few pictures for TBT (throw back Thursday)
Today is a special day I celebrate with my family, and when we are all together we have an amazing, great feast of Heritage food, TAMALES1
We all love that tradition and it brings us closer on both sides of heaven. Enough said. I love you ALL and am so pleased to have my dear husband in my life to share that love. Hugs and kisses, everyone!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Flashback in Time--Early Childhood Recollections, Thoughts
I think my age here is about two years old; we lived in San Antonio, Texas. Some of my earliest recollections are during the latter part of that year. My father had gone into the Army and was gone almost a year as I was told. He used to send us Hershey's chocolate almond candy bars. I remember we received a box of them from him while he was in the service. I loved eating the almonds and chocolate candy! I later discovered that because of the War (II)--sugar was rationed and not everyone could buy those Hershey's chocolate candy bars. My father bought us the treats at the Post Exchange aka the PX. The service men had the privilege of buying it unrestricted due to they were being rationed for civilians.
My mother did not drive very much at that time. So I recall going on the public transportation on the bus. She would take us into town since we lived in a rural area not far from the cement plant where my grandfather worked. My grandmother and grandfather were separated since my father was about twelve or thirteen years old. My grandmother lived farther down near town. They finalized their divorce about the time I was born. We would go see Buelito, as we called him which came from the Spanish word for grandfather, "abuelo," or "abuelito." When I was almost four my Uncle Richard built my grandmother's home on Center Street. I believe my grandfather, Richard may have provided the building of that home for her and my Aunts Celia and Helen who lived with Nane, (Nah-nee) as we called her.
Sometimes we would take the bus into town and stop at the drug store and get an ice cream come for each of us. Bea(trice) Canchola was a young cousin who worked at the drug store and made our ice cream cones for us. Mama always got me a strawberry ice cream cone``I think that was her favorite flavor. It was always a treat to go there on our way to town. I think I was about 16 months here. I was just learning to walk at 15 months. My mother had this photo taken for my Dad and sent it to him while he was gone in the Army. [He carried this photo in his wallet for many years with a wallet size photo of my beautiful mother]. He was a driver stationed near Portland, Oregon driving the medical corp vehicle aka an ambulance and picked up POW's from Germany and drove them to Camp Adair during the War.
P. S. I once saw a documentary about the "encampments" that housed prisoners of war who were sent to San Antonio from Japan, I believe or even Germany too. They were in makeshift tents along the sides of the road for some reason. It was something I had never imagined when I was growing up and just only discovered that this year. It is something I could research a little more to find out about that particular event.
My mother did not drive very much at that time. So I recall going on the public transportation on the bus. She would take us into town since we lived in a rural area not far from the cement plant where my grandfather worked. My grandmother and grandfather were separated since my father was about twelve or thirteen years old. My grandmother lived farther down near town. They finalized their divorce about the time I was born. We would go see Buelito, as we called him which came from the Spanish word for grandfather, "abuelo," or "abuelito." When I was almost four my Uncle Richard built my grandmother's home on Center Street. I believe my grandfather, Richard may have provided the building of that home for her and my Aunts Celia and Helen who lived with Nane, (Nah-nee) as we called her.
Sometimes we would take the bus into town and stop at the drug store and get an ice cream come for each of us. Bea(trice) Canchola was a young cousin who worked at the drug store and made our ice cream cones for us. Mama always got me a strawberry ice cream cone``I think that was her favorite flavor. It was always a treat to go there on our way to town. I think I was about 16 months here. I was just learning to walk at 15 months. My mother had this photo taken for my Dad and sent it to him while he was gone in the Army. [He carried this photo in his wallet for many years with a wallet size photo of my beautiful mother]. He was a driver stationed near Portland, Oregon driving the medical corp vehicle aka an ambulance and picked up POW's from Germany and drove them to Camp Adair during the War.
P. S. I once saw a documentary about the "encampments" that housed prisoners of war who were sent to San Antonio from Japan, I believe or even Germany too. They were in makeshift tents along the sides of the road for some reason. It was something I had never imagined when I was growing up and just only discovered that this year. It is something I could research a little more to find out about that particular event.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Old School
Imagine the surprise I received on a whim to "Google" my old elementary school in Chicago. Talk about reminiscing my childhood school days. There are several memories I have of walking to William Penn Elementary School at 1616 Avers Avenue, in Chicago. I started kindergarten there and went until the beginning of the first half of fourth grade.
I have a recollection of my first day of school and waiting for one of my brothers to pick me up after my afternoon kindergarten class. No one came so I began to walk home by myself. So I thought when I realized I was lost! I took the wrong street, but they looked alike on the corner where I kept walking. I eventually found a kind lady to walk me back to where I lived. IT was ever after that I was taught and memorized my address and phone number. I remember them both to this day. .. 1544 S Harding, phone number LA 1-2869.
The kindergarten teacher, Mrs Evans gave us a small glass bottle of milk and saltine crackers each day. We colored with crayons, listened to stories, sang songs and played on the outdoor playgro. We colored, listened to stories and played on the outdoor playground. The grades 1-4 were varied teachers since had a new one for each half grade since I would be in the lower have at the second half and the upper grade half at the beginning. So it seemed like I had two teachers in one school year. My birthday was in October, so I started school in January. It was kind of interesting. Being in the lower half of the fourth grade when we left Illinois I finished the fourth grade in a matter of months from April to June. I graduated from High school at seventeen, in California.
Fond Memories of the elementary achool was Nettie L Waite in Norwalk,California.
I have a recollection of my first day of school and waiting for one of my brothers to pick me up after my afternoon kindergarten class. No one came so I began to walk home by myself. So I thought when I realized I was lost! I took the wrong street, but they looked alike on the corner where I kept walking. I eventually found a kind lady to walk me back to where I lived. IT was ever after that I was taught and memorized my address and phone number. I remember them both to this day. .. 1544 S Harding, phone number LA 1-2869.
The kindergarten teacher, Mrs Evans gave us a small glass bottle of milk and saltine crackers each day. We colored with crayons, listened to stories, sang songs and played on the outdoor playgro. We colored, listened to stories and played on the outdoor playground. The grades 1-4 were varied teachers since had a new one for each half grade since I would be in the lower have at the second half and the upper grade half at the beginning. So it seemed like I had two teachers in one school year. My birthday was in October, so I started school in January. It was kind of interesting. Being in the lower half of the fourth grade when we left Illinois I finished the fourth grade in a matter of months from April to June. I graduated from High school at seventeen, in California.
Fond Memories of the elementary achool was Nettie L Waite in Norwalk,California.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Is His Image in Our Countenance?
Alma 5:4
And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?
16 I say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth?--
I re-read this chapter today. We attended our new ward yesterday and heard a reference of this scripture. We recently decided to attend the Spanish branch, the Virgin Valley Branch in Mesquite. We both felt a calmness in attending there. Our Area Seventy, Elder Wade spoke in Spanish. His comments were so sweet and both of us felt a sweet spirit of confirmation that we are where we are supposed to be and doing what we are supposed to be doing. The messages touch our hearts and burned upon us that no doubt existed in our decision to change wards. Our stake president was present and shook our hands as we left to go to Sunday school. He was elated to see us there as new members of the branch.
We felt welcome and ready to serve any way we are asked to do. The sister missionaries were asked to bear their testimonies. Both are native Spanish speaking; from Puerto Rico and Mexico,
And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?
15 Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?
16 I say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth?--
I re-read this chapter today. We attended our new ward yesterday and heard a reference of this scripture. We recently decided to attend the Spanish branch, the Virgin Valley Branch in Mesquite. We both felt a calmness in attending there. Our Area Seventy, Elder Wade spoke in Spanish. His comments were so sweet and both of us felt a sweet spirit of confirmation that we are where we are supposed to be and doing what we are supposed to be doing. The messages touch our hearts and burned upon us that no doubt existed in our decision to change wards. Our stake president was present and shook our hands as we left to go to Sunday school. He was elated to see us there as new members of the branch.
We felt welcome and ready to serve any way we are asked to do. The sister missionaries were asked to bear their testimonies. Both are native Spanish speaking; from Puerto Rico and Mexico,
Friday, July 18, 2014
(LDS) Church History Tour Excursion
This magnificent site was a must see on our tour. We were told that this is where the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be before he appears to the WORLD. Also that that entire green valley would be filled with people waiting to hear what he has to tell us.
View of Adam-Ondi-Ahman* This is such a remarkable place to see and witness for oneself. This is a huge valley located in Missouri which is noted in the Bible Dictionary to be the place of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived. . It has verdant hills and countless trees. Much of the land is owned now some 3500 acres by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
This incredible site is one that has to be experienced to appreciate the feeling there of the impact of serenity filled with hope and promise. It is also the place where the Savior, Jesus Christ will come first before his Second Coming.
It is also known there as Spring Hill today. It is mentioned in the Doctrine & Covenants, Section 116:1--"Spring Hill is named by the Lord Adam-Ondi-Ahman, because, said he, it is the place where Adam shall come to visit his people, or the Ancient of Days as spoken of by Daniel the Prophet."
We were just there to this beautiful place. We had lunch in the lovely park as it appears in the second photo with all the trees. I don't know why they (pictures) come out so small, but not like I intended them to share here.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
The Windows of Heaven Opened
this is just a glimpse of the home we stayed while in Cleveland going back and forth to the hospital to visit, son,Michael. It really lifted a burden to not have to worry about housing during that time. We are eternally grateful for the gracious hostess that opened her home to someone she didn't know beforehand. It was a truly Christ-like gesture to do such a kind thing for our family. Joanna, Matt, Aaron and I stayed there during our visits. We weren't all there at the same time, but nevertheless we were blessed. We more or less just slept there and came in late, and left the next morning to go to the hospital again each day.
It made a difference, and we, Joanna, Aaron and I attended Sunday morning Sacrament meeting and meet some of the "angels" who came to literally bless Michael and Joanna at the hospital. The local ward boundary includes the Cleveland Clinic and they take it seriously to attend to and take care of anyone who needed their assistance. They even offered and had the sacrament taken to Michael in his ICU room. We saw so many miracles and tender mercies, Their prayers in our behalf reached heaven, were heard and answered.
Sister Hoopes is the Relief Society president and allowed us all to stay there even while she was out of town while some of us were there. She ahd a six bedroom home there. Another sister in the ward brought Matt and Joanna Sunday dinner on Father's day. It wasn't "just dinner," either. It was a spread of a Hawaiian Luau. No joke. Joanna described it and it was out of this world. We met the sister who made that meal for them and was a delight. She even offered her home if and when Michael and Joanna need to go back to visit for any future checkups with the doctor. Her husband is there in Cleveland to finish his dentaly degree in pediatric dentistry.
All the doctors and staff were top-notch. We can't say enough good for all they did. They all worked as a team and not one person took the credit. We know our prayers were heard and answered from the start. How grateful I am for Michael's recovery and is progressing very well too. I am thankful too for all the faith and prayers extended in our family's and Michael's behalf. we are truly blessed.
It made a difference, and we, Joanna, Aaron and I attended Sunday morning Sacrament meeting and meet some of the "angels" who came to literally bless Michael and Joanna at the hospital. The local ward boundary includes the Cleveland Clinic and they take it seriously to attend to and take care of anyone who needed their assistance. They even offered and had the sacrament taken to Michael in his ICU room. We saw so many miracles and tender mercies, Their prayers in our behalf reached heaven, were heard and answered.
Sister Hoopes is the Relief Society president and allowed us all to stay there even while she was out of town while some of us were there. She ahd a six bedroom home there. Another sister in the ward brought Matt and Joanna Sunday dinner on Father's day. It wasn't "just dinner," either. It was a spread of a Hawaiian Luau. No joke. Joanna described it and it was out of this world. We met the sister who made that meal for them and was a delight. She even offered her home if and when Michael and Joanna need to go back to visit for any future checkups with the doctor. Her husband is there in Cleveland to finish his dentaly degree in pediatric dentistry.
All the doctors and staff were top-notch. We can't say enough good for all they did. They all worked as a team and not one person took the credit. We know our prayers were heard and answered from the start. How grateful I am for Michael's recovery and is progressing very well too. I am thankful too for all the faith and prayers extended in our family's and Michael's behalf. we are truly blessed.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Memorial Day 2014 Tribute to Four Brave Men
Once again Music & The Spoken Word has a way of presenting just the right words at the right time. I love to watch and listen to the messages given by Lloyd Newell in the weekly broadcast on Sunday mornings. It sets the tone and mood for me. i was particularly touched by this story of the four chaplains. [See 'fourchaplains.org/story.html]
"Honoring Our Heroes"
On February 3, 1943, the U.S. Army troopship Dorchester, part of a naval convoy, steamed steadily across the icy waters of the North Atlantic Ocean en route to World War II's European front. On board were 900 soldiers trained at military facilities like this one, Camp Williams, in Utah. The seas were rough, and the stretch was treacherous; German submarines were known to lurk below in what was called "torpedo alley."
At 12:55 a.m. a German submarine fired three torpedoes at the Dorchester. One ripped into the middle of the ship, and it swiftly began to sink. Chaos erupted on board. Several soldiers were killed; several more were injured. Some men jumped overboard. Four army chaplains-Protestant ministers George Fox and Clark Poling, Catholic priest John Washington, and Jewish rabbi Alexander Goode-were among the first to reach the top deck. Doing what chaplains do, they immediately began providing comfort, guidance, and hope. Calmly and systematically they distributed life jackets and, when the supply ran out, took off their own life jackets, handed them to the panicked soldiers, and pointed them to waiting lifeboats.
As the ship slid beneath the surface, soldiers in lifeboats caught one last look at the chaplains standing on the hull of the ship, arm-in-arm, praying. Rescue ships pulled 230 to safety that night, but almost 700 died.
The four chaplains were not among the survivors.
John Ladd, one of the survivors who witnessed the chaplains' selfless acts, later said, "It was the finest thing I have seen or hope to see this side of heaven."1
As we honor those who gave their lives in service to our country, we remember that faith and selflessness are fundamental to honorable living. Their examples teach us where faith and selflessness lead and what courage, compassion, and sacrifice really mean. May we recognize and value these qualities in others and strive to develop them in ourselves.
1. See "The Saga of the Four Chaplains," fourchaplains.org/story.html.
Note: You can YouTube this broadcast in a oouple of weeks when posted to view.
"Honoring Our Heroes"
On February 3, 1943, the U.S. Army troopship Dorchester, part of a naval convoy, steamed steadily across the icy waters of the North Atlantic Ocean en route to World War II's European front. On board were 900 soldiers trained at military facilities like this one, Camp Williams, in Utah. The seas were rough, and the stretch was treacherous; German submarines were known to lurk below in what was called "torpedo alley."
At 12:55 a.m. a German submarine fired three torpedoes at the Dorchester. One ripped into the middle of the ship, and it swiftly began to sink. Chaos erupted on board. Several soldiers were killed; several more were injured. Some men jumped overboard. Four army chaplains-Protestant ministers George Fox and Clark Poling, Catholic priest John Washington, and Jewish rabbi Alexander Goode-were among the first to reach the top deck. Doing what chaplains do, they immediately began providing comfort, guidance, and hope. Calmly and systematically they distributed life jackets and, when the supply ran out, took off their own life jackets, handed them to the panicked soldiers, and pointed them to waiting lifeboats.
As the ship slid beneath the surface, soldiers in lifeboats caught one last look at the chaplains standing on the hull of the ship, arm-in-arm, praying. Rescue ships pulled 230 to safety that night, but almost 700 died.
The four chaplains were not among the survivors.
John Ladd, one of the survivors who witnessed the chaplains' selfless acts, later said, "It was the finest thing I have seen or hope to see this side of heaven."1
As we honor those who gave their lives in service to our country, we remember that faith and selflessness are fundamental to honorable living. Their examples teach us where faith and selflessness lead and what courage, compassion, and sacrifice really mean. May we recognize and value these qualities in others and strive to develop them in ourselves.
1. See "The Saga of the Four Chaplains," fourchaplains.org/story.html.
Note: You can YouTube this broadcast in a oouple of weeks when posted to view.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Accepting a Chalenge for Good Works
We have a new ward and we feel a part of it already! Our new home has brought us new opportunities to grow, learn and get acquainted with our ward family. Their friendliness is boundless and they go the extra mile to make sure we feel welcomed. The bishop called us one evening just after we moved in and invited us to a ward dinner activity at the park behind the ward building that we probably would not otherwise have realized to go ourselves.
Then the bishopric came to visit us as well and again we felt welcomed and got to know who they are and they to know who we were too. I attended Relief Society each week and love the teachers' lessons and participation with them. We were recently asked as members of the ward through an announcement to get involved in doing Family Search Indexing. They announced that they have about 25 Family History Consultants for the Family History Center. They also asked if we would be able to do Family Search Indexing at home. The supervisor,( Verona E) for that [project] came over to show me how to do the Obituary project the Church is currently doing. She is our bishop's wife and such a fine, delightful person to get to know. She reminds me of one of my former bishop's wife, Sister England.
The Stake Relief Society had a women's seminar in April, called "What A Holy Woman Do?" It was a beautiful challenge for the stake sisters to try an experiment for three days to ask ourselves the question, "What would a holy woman do?"
The R S Stake board did that since January and reported to us what they experienced. It was so uplifting and the reported how it changed so many lives as they chose to live those words. The idea came from a book written by Kristen W Nelson, the wife of one of our Twelve Apostles. It is a short book but very full of counsel and encouragement. They gave us each a spiritual "gift card" with the same words, "What Would A Holy Woman Do?" I decided to accept their suggestion to try the experiment.
I started reading the eBook of it and put into practice. I found it helped be be more attuned to the guidance of the Holy Ghost and listen to the still small voice in accepting a new church calling that made that experience so sweet. I figuratively went from night to day in my perspective in that decision. It was nothing short of a miracle. My husband and I went to the temple during that week of contemplation. I received a sweet confirmation and witness of what a holy woman would do and was convinced of the blessing it would become in that acceptance. I felt so much peace, love and support all around me that I have never known regarding the steps to accept what the Lord would have me do in this instance. I know I had a 'mighty change of heart' that would have missed had I not taken the time to really search for the answer I sought.
I hope anyone reading about this challenge will seek out the book and see the miraculous effect it has upon each of you. It is an incredible, life changing event.
Then the bishopric came to visit us as well and again we felt welcomed and got to know who they are and they to know who we were too. I attended Relief Society each week and love the teachers' lessons and participation with them. We were recently asked as members of the ward through an announcement to get involved in doing Family Search Indexing. They announced that they have about 25 Family History Consultants for the Family History Center. They also asked if we would be able to do Family Search Indexing at home. The supervisor,( Verona E) for that [project] came over to show me how to do the Obituary project the Church is currently doing. She is our bishop's wife and such a fine, delightful person to get to know. She reminds me of one of my former bishop's wife, Sister England.
The Stake Relief Society had a women's seminar in April, called "What A Holy Woman Do?" It was a beautiful challenge for the stake sisters to try an experiment for three days to ask ourselves the question, "What would a holy woman do?"
The R S Stake board did that since January and reported to us what they experienced. It was so uplifting and the reported how it changed so many lives as they chose to live those words. The idea came from a book written by Kristen W Nelson, the wife of one of our Twelve Apostles. It is a short book but very full of counsel and encouragement. They gave us each a spiritual "gift card" with the same words, "What Would A Holy Woman Do?" I decided to accept their suggestion to try the experiment.
I started reading the eBook of it and put into practice. I found it helped be be more attuned to the guidance of the Holy Ghost and listen to the still small voice in accepting a new church calling that made that experience so sweet. I figuratively went from night to day in my perspective in that decision. It was nothing short of a miracle. My husband and I went to the temple during that week of contemplation. I received a sweet confirmation and witness of what a holy woman would do and was convinced of the blessing it would become in that acceptance. I felt so much peace, love and support all around me that I have never known regarding the steps to accept what the Lord would have me do in this instance. I know I had a 'mighty change of heart' that would have missed had I not taken the time to really search for the answer I sought.
I hope anyone reading about this challenge will seek out the book and see the miraculous effect it has upon each of you. It is an incredible, life changing event.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
No Casual Conversatoion
I love my husband. I learn something from him every day. I learn who he is and how he has come to be who he is. We were having lunch and I had a question that I had pondered in my mind for a long time. We talked about when Jesus performed his first miracle with making water into wine at a marriage in Cana of Galilee.
I am in awe of the workings and miracles that Jesus performed while he was on the earth. We are reading the New Testament and are into the lives and writings of the Apostles. Some of those writings are not as easy to read as I would like. Nevertheless I continue to be touched by the "miracles" that Christ performed, as told and quoted by his apostles. His first miracle was noted at the marriage at Cana in Galilee.
It was a social gathering (a wedding) and the hosts ran out of wine. Mary came to Jesus to tell him there was no more wine. Then she told the servants to do whatever Jesus asked of them after she begged him to help as there was a need for wine for the guests. I thought about her insistence and realized that she knew in her heart her son was capable of making wine from water, no ordinary request.
He was obedient to Mary's request and instructed the servants to fill the stone pots to the brim with water. The next thing you know, there are pots of delicious wine served that even the ruler at the marriage gathering commented on the quality of the wine they were served.
Not much is said about how the actual wine was made, but the results of the crowd deemed that the wine served before was "not as good" but the "thou hast kept the good wine until now." John 2:1-11
Ron and I talked about what other miracles were performed and was pleased to hear his explanation with depth and understanding. I saw in him for that moment the instructor and professor he had been teaching me and answering my questions.
It was like drinking from a well of pure water that quenched the very thirst I had to know what he knew and taught me. I am most grateful for the scriptures and the blessing it is to study them with Ron.
I am in awe of the workings and miracles that Jesus performed while he was on the earth. We are reading the New Testament and are into the lives and writings of the Apostles. Some of those writings are not as easy to read as I would like. Nevertheless I continue to be touched by the "miracles" that Christ performed, as told and quoted by his apostles. His first miracle was noted at the marriage at Cana in Galilee.
It was a social gathering (a wedding) and the hosts ran out of wine. Mary came to Jesus to tell him there was no more wine. Then she told the servants to do whatever Jesus asked of them after she begged him to help as there was a need for wine for the guests. I thought about her insistence and realized that she knew in her heart her son was capable of making wine from water, no ordinary request.
He was obedient to Mary's request and instructed the servants to fill the stone pots to the brim with water. The next thing you know, there are pots of delicious wine served that even the ruler at the marriage gathering commented on the quality of the wine they were served.
Not much is said about how the actual wine was made, but the results of the crowd deemed that the wine served before was "not as good" but the "thou hast kept the good wine until now." John 2:1-11
Ron and I talked about what other miracles were performed and was pleased to hear his explanation with depth and understanding. I saw in him for that moment the instructor and professor he had been teaching me and answering my questions.
It was like drinking from a well of pure water that quenched the very thirst I had to know what he knew and taught me. I am most grateful for the scriptures and the blessing it is to study them with Ron.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Our New Home
We are enjoying the warmer weather in our new home in Mesquite, Nevada. Ron has the garden plot in and a few rows with tomato plants, Anaheim peppers, egg plants, with seeds planted for cantaloupes, and Crenshaws. Our garden here at home he's planted a few tomato plants, and seeds for cucumbers.
He has been focused on having our front yard become an orchard. So far he has planted several trees. 2 pomegranate, one apricot, one peach and two fig trees. I even requested a Bouganvillea vine. He installed the drip irrigation system out front. (See photos)He has been busy!
He has been focused on having our front yard become an orchard. So far he has planted several trees. 2 pomegranate, one apricot, one peach and two fig trees. I even requested a Bouganvillea vine. He installed the drip irrigation system out front. (See photos)He has been busy!
Happy Easter!!
So love these beautiful flowers we got yesterday. The smell of Spring flowers takes me back to the years in elementary school. They remind me when I went to school at Wm Penn Elementary school in Chicago.
Spring is always a wonderful time of the year especially after a long winter and its lack of sunny days. It is almost as if the Earth is asleep in the winter and wakes up to Spring!
Hope Springs eternal and the newness of life begins all over again. Much like the earth is being resurrected each year. The burst of Spring brings the daffodils, tulips and pansies are my favorite signs of Spring at last.
Easter is also part of that promise of life eternal and its beauty abounding wherever you look. The grass is green again, the skies are clear and blue. What more can be said?
Spring is always a wonderful time of the year especially after a long winter and its lack of sunny days. It is almost as if the Earth is asleep in the winter and wakes up to Spring!
Hope Springs eternal and the newness of life begins all over again. Much like the earth is being resurrected each year. The burst of Spring brings the daffodils, tulips and pansies are my favorite signs of Spring at last.
Easter is also part of that promise of life eternal and its beauty abounding wherever you look. The grass is green again, the skies are clear and blue. What more can be said?
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Keys to a Happy and Successful Life
Matt. 6: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
3 Ne. 13: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
The older I become, the wiser. . . ? I read recently where a person who learns the lessons of life and acts on them the greater they understand their purpose in life.
The journey that Lehi and Sariah took into the wilderness can be liken unto us. We follow the words of the Savior ]hold onto the Iron Rod] and make those words to live by and our lives become meaningful. I am so grateful for those lessons of life that have given me room to grow and the refinement it has been to me personally. When we come into this world, we get our bodies and live. Are we not "unpolished" stones at birth, that over time we are hewned and ground to eventually become those beautiful polished stones we admire so much?
Children love picking up rough rocks that have attracted them and put them into their little hands to feel, touch and experience what that rock has within it. But if you take those same stones and put them in a rock tumbler, those stones are rubbing with other rocks and in time they come out more beautiful and shiny than they could ever imagine. Our life's experiences are much like the sand inside that tumbler that rolls thousands of times to get the results when that rock becomes so beautiful and polished.
But look where and how it came to be. Each trial that comes makes us a little better if we "get it." Otherwise we have to relearn those same trials unless we get it right along the way. Lessons can be learned easy, or they can be harder to learn. It is up to us and how we perceive ourselves.
It has been my observation over the years that those who are obedient and willing to be easily entreated and guided by the Holy Ghost they have found that KEY that brings peace, happiness and Joy. Our father in Heaven has a plan for us, and that is to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. God gave us his only begotten Son, who was born, suffered and died at the hands of others and gave his life for us as we come to know him, and embrace his atoning sacrifice and go forward. He has willingly paid the ransom the rue for us in FULL.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
3 Ne. 13: 33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
The older I become, the wiser. . . ? I read recently where a person who learns the lessons of life and acts on them the greater they understand their purpose in life.
The journey that Lehi and Sariah took into the wilderness can be liken unto us. We follow the words of the Savior ]hold onto the Iron Rod] and make those words to live by and our lives become meaningful. I am so grateful for those lessons of life that have given me room to grow and the refinement it has been to me personally. When we come into this world, we get our bodies and live. Are we not "unpolished" stones at birth, that over time we are hewned and ground to eventually become those beautiful polished stones we admire so much?
Children love picking up rough rocks that have attracted them and put them into their little hands to feel, touch and experience what that rock has within it. But if you take those same stones and put them in a rock tumbler, those stones are rubbing with other rocks and in time they come out more beautiful and shiny than they could ever imagine. Our life's experiences are much like the sand inside that tumbler that rolls thousands of times to get the results when that rock becomes so beautiful and polished.
But look where and how it came to be. Each trial that comes makes us a little better if we "get it." Otherwise we have to relearn those same trials unless we get it right along the way. Lessons can be learned easy, or they can be harder to learn. It is up to us and how we perceive ourselves.
It has been my observation over the years that those who are obedient and willing to be easily entreated and guided by the Holy Ghost they have found that KEY that brings peace, happiness and Joy. Our father in Heaven has a plan for us, and that is to follow our Savior Jesus Christ. God gave us his only begotten Son, who was born, suffered and died at the hands of others and gave his life for us as we come to know him, and embrace his atoning sacrifice and go forward. He has willingly paid the ransom the rue for us in FULL.
Monday, February 17, 2014
You, WE Never Walk Alone
A gentle reminder that we are NEVER alone. God is there for us and willing to take us by the hand and even carry us through the storms of life. May this uplift your day and carry you through always.
You'll Never Walk Alone - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Uploaded by Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Purchase "You'll Never Walk Alone" from the album "Showtime! Music of Broadway and Hollywood": Amazon:
http://amzn.to/TVSul4 iTunes: http://bit.ly/UcPP94 Deseret Book: http://bit.ly/UcPQtD LDS Store:
I tried to cut and paste this link. You can go into youtube to the MoTab site and listen to this song.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Secret Sister of the Month
I grew up in California but was born in Texas. I was raised by strict, goodly parents who taught me and gave me a strong religious foundation and faith in Jesus Christ. I had many faith promoting experiences where my life was spared that prepared me for the gospel.
I found the Church as a young adult at Temple Square in Salt Lake City while on a vacation where I first heard and learned of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. Six months later young missionary Elders came tracting at my door. They taught me and I knew I had an immediate testimony of Joseph Smith and never doubted since. The rest is history.
My testimony of the gospel and the truthfulness of it gave me comfort and hope over the years and taught my children likewise.
Education was a priority as I re-entered university studies when my youngest son was in high school. I attended classes along side with many of my grown children and graduated with an Associate, Bachelor and Master degree. My love for learning bore fruit in both spiritual and secular studies.
I have a love for creative writing as a way to express myself and have kept a journal(s) for many years. My interests have been in Calligraphy, Pastels, Oils. I spent seven years giving service in the temple; I have been a Family History Consultant and continue writing my family and personal history. I collect photos of my ancestors and have photos of my own growing up years. My goal this year is to complete several volumes of pictures with stories of my ancestors and personal history for posterity. My favorite callings in church have been teaching in the organizations.
I have been very blessed as a wife and mother and have no greater joy than to see our children walk in light and truth.
Anna Walser
If you didn't know me, could you have guessed who this was?
I found the Church as a young adult at Temple Square in Salt Lake City while on a vacation where I first heard and learned of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. Six months later young missionary Elders came tracting at my door. They taught me and I knew I had an immediate testimony of Joseph Smith and never doubted since. The rest is history.
My testimony of the gospel and the truthfulness of it gave me comfort and hope over the years and taught my children likewise.
Education was a priority as I re-entered university studies when my youngest son was in high school. I attended classes along side with many of my grown children and graduated with an Associate, Bachelor and Master degree. My love for learning bore fruit in both spiritual and secular studies.
I have a love for creative writing as a way to express myself and have kept a journal(s) for many years. My interests have been in Calligraphy, Pastels, Oils. I spent seven years giving service in the temple; I have been a Family History Consultant and continue writing my family and personal history. I collect photos of my ancestors and have photos of my own growing up years. My goal this year is to complete several volumes of pictures with stories of my ancestors and personal history for posterity. My favorite callings in church have been teaching in the organizations.
I have been very blessed as a wife and mother and have no greater joy than to see our children walk in light and truth.
Anna Walser
If you didn't know me, could you have guessed who this was?
Appreciation and Admiration
Morning thoughts~from December 4, 2011 Anna R Walser (files)
There is such beauty in a husband and wife’s relationship that continues to impress me as I feel my Savior’s love for us as a couple. The love that God has for us also is so evident in the same way.
I know how real my Heavenly Father is and that Jesus is the Christ, his only begotten Son. I know that they are aware of me and know who I am and what I am about in my life.
Their Love for me has given me through all my trials I have had in this life such comfort and peace. I know that those experiences have given me experience to endure and come unto them.
I feel a great love and bonding toward my wonderful eternal companion and to Connie. I know that she had so much love for our Savior and for her husband and children. She blesses them and us every way that she is allowed to do from the other side of the veil.
She has the most beautiful striking blue eyes. The light in them is reflected and His image is upon her countenance. [Alma 5:] can truly testify that she has received His image which is engravened upon her face which I have seen in pictures of her throughout her life.
I know that she endured the refiner’s fire of her life’s journey and experiences here on earth. The other day I was doing a massage on Ron. He was so restful and appreciative of my hands moving over his back and arms. I went to do his feet and held them in my hands and worked on the deep tissue. I, all of sudden heard in my mind a voice tell me "how much she loved her husband Ron, and thanked me for takimg good care of him.”
Her children are the jewels in her crown. I am impressed how they live their lives and are in honor of their mother who taught them from their early years to love the Lord with all their hearts, might and minds. She was also a powerful force for good in the life of her dear husband, Ron. I have a witness that her work continues beyond the veil and blesses each and every one that she loves and serves even still. The veil is parted just enough to feel her presence and goodness that permeates her Spirit and soul.
Many times Ron and I will have long quiet conversation especially in the morning about Connie and insights that come to mind. This morning I sensed a sweet warmth about us and had a thoughts come to mind about Connie. I know Ron loved her very much and at times must have some of feelings of her loss in his life. I then thanked him for giving me a place in his heart to share with her.
I know that we have a partnership that is beautiful and Celestial and I am so thankful for Connie and her acceptance of me to be with Ron. I cherish those thoughts and feelings and embrace them which fill my soul with great peace and love.
There is such beauty in a husband and wife’s relationship that continues to impress me as I feel my Savior’s love for us as a couple. The love that God has for us also is so evident in the same way.
I know how real my Heavenly Father is and that Jesus is the Christ, his only begotten Son. I know that they are aware of me and know who I am and what I am about in my life.
Their Love for me has given me through all my trials I have had in this life such comfort and peace. I know that those experiences have given me experience to endure and come unto them.
I feel a great love and bonding toward my wonderful eternal companion and to Connie. I know that she had so much love for our Savior and for her husband and children. She blesses them and us every way that she is allowed to do from the other side of the veil.
She has the most beautiful striking blue eyes. The light in them is reflected and His image is upon her countenance. [Alma 5:] can truly testify that she has received His image which is engravened upon her face which I have seen in pictures of her throughout her life.
I know that she endured the refiner’s fire of her life’s journey and experiences here on earth. The other day I was doing a massage on Ron. He was so restful and appreciative of my hands moving over his back and arms. I went to do his feet and held them in my hands and worked on the deep tissue. I, all of sudden heard in my mind a voice tell me "how much she loved her husband Ron, and thanked me for takimg good care of him.”
Her children are the jewels in her crown. I am impressed how they live their lives and are in honor of their mother who taught them from their early years to love the Lord with all their hearts, might and minds. She was also a powerful force for good in the life of her dear husband, Ron. I have a witness that her work continues beyond the veil and blesses each and every one that she loves and serves even still. The veil is parted just enough to feel her presence and goodness that permeates her Spirit and soul.
Many times Ron and I will have long quiet conversation especially in the morning about Connie and insights that come to mind. This morning I sensed a sweet warmth about us and had a thoughts come to mind about Connie. I know Ron loved her very much and at times must have some of feelings of her loss in his life. I then thanked him for giving me a place in his heart to share with her.
I know that we have a partnership that is beautiful and Celestial and I am so thankful for Connie and her acceptance of me to be with Ron. I cherish those thoughts and feelings and embrace them which fill my soul with great peace and love.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Second Nephi 9: How Great and Wondrous is His Plan of Happiness!!
52 Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice.
This reference struck me and reminds me to stay close by with thanks unto His holy name.
Many years ago when I was in a class taught by Bro Ed Pinegar, he impressed upon us to study and read this chapter everyday for 30 days. I did that and it changed my life. I know from the full measure of this scripture and it is pure and how the Atonement permeates our lives in any and every degree of our beings, lives.
I am moved by the reference when he tells us how there is no keeper of the Gate except for the Holy One. " . . . and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.
There is nothing left out of this chapter to bring us to the path to Eternal Life.
What is Eternal Life?
"3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
It is my witness that I know as we ALL walk through our own life's experiences we come to know through those trials, triumphs, joy, pain, disappointment or sorrow that we are beckoned to come unto HIM in our own way and time.
It rests upon our shoulders to carry on and bear those burdens though the Atonement of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This reference struck me and reminds me to stay close by with thanks unto His holy name.
Many years ago when I was in a class taught by Bro Ed Pinegar, he impressed upon us to study and read this chapter everyday for 30 days. I did that and it changed my life. I know from the full measure of this scripture and it is pure and how the Atonement permeates our lives in any and every degree of our beings, lives.
I am moved by the reference when he tells us how there is no keeper of the Gate except for the Holy One. " . . . and the keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel; and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.
There is nothing left out of this chapter to bring us to the path to Eternal Life.
What is Eternal Life?
"3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
It is my witness that I know as we ALL walk through our own life's experiences we come to know through those trials, triumphs, joy, pain, disappointment or sorrow that we are beckoned to come unto HIM in our own way and time.
It rests upon our shoulders to carry on and bear those burdens though the Atonement of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Rediscovering Lost Relatives, "My Roots"
Maria del Refugio with her children Celia, Richared, Carlos, Chelo, Elena and Alicia.
Eufemio my Canchola great-grandfather, father to Maria del Refugio.
Today I had the privilege of following through to call some of my San Antonio relatives that I had not spoken to since my father, Carlos passed away. While Ron and I were in San Antonio in November last year (2013) I found some phone numbers for R. Canchola. I wanted to reconnect with them to do some genealogy research and perhaps see if they had a few photos of my father as a young boy in a group school picture that I just have a computer generated printed copy.
However, the name and phone number I found was a Canchola cousin on (Carlos' side )and discovered that the cousin I was looking for had passed away. Isn't that a reminder to me to ACT when the thought comes to check on things like that and not wait! The relative I contacted was also cousin to Reynaldo Canchola, and was Eufemio Reynaldo and went by "Memo." His wife is Isabel. I think the other Reynaldo went by the same name but listed his wife's name in the directory. I actually found Isabel C. and had a wonderful hour long conversation catching up on family history. I think this couple are my second cousins.
Isabel told me a few stories about my grandmother when she was a young girl just married to her husband. She said she herself married very young and Nane, aka Cuquita taught her how to cook and spent time at her home at the cement plant or on Pinto Street. Her husband worked at Portland Cement too. She told me that her husband was my grandmother's favorite nephew and called him "Memito."
It was a real joy and pleasure to talk to her and felt such a warm return of her kindness and interest in me. They both spoke to me, and I do remember meeting them in 2003 at Daddy's funeral in San Antonio. We exchanged emails, photos and will keep in touch with each other.
I made note of the information on the Reynaldo who passed away and found one of his siblings Maria de los Angeles (obituary online) later who had never married and passed away since her brother, Reynaldo. They all lived out at the cement plant in their younger years as adults. I felt like I had touched history once again and was back in San Antonio as a child. I loved the opportunity to reconnect and catch up on these Canchola relatives.
This family history work is never done, is it? I find that piercing of the veil prodding me to keep searching and never stop finding more relatives. Sometimes my husband tells me to stop doing more of the extraction names I found on my own on church CDs. There are thousands of names and we cannot possibly do them all ourselves. But the problem is I don't now how I am connected with them even though their surnames are Ulloa, Canchola, Munoz, Garcia, etc. I see his point. These recent finds are different in that I KNOW who they are and how we are related and connected. So that is perfectly acceptable to submit their names of their temple blessings. The other names I am not sure what can be done about them, perhaps only that I must leave it to the Lord to have them extracted in an orderly way and be obedient to the Church's stand about that issue.
I am so thankful to have rediscovered my father's cousin, Reynaldo C. who very likely has accepted the gospel. The missionaries on the other side of the veil must have prepared him to open the doors of understanding and accepting the message since November 2007 when he passed away. I can do my part to follow up and talk to his widow who lives in San Antonio and got acquainted with them too when I was there in 2003.
Isabel C remembered me and knew about me that I was "Mormon." The Tias had told her about me, and asked about my brother, Bob and knew him when he lived in S.A. in his youth. She invited me to come back and visit with them next time we go to Texas.
I love this work and never tire of finding more opportunities to bring the saving ordinances to our kindred. Especially love finding the living and on the other side of the veil.
Eufemio my Canchola great-grandfather, father to Maria del Refugio.
Today I had the privilege of following through to call some of my San Antonio relatives that I had not spoken to since my father, Carlos passed away. While Ron and I were in San Antonio in November last year (2013) I found some phone numbers for R. Canchola. I wanted to reconnect with them to do some genealogy research and perhaps see if they had a few photos of my father as a young boy in a group school picture that I just have a computer generated printed copy.
However, the name and phone number I found was a Canchola cousin on (Carlos' side )and discovered that the cousin I was looking for had passed away. Isn't that a reminder to me to ACT when the thought comes to check on things like that and not wait! The relative I contacted was also cousin to Reynaldo Canchola, and was Eufemio Reynaldo and went by "Memo." His wife is Isabel. I think the other Reynaldo went by the same name but listed his wife's name in the directory. I actually found Isabel C. and had a wonderful hour long conversation catching up on family history. I think this couple are my second cousins.
Isabel told me a few stories about my grandmother when she was a young girl just married to her husband. She said she herself married very young and Nane, aka Cuquita taught her how to cook and spent time at her home at the cement plant or on Pinto Street. Her husband worked at Portland Cement too. She told me that her husband was my grandmother's favorite nephew and called him "Memito."
It was a real joy and pleasure to talk to her and felt such a warm return of her kindness and interest in me. They both spoke to me, and I do remember meeting them in 2003 at Daddy's funeral in San Antonio. We exchanged emails, photos and will keep in touch with each other.
I made note of the information on the Reynaldo who passed away and found one of his siblings Maria de los Angeles (obituary online) later who had never married and passed away since her brother, Reynaldo. They all lived out at the cement plant in their younger years as adults. I felt like I had touched history once again and was back in San Antonio as a child. I loved the opportunity to reconnect and catch up on these Canchola relatives.
This family history work is never done, is it? I find that piercing of the veil prodding me to keep searching and never stop finding more relatives. Sometimes my husband tells me to stop doing more of the extraction names I found on my own on church CDs. There are thousands of names and we cannot possibly do them all ourselves. But the problem is I don't now how I am connected with them even though their surnames are Ulloa, Canchola, Munoz, Garcia, etc. I see his point. These recent finds are different in that I KNOW who they are and how we are related and connected. So that is perfectly acceptable to submit their names of their temple blessings. The other names I am not sure what can be done about them, perhaps only that I must leave it to the Lord to have them extracted in an orderly way and be obedient to the Church's stand about that issue.
I am so thankful to have rediscovered my father's cousin, Reynaldo C. who very likely has accepted the gospel. The missionaries on the other side of the veil must have prepared him to open the doors of understanding and accepting the message since November 2007 when he passed away. I can do my part to follow up and talk to his widow who lives in San Antonio and got acquainted with them too when I was there in 2003.
Isabel C remembered me and knew about me that I was "Mormon." The Tias had told her about me, and asked about my brother, Bob and knew him when he lived in S.A. in his youth. She invited me to come back and visit with them next time we go to Texas.
I love this work and never tire of finding more opportunities to bring the saving ordinances to our kindred. Especially love finding the living and on the other side of the veil.
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